Saturday, July 04, 2009

Blind Items Revealed

April 7, 2009

Have you ever waited in line at a bookstore? You know how they have designed a way to make you feel like a rat in a cage by winding you back and forth like you are in line at an amusement park? Well, last night at Barnes & Noble at The Grove there was quite the line wrapped around and around. People were waiting patiently in line to either check out or to get their parking validated. There was only one person working the front and so the line was taking unusually long to move.

As the "everyday people" were all waiting patiently, up comes this former A list television actor and show host who considers himself a funny man, but comes across as a skeevy perv. At one point in time it seemed as every show on the network had this guy on it. Our actor/comic/tool looked at the line and basically said forget this. He then went around the line to the front and if that wasn't bad enough, interrupted the person being checked out so that our actor/comic/tool could get his parking ticket validated. Way to win friends. Oh, and people did say things to him, but he totally ignored them. Oh, he was there with the current host of the show he used to host who was wandering around the store with some woman.

Bob Saget


  1. He seems so skeevy. Ugh. I don't even like hearing his voice on HIMYM!

  2. Maybe it was his evil twin, Manny Tanner.

  3. Stupid Saget!
    Doesn't he need the everyday people to support him in his new comedy?

    Mind you, I suppose his fans can't read anyways.

  4. i think someone guessed this one. i saw his stand up act and i'm no prude, but he's sickening. i can't even look at him anymore.

    oh, and he's NOT funny.

  5. He is a skeevy perv. Gross.

  6. We're getting good at these! I'd love to see him hit on Jennifer Aniston. That would be hilarious.

  7. In "The Aristocrats," he came across as having the same sense of humor as an 11-year old boy. Just raunchy for raunchy's sake, IMO.

    Doesn't he get laid a lot too? That really grosses me out. He is not attractive to me at all.

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I think I remember seeing something about Tom Bergeron having an affair...this was right before this blind popped up.

  9. Anonymous1:06 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I don't see the problem with what he did. I have done/and will continue to do the same thing. Generally, a lot of places will just take the parking pass, validate and continue assisting people. Doesn't take that long. I've even been purchasing something and had someone else get validated at the same time. I just don't see the issue.

    I am, however--a bonfide asshole, so this makes sense that I wouldn't think this is that rude.

  11. Nnnnoooooooooo, not Saget!!!!

  12. ok i'm 2 for 2 so far. Bob in interviews is soooo creepy. He loves the fact he is 50+ and his g/f is in her early 20's.

    He is a step away from *Charlie Chaplinville.

    *For you young kids, Charlie Chaplin was a well known pedophile. But he was protected by the Hollywood Studios.

  13. He gets laid with some young ladies, thats for sure. He was a hit at my friends sisters HS.

  14. HATE his comedy. he was oddly endearing on full house, but his comedy is just beyond. i'm no prude, either, but he's not even funny. more like a little kid who just learned his first dirty words.

    but i almost kinda see this as not being TOO bad if it was just a parking validation. although, aren't you supposed to be a customer to get your validation? and if his companion was still shopping, what was the friggin' hurry?

  15. I could only watch 4 minutes of the Aristocrats and I am no prude. I was just plain bored.

  16. The Aristocrats was terrible.

  17. i suggested to start one Luna, and even offered to keep score - but there wasnt much interest and so I stopped half way into it...

  18. loved 'the aristocrats.' did not love HIM in it or a few others. but i thought it was really funny.

  19. @Linnea

    I would cheer you on, for sure! I thought about doing it myself, but I am never as thorough/detail-oriented as I like to think.

  20. Parts of the Aristocrats were funny (The South Park thing was the best). But the only reason I watched the whole thing is because I saw it in the theater. If I tried to watch it at home, I would have given up 5 minutes in. It is pretty bad, really.

    You hit the nail on the head about Saget's humor, B.Bunny.

  21. I guess Saget was pretty much playing himself when he was a guest star on Entourage. Eeeew.

  22. Never thought he was funny.

  23. Apple - really sbout Charlie Chaplin? That is majorly effed up. How did you hear about that?

  24. Anonymous7:09 PM

    If later biographers got it right, then Charlie Chaplin was likely an ephebophile, not a pedophile, as he seemed to be attracted to post-pubescent girls (16 and older). Creepy to be sure for men in their thirties, (Charlie married his first wife when he was 29 and she was 16), but in some states it's legal, and back during Charlie's lifetime, probably more common, in general, then it is now. However, it's certainly different than someone who wants to have a sexual relationship with someone who is pre-pubescent, (pedophile). (Sorry but the word is misused way too much)

    Also there's little to suggest that the studios were able to hide Charlie's "partner preference" from the public. He was even charged under the Mann act in 1944, after his relationship with Joan Barry, although he was later acquitted. Not so much for his relationships, but more so for his politics, Charlie Chaplin was pretty much hounded out of the US by 1952, so it's not likely that the studios would have been able to cover up anything that he did, even if they had wanted to.

    Having said all of that. Bob Saget sure is a creep.. And anyone that gets into a relationship with him, should see what's coming.. BTW, if I had been the guy checking out, and he would have tried to interrupt my transaction, you would have been reading an entirely different way the incident ended. Something whereby paramedics were called to remove my foot from his ass. And for the record, he's not nearly the funniest comedian in the Aristocrats, which for me is hands down, Gilbert Gottfried..

    disclaimer: I realize after composing this that it's too long, and I, (again),must sound like a dick, but I figure that we all do what we can to add to the very excellent blog that is CDAN. I'm no good at guesses, don't know a lot about current celebrity culture, (my favorite TV and movies are from the 70s). So all I can do is sit here in MY basement, overweight and sweating, (but without the multiple divorces, and I'm NOT a lawyer), read the posts and laugh. Reveal day is also MY favorite CDAN day. Please understand that I am enjoying the groove here too, it's just that all I can add is reading, researching, Googling and the like, (and I guess sound like an ass..) PEACE..
