Friday, July 10, 2009

Hayden Panettiere Thinks She Is Better Than Us

Hayden Panettiere is without a doubt the actress I probably dislike the most right now. It didn't always used to be this way. If you will recall back in the early days of the site, Hayden was most assuredly not on my crap list. But, people change and over the past two years she has changed into someone I have no desire to be around for even five seconds.

She gave an interview to Details for their issue this month. Even with an interviewer who obviously fawned over her, even she realized at some point that Hayden thinks she is better than everyone else on this planet and that the only person who matters on the planet is Hayden. Ms. Cool sent me this article yesterday afternoon and I have been steaming ever since. I started to write it last night but was so upset that I had used too much profanity and realized I would need to tone it down just a touch.

Enough with my anger, let me let you join in on the fun. Oh, and by all means read the article. The reporter describes Hayden as "beautiful and special and talented." Yeah, that is real objective right there.

Apparently Hayden started thinking she was better than everyone at a very early age. When she was asked about her schooling and if she ever felt like she missed out on a normal life, Hayden said, "It wasn't like I suddenly started feeling different. I always knew that I was. I never felt I missed out—in fact, it was like, 'Oh, thank God I'm not that.'"

That referring to us of course. Every last one of us on the planet not named Hayden. That is the perspective she sees. If you already hate her, it gets better. I promise.

She said that she was bullied as a kid. "I was tortured, emotionally tortured by these girls. Every time I came back from filming, it would be me trying to find my way back into the clique. And they weren't having it." Well, why in the f**k would they have you back? It is pretty obvious you thought you were better than them. I wouldn't want you back in the clique either. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if someone punched her. Oh wait. They did.

She was punched in the face by "a very angry, very sad girl." Probably angry that you thought she was better than you.

Now, during the interview, two fans came up who were from out of town. Hayden had been eating but was finished.

"Excuse me. I'm sorry, I know this is extremely rude, but we're from the East Coast and you're the first famous person we've met. Is there any way I would be able to get a picture of you?"

Hayden took the picture with them, and they said, "Thank you so much. Thank you. I'm sorry." By all accounts very nice guys. This is what she said to the reporter after the picture. "I gave them a half-smile. It's a survival skill."

Now you can fully exercise your dislike for her. Plus, she isn't that great of an actress.


  1. well i'd be bitter and angry too if i was 'blessed' with the body of 14 year old boy trying out for the Uneven bars in the Olympics.

  2. lol @ jax....that's hilarious...

    and Enty, DON'T YOU KNOW WHO SHE IS????!!!!

  3. Hayden,
    Less attitude, more gratitude.

  4. Smug and stuck-up. Someone's been feeding her ego for years.

  5. eep. she's falling into the believing-your-own-hype trap that 99.5% of hollywood falls into. i want to chuck it up to her youth and ignorance. hopefully she gets a good wake up call and snaps out of it.

  6. Forgot to add this quote from the New York Daily News review of her new movie:

    Panettiere, meanwhile, is a void inside a vacuum wrapped in a blow-up doll. This child-performer-turned-TV star ("Heroes") thinks, or has been directed to believe, that making punky-pouty grimaces and rolling her eyes passes for acting.

    Ha, ha.

  7. she's so obnoxious:

    “I find it kind of funny watching people patronize me or think I’m dumb because I’m blonde and young,” she says. “Hopefully I’m mature enough to laugh at them because they’re the silly ones and not me. I know I have a higher IQ than 99 per cent of the brunettes out there. And it gives me more of a sense of accomplishment when I achieve things after people have underestimated me.”

    uh.. what? no. ugh.

  8. LMAO!! she's smarter than 99% of brunettes? bwahahaha! that's priceless. What a twat.

  9. lol @ jax that is exactly what I thought when I saw the previews for her new movie! I have never really watched Hero's so I had no idea she was a little block!

  10. But look at how lovely her stunning mother is...of course she grew up thinking she was better. And if she can;t be better naturally, she can always plasticate herself gorgeously.

  11. I was on the set of I Love You Beth Cooper as an extra and HP was a typical child actor that has grown up in the industry. She needed to be fawned over, she was always trying to get the attention of male crew members by being overly loud and flirty. The sad part is that all of the crew including Chris Columbus (director) treated her like she was so special. A bunch of adults fawning over a teenager like her opinion was sooo important. Left a bad taste in my mouth for sure. I've disliked her ever since.

  12. at least she didn't discuss the love of her "craft"

  13. Sounds like she's due for another punch in the face.

  14. I'd like to know who she's giving shit to on the phone in that picture.

    Heroes will be cancelled one day. And this act she's pulling won't get her too far once that happens.

  15. Anonymous10:48 AM

    the 12 year old in me wants to TP her house. but i know it would only reaffirm her delusion that she is better than and i am just jealous of her.

  16. What a vain sad little troll she has become.


  18. Isn't she the one who was in the 3-some with the butchy chick~ likes to watch? Thought I read this.

    Me-thinks she has hidden kinks.

  19. The Colombian marching powder probably doesn't help toning down her obnoxiousness. Also, she is probably overcompensating for being a Paris Hiltonian yacht whore.

  20. She's just a little bitter old troll.

  21. those shoes are amazing though!

  22. I just can't get over this one:

    "I know I have a higher IQ than 99 per cent of the brunettes out there"

    Baaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa *hiccup*.

    And what are you basing that piece of statistic on, brainiac?

  23. I hated her at first, but when she was out blocking whaling ships and trying to save the whales - she almost won me over with that. Then she shows her true colors.....

    And I still think she was the BI about the actress doing so much coke at Cannes.

  24. Enty, whenever there is a Blind Item and the answer is Hayden... don't make us wait!

    HP is ten years away from having fat arms and trunk ankles. If she had a beautiful spirit, it would not matter but when you are empty-mean, those things add up.

  25. Appropriate that the Hayden is below the older version of what she will become. Gwynnie, meet Hayden. Hayden, meet your future.

  26. talentless, coke-snorting-so-she-won't-be-fat, little troll.

    her kind if a dime a dozen these days.

  27. yeah, that body type tends to chunk out if not worked out on a daily basis.
    i thought heroes only had one season left anyway?

    i guarantee she has NO idea what being "emotionally tortured" really is.
    plus she was mean to a pair of orthodox jews, who i think are adorable. is she a bigot, too?
    color me highly disappointed. i used to think she was cute. DON'T save the cheerleader, the world will be just fine.

  28. lol @ lisa (not original). In my experience, people who believe they're special tend to fall the hardest into drugs and a debaucherous lifestyle. Let's all watch. Popcorn anyone?
    PS - I'm pretty sure I'm a brunette with a higher IQ than Hayden, because I sure as hell would never have said the stupid sh!t she did.

  29. LOL @ comments...

    I can't wait until she's done.

  30. OMG Jax, that is hysterical!!!

    Someone needs a reality check, or at least a pin to that inflated head of hers.

  31. To Hayden Pantyairs:

    Thank you.

  32. I am not surprised whatsoever. She has been spoonfed ego from a young age -- she got a lot of acclaim as a child actress on Guiding Light, where she played Lizzie Spaulding. CBS had a battle of the powerhouse kid actors in the late 90s -- Hayden on GL, and Camryn Grimes from Y&R. Camryn won the Emmy, but Hayden got a lot of love, too, especially when her character survived some sort of life-threatening illness.

  33. Talent? What talent? Thing needs to sit down.

  34. All this means is that in a few years (maybe less) we should have an even better trainwreck to watch than Lindsay. Can you just imagine the day when tabloids are the only attention she can get?

  35. understand, we are talking about a little girl who, just last year, basically said that the candidates for president needed to call her to discuss their views on issues so she could make up her mind when it came to voting.

  36. Whenever I think "hayden" I think of "cankles"

  37. Who the hell is writing this shit? A 15 year old girl or a grown ass lawyer? Hayden is just feeling resentful 'cause she was bullied. I know, I've had it done to me, always by the lesser people. They suck. She'll work it through in a few years. Also, she's one of those girls who thinks she is hot because of her dye job. Just insecure and probably Italian. Guida mentality.

  38. Are Hayden's 15 minutes up yet?? Because really .. bitch is getting tired. I had officially had enough of her after that bullshit with the charity in Hawaii.

  39. I've been tired of this girl since i first clapped eyes on her. She spelt Trouble from the get-go. I could never really appreciate Enty's obsession with her! But, luckily, he's seen the error of his ways and come to realise she's a nobody! Woo-hoo!

  40. Enty I don't think she'll be irritating you for years to come. For starters, she can't act. Secondly it sounds like the teenage-girl roles aren't good enough for her anymore, and what she doesn't realize is that she will NEVER EVER look like a normal, adult woman. She'll forever be stuck playing lil' sis and I'm sure the studios can find more attractive, hotter stars to do that if she doesn't get her attitude in check.

    This one will be doing commercials overseas, or voice-over work, within 2 years. Or she'll get sidetracked with a nasty drug habit. Either way she has no future in acting.

  41. I dislike her so much that I am seeing her movie this weekend (because I read the book a few years ago...) and I'm buying a ticket for a different movie just so my $10 doesn't end up near her pocket.

  42. she look like she can be a stuck up somebody and someone should pop that swelled head of hers

  43. God why can't she disappear already?

    She's so damn overrated!

  44. Come on people you know how the media takes just about everything out of context... next!!!!

  45. Ha, "the media takes just about everything out of context" is like saying someone was "edited" a particular way, i.e. a really lame way of weasling out of appearing as douchey as one actually is.

    Hayden has no idea what it's like actually to be different. I was, according to the child psychologists who tested me when I was eight, practically a child genius, but I didn't proclaim that or my IQ score because I was MISERABLE. I would have rather had an average intellect and IQ score and more popularity and happiness than be the way I was, and when I became a target of massive bullying in high school, I attempted suicide a number of times. Real, honest attempts, as in I wanted to be dead, instead of simply cries for help. And I can't remember how many times I cried myself to sleep.

    It truly sucks being under 20 and "different" in the way that Hayden proclaims herself to be, except she doesn't know that because she isn't "different" in that way, she's just another spoiled little brat/princess who thinks she's the center of the universe and I will squeal with glee when she ends up another Lohan type. And while it gets a lot better being this kind of "different" when one enters one's twenties, it takes a good long while to even get to the point where one is even okay with it, but I suppose Hayden will never know this because she's what she so fervently denies she is: average in every way.
