Tuesday, July 21, 2009

K-Fed And Victoria Hungry For Fame

I am trying to remember any good moments from the last time Kevin Federline did a reality show. Chaotic was probably the worst reality show ever on television. I just remember it being all jittery and grainy and looked like it had been edited by a bunch of kindergarten kids doing an after school project.

Now that Kevin is wealthy and heavy and has nothing to do all day except figure out new ways to separate Britney from her money, he figures another chance at the reality pie would be good thing. Of course from the looks of him I would say he has not missed the pie too often. Over at E! they are saying that Kevin and his girlfriend Victoria Prince are in discussions to star in a reality show which would feature the couple and Kevin's two kids with Britney. No word on whether or not he even remembers the names of the kids he has with Shar Jackson. If E! is discussing the show then I'm guessing that Ryan Seacrest was jumping up and down at the water cooler and couldn't keep it a secret.

I know this is going to sound crazy, but it isn't the worst idea for a reality show. I would be willing to give it a shot for 10 episodes and see what is going on with his life other than eating. I don't want to be forced to sit through 5 hours of watching him try and resurrect his rap career, but other than that I am game.


  1. The last thing those two kids need is to be on a reality show. :(

  2. So someone's going to pay him for a reality show that shows him eating, talking about Britney and exploiting his children for money.

    I think I'll pass on this one.

  3. He should just go on The Biggest Loser and call it a day.

  4. K-fed is hungry all right.

  5. I'd rather see him on Dance Your Ass Off than exploit the babies.

  6. Anyone else think it looks like his head is plastered on someone elses body??? It is seriously freaking me out! Usually his head is the biggest thing in the frame.

  7. I don't like reality shows and I don't like K-Fed. Hell to the No.

  8. Anonymous10:42 AM

    He really needs to get on Dancing with the Stars. He was a dancer, and I hate to say it, but he was kind of good looking when he was thinner.

  9. "from the looks of him I would say he has not missed the pie too often." LOL Enty!

  10. Wow, doesn't K-Fed have a home gym?

  11. Even if not, he damn sure has legs...get yer ass out there walking, tubby!

    *god, that's mean* but damn!

  12. Yeaaaaah. I don't think K-Fed is "hungry" too often! LOL

  13. I watched Chaotic for 5 minutes and thought it was the biggest turd ever to be aired on television. No way will anyone want to watch more of this guy. What is wrong with people?

  14. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Sue Ellen, I was just about to write the same thing :D.


  15. Ooh! Now there's a good topic - worst reality show ever?? There have been some doozies! I'm sure there's been worse than Chaotic.

  16. I nominate that trainwreck with Jessica Simpson/Nick Lachey as worst reality show ever. Newlyweds??

  17. k-fed "hungry for fame"?
    say it isn't so!!

  18. he's got cankles!! it's the small things : )

  19. Holy shit, it's a land whale! Jesus, K-Fed, how the HELL did you let yourself get that huge? Put the fork down, push away from the table. DAMN!

  20. As if anyone would watch.

  21. Wow, he really blew up, huh?

  22. damnnnnn.....he looks terrible

  23. the weird thing about KFed's weight gain is that his head stayed so small. it's like the opposite of Al Roker and Star Jones whose heads stayed big when they lost weight.
