Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Independence Day

Well, that is it for this time around. I really hope you enjoyed the day a great deal. I know I have said it often recently but I am very grateful to each of you for all that you do everyday. I have the best readers. Every morning I write this blog I do it for all of you. I want to thank you again for making the past 2.5 years a joy and I look forward to continuing this for as long as you keep showing up to read and comment.

I want to thank all of you again for the wonderful donations. I have written many of you back to thank you individually and will keep doing so until I finish. Next week I will also be sending out the checks to the various charities you picked and will announce them next Friday. I also want to thank the readers who advertise on the site. I neglected to mention them last week and I feel bad about that.

Ticket Liquidators is a great place for tickets when an event is sold out or you need great seats. A To D List has been taking a break for the past few weeks but I understand they are going to start again soon. I encourage all of you to head over to the site and help out with the classifying of celebrities. I am jealous of Second City Style this week because they are in Chicago and Taste Of Chicago which is incredible. Plus, they definitely have one of the best fireworks celebrations in the country. Take a look at Second City's site for some great tips and deals on fashion. Travelatime is a wonderful place to look for your vacation needs. I know there are lots of sites out there, but if they have the same price, then help out a fellow reader. Dragon Search Marketing is a great company that can help your site or your product get seen all over the world. They have a great team of people over there and the President is a daily reader of the site.

I hope that all of you have had a great weekend so far. I hope it continues to be great and that everyone stays safe so I can see you back here on Monday morning. As for the next reveals, mark your calendar for New Years Day.


  1. Thank you enty! Have a great evening end enjoy the fireworks! And the BBQ!

  2. Thanks for the reveals Enty!

  3. Thank you for the many many reveals!
    I hope you enjoy your weekend and you are able to eat a-plenty.

    Let us eat cake!
    (and brownies)

  4. Thank you for giving me fireworks everyday of the year, luv you ya big teddy bear!

  5. Already marked. Happy Day to everyone. Mine will be @ December, 1st.

  6. Thanx sooooo much for the reveals!
    I can know tell my family I had a great Fourth of July.

  7. Happy Reveal/Independence Day everyone! (Even you fur'ners, LOL!)

    Thanks so much, Enty, it was fun!!!

  8. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Thanks for giving this single, childless woman something to do today or than walk my dog!! I'm glad I got the courage to start commenting; I really look forward to getting to know you guys.

  9. Noooooooo!!! They're all done! Well, all is not lost. I found I bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade someone stashed in the freezer from last night's party.....

    And Enty, set your firecrackers off outside, not in the basement.....

    Happy Fourth, Everyone!!!!

  10. thanks for the reveals enty! I can't believe it's been 2.5 yrs already good god!

  11. Is it me, or are your readers getting better at identifying the blinds? So many of these were guessed right by readers. This Jolie one just floored me. Given all her publicity. Ah, hard to know what to believe, we have such skewed views. The blinds help us see more clearly!
    Happy 4th, Enty. Chow down on those hot dogs, ok?

  12. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Thank you, Enty!
    And thank you everyone else for making this site a great place too!

    Happy 4th!

    Now...there is a plate full of ribs and burgers with my name on it...

  13. Thanks for the great day Enty - and everyone else in the CDAN family!!
    I know it has been said before, but for those of us who get mired down in the shyte of life, CDAN is a wonderful and reliable haven.

    Keep up the good work, EL, and don't hesitate to ask us for help again.
    Best, FG

  14. Thank you, Enty. I had lots of fun.

  15. Thank you Enty for sharing your holiday with us. I'm already looking forward to spending New Year's Day with you.

    Happy 4th of July too all of you.

    Have A Good Nite!

  16. Thank You ENTY!!!!

  17. Happy 4th to all.

    Thanks for the fun Enty.

  18. Thanks Enty!

    While waiting for updates, I found the coolest website for junk food fans out there.

    This is why you're fat.. were dreams become heart attacks.

  19. Thanks Enty! You rock!

  20. Thanks Enty. Happy fourth!

  21. Thanks very much, Ent. This is great of you to do this for us. You're a lovely man (or woman/primate/marsupial depending on your belief).

    I had fun today. Hope you have fun tonight!

  22. That's it...reveal days are better then Christmas and birthdays. Greatest gifts ever!!

    Thanks Enty!!

  23. So, most of the guesses were spot on from what I can tell.

    Thank you, Enty, for actually doing reveals, more than I can say for other sites!

    To the posters, I've been lurking on this site since Timmy/Shimmy and I have to say you all have entertained me many a day. I read several blogs but the commenters here are definitely the best!

    Have a great weekend all...

  24. Thank you Enty.
    This was a wonderful way to celebrate July 4th.
    Thanks for all of the reveals.
    Now step away from the computer & get somthing to eat!!!

  25. the reveals added more fun to my day! thanks again enty!

  26. Thank you! It was a fun way to spend the day.

  27. I had to go to work today and sit behind a desk but the reveals made the day go by faster. Thanks Enty! :)

  28. Happy Firecracker Day to one and all!

    Thanks Enty for lightening up our days everyday!

  29. Thank you Enty, I love your site so much! Thank you for having this big reveal day, I look forward to the next one!

  30. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Thank you!!!

  31. Yes, thank you very much.

  32. Thanks Ent!

    And to everyone else who makes this a great site...actually a great community!

    Happy July 4th!

    Now I'm gonna go see if I can make my bottle of wild turkey explode....

  33. Thanks so much for the reveals, Enty. I hope EntyPapi saved you some tasties from the cookout and left them by the basement door!

  34. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Thank you so much Enty!! It was a blast!!

  35. enty, it's been a blast, pun intended! i enjoy being here everyday, and i really appreciate the time you put in for all of us!
    bunny kisses to ya, big guy!

    and i apologize if i crawled up anybody's ass too far for griping. i think today turned out really well!
    yay for us!

  36. Happy, happy, dang no coke-mom though, I guess lawsuits/blackballs are too expensive for the really interesting.

  37. Sneaking peeks at your amazing site keeps me from sticking toothpicks into my eyeballs at work, and on a couple of occasions has prevented me from killing my co-workers. You are amazing and generous with your time and resources. Thanks for making my dreary Saturday a fun day. (Cat, get off the keyboard or learn how to refresh!)

  38. Ent: Thank you for the reveals and for having such a kick ass site. It is so awesome to have a group of people to snark with! You guys help me forget my real life worries!

  39. Thank you Enty. I had a wonderful day with a pool, bbq and fireworks but I kept thinking that I'd rather be home reading the reveals. How sad is that?

    Love you all!

  40. totally freaking fun! love these, but they're the icing on what is a go-to guilty pleasure read everyday. ent, you're the best!

  41. Enty - much love! thank you for the endless hours of entertainment today and every week day. New Years Day and the Fourth are now my favorite holidays. You are a truly awesome blogger and I'm glad my sister made me start reading this site.

    All the readers (posters and lurkers/ Americans and foreigners) - Enjoy the fireworks and stay away from the poh-leese! See you all Monday!

  42. Had a very nice, relaxing afternoon. Thanks for all of the reveals and the pleasant company of the other commenters. Have a safe weekend. Don't drink and drive, I'm sober and soon to be on the road.

  43. Thanks, Enty. I have enjoyed these mass-reveals for a long time. And a big thank-you as well to all you posters -- as someone who has been lurking for(close to)ever, I truly appreciate the level of discussion and intelligence on this site. You people rock, seriously.

  44. Thanks Enty!!!!!!!

    Don't post often however I still love your site...

    I don't know what I would have done over the previous 2+ years or so if I didn't have your site to come and read!!

    *still can't wait to find out who MV is...*


  45. Thanks Enty, helpers and part time writers A. Costa etc!

    I think that we need to think not that 'we guessed it already'. We need to remember Ted C. is a crossword puzzle and Enty is the Dictionary! He writes so we can guess correctly, it is a huge gift. I bet he got an A+ in the assignment 'teach someone to tie their shoelaces with only words, no pictures'.

    Thanks for making us feel smart and worldly! Safe and happy 4th/ weekend to all!

  46. thanks for making my 4th july great I view yor site daily

  47. I HEART ENTY!!!

    ( and i am drunk!!!)lol

  48. I love this blog, thank you for all the fun Enty!

  49. This was the topping on a great 4th. Thanks for everything, Enty!

  50. Thank you, Enty! While I rarely comment, I've been lurking here since day 1 and read your site daily.

    I truly appreciate you!

  51. thank you Enty, much love!

    to the other posters, newbies and lurkers, come out and play, we won't bite....well unless you're into that sorda thing!

    i love this site, this community and the people who make it worth coming back time and again. thanks everyone for being so damn cool!

    first! lol..

  52. Thank you Enty! Even though, I rarely comment, I still feel part of this community throughout the years. A little BI, a little FFF, and little of random photos, I'm good to go.

    Thank you again to everyone who has created this community!

  53. Hi Enty, Thank you for turning my day around. It was a very bleak day that became more bearable after reading many of yr reveals - Love the one about R Crow singing and J Anniston a stalker. Thanks a millions!!!!

  54. I had too good of an Independence Day and am paying for it now. Thanks for this site. It's my fave.

    Now I'm off to catching up with the reveals...

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  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. We must all admit that this year's July 4 reveals by the self scribed 'Entntertainment Lawyer' were unbelievably lame this year. 'ENL" did not disclose anything the least bit controversial; in fact, he did not disclose anything that he could not have read in The National Enquirer.

    This is but additional evidence that the self scribed ENL is a fraud. He claims to be a Hollywood lawyer, yet bustles the readership of his [free] blog for a measly six grand and can't come up with anything not published elsewhere.

    We are, however, the forgiving sort on Independence Day as we are God fearing AmeriKans. And being in a generous mood, we challenge the self scribed 'ENL' to make the following reveals Monday:

    -The identitiy of the star with the AIDs-infested porn star lover

    -The identity of the AIDS-infested musician who transmitted HIV to his wife

    -A few of the wife beaters of Hollywood (here's a free one, 'ENL" - Josh Brolin).

    Should ENL make these reveals Monday, we will have some reason to believe he is no fraudulent. if not, you will know conclusively that ENL is a fraud and that if you gave him money last week you've been deceived.

    I'm willing to bet anyone and everyone a thousand he doesn't make the reveals.

  58. The Professionals; F OFF! If you don't like what you read, F off! You are not going to goad anyone into anything with your lame attempt at a put down.
    Enty, great reveals!! you provide most of us with a lot of entertainment. Long may you post!!!

  59. The Professionals

    Please get a life. No one cares about you.

  60. Thanks, Enty!

    Love the reveals! I can't believe how many of these were guessed accurately. It made the holiday even better!

    The Professionals - why are you here? If there's something I don't like or believe, I don't make time for it in my life - why do you? I think you have questions you should be asking yourself instead of challenging others. Can you say compensation?

  61. OK Professional, ok.

    You got me.

    I'm MV. And I beat my wife. Sometimes for kicks, my AIDS infected porn mistress and I sniff a kilo and then punch puppies in the nuts.

    Sometimes, Affleck helps.

    You got me dude. I hope you feel better.

    Hahahaha!...Damn, It's exhausting being this creative. I need another beer.

    He can't reveal those, man. He'll get sued. Lawsuits suck. I ask you to name any site where anybody reveals blinds period. Futhermore, His site is free, the Nat'l Enq costs money. Which one would you read?

    Now un-bunch those panties and send them to me. I am partial to lace... <3 >=)

  62. Thanks Enty! Loved the reveals!

    It's amazing how many of you are so right.

    Thanks for the welcome jax - I am also a lurker (and Canadian), but have just started posting. You guys are a great community and know your celebs!

    trogdor - "...affleck helps..." LOL! nice.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. ya ya ya...blah blah blah

    put down the thesaurus, turn off 'Star Wars', get a hooker, get laid and

    RELAXXXX, dude...

    It's just a blog.

  65. teehee! wth is "ENL"?

    anyhooo....thx enty! LOVED the reveals. darn it, wasn't able to be here to post on sat...but loved all the reader comments.

    yay us!

  66. lol well I guess it's pretty impressive with all the people that read and comment, we only have one troll...

    and ditto what trogdor the burninator (and frankie goes to hollywood) says: RELAXXXXX
