Monday, July 27, 2009

Isn't Candy Doing To Tori What Tori Is Doing To Her Kids?

Over the weekend Candy Spelling sent an e-mail to TMZ. In the e-mail she slammed Tori Spelling for using her children as reality show props. She also called Tori middle aged which I found very funny for some reason.


"A big party wasn't how I envisioned meeting my granddaughter for the first time; but, hey, this is Hollywood, and my grandchildren have become reality show props, too. At the time I emailed 'yes,' I didn't realize I was being set up for a two-[part episode], even though it was clear I was being invited to be part of a segment for my daughter's reality show. I decided my first meeting with my granddaughter should be on home video, not primetime cable; so I e-mailed that I would not be attending."

But by sending this e-mail to TMZ isn't Candy Spelling using the fame of her daughter to increase her own fame? Isn't she exploiting Tori? She knows that by sending this e-mail that she would get some publicity and sell a few more books and create more conflict and drama. She is doing it at the expense of Tori and her grandchildren. This invite thing is old news but she is bringing it back to the surface just so she can get a little bit more out of it and really drive a nail into the relationship she has with her daughter.

"My husband taught me that the plots have to be fresh and updated. The same old whining gets tired after a while. Enough complaining about what may or may not have happened during first grade or YMCA camp, or what vegetable you were forced to endure, especially when you are privileged enough to be on TV and get paid for it... Life isn't just a show. Make your own season finale without creating conflicts you will regret later."

I love how Candy reminds the world she was married to Aaron Spelling and thus we should take what she is saying about television seriously. I love people who name drop their dead relatives as if this somehow gives them some kind of magical knowledge the rest of us don't have. As for regretting conflicts in the future I think that ship has pretty much sailed. This relationship is just one big conflict and I don't see it going away anytime soon. I actually think Candy is a little jealous of Tori and the fact that Tori was able to turn her career around. When she started the show she didn't have kids and so the exploitation of them didn't come until later seasons. I think I am going to have to be on Team Tori for this one. Won't happen often, but this time I am.


  1. is it possible that candy looks better as she ages? or is it just that one pic? she has a librarian look going on.

    maybe she should always wear bangs?

  2. I might have been more on Candy's side if she hadn't started off the message by calling her 36-year-old daughter "middle aged." What a bitch.

  3. If by "looks better as she ages" means "not raping my eyes with her looks as much" then yes, QS, I do believe so.

    Her daughter, not so much.

  4. OMG
    These two are better than an Alexis and Krystle on Dynasty. For some reason I think this is one huge staged event. If they wanted to resolve their differences just pick up the damn phone and call each other, WTF is all this emailing TMZ and crap?!!?

  5. These two just prove that money doesn't buy class. Pathetic.

  6. I cant help but think that Enty's attempt to understand Candy's motives are akin to trying to explain Donald Trumps hair line. It defies logic. It is it's own things. If you feed it, it just keeps growing (Candy and Tori's fued, not the Donald's hair, tho one might argue that it still holds) There is no logic to it. It sells magazines there for it is.

  7. Thank you. She does use Tori for press and I have always had the impression as well that she was jealous of her daughters success. I respect that Tori seems to work hard and considering who is her mother- turned out fairly decently for hollywood.

  8. lol, BigMama! so true.

  9. Team Tori. Candy is a total hag and if she wanted a relationship with her grandkids she'd stop slamming their mother all over the web and tv. She publicly blamed Tori for Aaron's death. If she really wanted that relationship she'd put her feelings aside and you know, actually make an effort to see the kids. I personally don't think she deserves a relationship with the grandkids. The woman is toxic. Tori should read up on narcissistic and borderline personality disordered mothers where she will learn that her mother is not worth the time or energy.

  10. Sadly (or should I say Sorry?), I agree on this point with Candy, it should not be on cameras nor as a season ending which is where it is leading via the big birthday party. I have watched the Tori show etc (I was curious about all the hoopla), Tori (and her friends) bring up her mom all the time, whining about her mom did do, what she did not do the whole darn time. So I stopped tivo-ing the Tori and Dumbass show, way too tiring for me.

  11. They both just need to stop it already. All they're doing is airing their dysfunction and most of us have our own to tend to. And, we don't get paid for it.

  12. Team neither one of them, but I think using the term "middle-aged" was effing LOW.

  13. Are people in there thirties middle aged ?

  14. I think Tori and Candy plan every one of these stunts together.

  15. i'm 35 and going to jump out a window thanks. biotch!

  16. Once again, my old saying of "the nut doesn't fall far from the tree" is proven. I can see a reunion special for Dr. Phil in primetime or maybe Maury is more appropriate for these two?

    Being related to a person doesn't mean there's love there. I think these two genuinely dislike each other. Too bad they can't keep it to themselves

  17. I think they've always hated each other and are rivals. At least we know where Tori got her low class behavior.

    So who gets Aaron's millions of Candy dies?

  18. Team Tori. I think if Tori did everything perfectly in life, Candy would still find something to bitch about.


  20. Why would Candy Spelling need more fame or drama?
    Why does she e-mail her personal bidness to TMZ of all places?
    What on earth is wrong with these fucking people?
    Same with Mischa.
    Same with Jessica.
    Same with the richer-than-God older-lady mother of Tori.
    Go find a real life out of the spotlight and help someone other than yourselves for once.
    Isn't having a house bigger than my entire neighborhood enough, for chrissakes?

  21. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The thing that amazes me here is that Candy would wait so long to see her grandchild! If I had a new grandchild I'd be lurking in the corners of the birthing room or at least right outside the delivery room door so I could see that child as soon as possible!

    In fact, that's what happened with both of my grandsons. Neither was over a couple minutes old when I got to "meet" him. No TV cameras either.

  22. So, if Tori is middle aged doesn't that make Candi old? I thought being old in Hollyweird was a big nono.

    The more press either of these two get the more sorry I feel for her kids. What morals do they have even half a chance at learning? Nothing from their mother, father or grandmother.

  23. "Life isn't just a show. Make your own season finale without creating conflicts you will regret later."

    Translation: "Watch how fast I leave all my (Aaron's) money to your brother and the Las Vegas Doll Museum."

  24. I used to dislike Tori Spelling. Then I got bored one day and watched her show. I love her now! And her hubby. And her adorable little kids. What a lovely family. I absolutely detest people going for the easy joke about Tori Spelling. It's OLD, people. WTF have you done?

  25. And Candy Spelling is a POS excuse for a mother. I shudder to think that there are actually people defending this type of behavior. She sounds like a typical narcissist, and they make the worst sorts of mothers.

  26. Letter to Candy:


    If you call Tori middle aged, that must make you older then dirt. Way to make yourself look more of a fool.

    Please,keep away from all media!

    The General Public

  27. Oh, honestly - who cares? Cannot abide either one.

  28. When I saw the headline earlier today, I thought Candi was just trying to get attention. And now that I've read the actual email it's pretty clear that she's just looking for attention.

  29. Didn't Tori's husband have another "lovely family" he ditched?

    They both suck.

    And Tori is only an easy joke because she's made herself one.

  30. Team Tori all the way. Imagine having a mother like that. If Candy thought families were so sacred and private, she wouldn't blab their business to TMZ at every opportunity. Hypocritical nutjobbitchcunt needs to tell it to her therapist.

  31. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Candy screwed her way to the top didn't she? I can' hardly wait till she gets old and senile and her kids put her in a home. Or perhaps they'll bring in a live-in caretaker who will get lost in the huge house (cuz' let's face it, it'll NEVER sell) and candy'll die of neglect.

  32. I have always admired Tori's work ethic.

    To bad for her that her Mom isn't as loving as Joan Rivers. Tight bond there. Spelling kids- did they even meet their parental units?. I guess Dad was the parent.
