Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Michael Jackson Pepsi Video

US Weekly managed to get their hands on the 1984 video showing Michael Jackson catching on fire. There have been pictures shown before, but this is the first time the video has been shown. This 1984 incident is what allegedly led to Michael becoming addicted to painkillers. If for some reason the video doesn't display properly below, you can click here to see it.


  1. That video is awful. I wish everyone would just drop the MJ angle already.

  2. jaysus.

    he's lucky he didn't get trampled to death in the panic after it happened.

  3. Horrific. Hope Pepsi paid him lots of cash for the pain and trauma. Surprised this video stayed hidden for so many years.

  4. wow. :(

    and what's even sadder is someone is going to take the spinning head on fire footage to make fun...and someday his kids might run across the schmucks who spoof it.

    WHY was this released? so sad.

  5. I remember seeing a news clip of him being wheeled into the hospital. :(

  6. the pain... oh my God! i wish they didnt release it experience like that is traumatic to say the least...

  7. He even kept dancing! I can't believe what an amazing performer he was! (I was a bit too young to have seen the days when he was on the top of the world)

  8. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Wow, poor guy. Maybe he had recurrent nightmares and had to take drugs. Plus the pain, oh no. I have a large scar that is painful still 16 yrs after the injury. perhaps that happend to michael.

  9. How could he not feel that almost right away?

  10. I agree with Shakey. It looked like he didn't know anything was wrong until he did the spin and the first 5 people jumped on him. THAT would have scared me more than the damn fire!!

  11. Here's an idea if this ever happens in the future....whomever is manning the camera, put it the FUCK DOWN and scream for some help.

    Just a thought.

  12. DISGUSTING!! HORRIFYING .. and really fucking unneccessary.

    However .. just found a useful purpose for Twitter!! "Tweeted" that video with a mention of how SCUMMY US Weekly is to post it. I guess Twitter isn't the useless POS I thought it was originally.

  13. FYI .. if you want to tell Mr. Wenner what you think of this .. this link will get you to the contact us Page .. where you will need this URL - .. and the name of the post - "How Michael Jackson's Pill Addiction Began"

    Enjoy .. and you are welcome.

  14. is it possible that was a wig he had on, & didn't feel it until it got to his scalp?

  15. I didn't realize how awful it would be to see that. I didn't know how bad it was. Poor man.

  16. i remember seeing parts of this on the news back then.
    i seem to recall the original flamage was due to hair products, which is 1) why he didn't realize he was on fire in the first place and 2) why the burns were so severe-- the fire was able to get to a higher temp by the time it reached his scalp.

    it was also after this that he bought (allegedly) purchased a hyperbaric chamber that he used at home.

  17. i still have the cover of People with the pics of him on the stretcher from that day.

    man i really didn't need to see that.

  18. that was pretty horrifying. i had no idea. poor MJ.

  19. I agree that shouldn't have been released, no matter who it was of. I don't even think he realized he was on fire until the people grabbed him.

  20. Already knew Us Weekly was a POS, but running that video now is just disgusting. Are they the same rag that ran the death photo of MJ on their cover last week?

  21. The dermatologist who is rumored to be the first two childrens father said that that burn left a permanent scar on Michael's head.

    It was after this incident that he really started to alter his features and had to wear a wig.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. You guys are braver than I am... I can't bring myself to watch it.

  24. that was pretty bad. the music and commentary didn't help. malarky.

    well, as someone said, it's amazing this didn't surface earlier.

    i guess liza was right. this is nothing compared to what's in store.

  25. They have been playing this on TV nonstop since last night. It's nauseating.

    Let the poor thing rest in peace.

    Also, from what I've seen of "America's Funniest Home Videos", people don't realize their hair's on fire. Probably until the fire hits the scalp.

  26. I feel so sorry for him. Even now they can't leave him alone. Damn vultures. Rest in peace, Michael.

  27. I can't even imagine the amount of pain he must have endured with that accident.
    Pain on the scalp or anywhere around the head is just horrific.

    No wonder the poor guy got himself hooked on pain killers.

    I could have lived without seeing it. Lets hope his kids never see it.

  28. Boycott US Weekly for this!
    Try anyway

  29. When I watched it, I didn't have any sound, so I could hear anything.

    One of those guys in the video looked like George Lopez, with longer hair, kinda like how GL would look in the '80s.
