Friday, July 24, 2009

Nas Ordered To Pay Kelis Lots Of Money

A couple of weeks ago Nas filed papers with the court in his ongoing divorce battle with Kelis. At that time he said he couldn't afford to pay Kelis very much money because he didn't make very much money. He said that despite what Kelis thought he was having to struggle and get by on just about $150K a month. I mean he could barely afford to put gas in his car when he is only making that much. His expenses he said are about $70K a month. But even though he only has a net cash flow of about $80,000 a month he said he had helped out and had bought the new baby a stroller, a sling and two cribs totaling about $2400. As for child support? He said the most he could afford to pay with his current cash flow situation was about $5000 a month. To give you an example of what is more important than his child, Nas currently spends $10,000 a month on his clothes and hair. Well, sure I mean doesn't everyone spend twice as much on their hair and clothes than their kid?

A judge yesterday laughed and laughed at Nas and instead of the $5K a month Nas wanted ordered nas to start paying Kelis $55,000 a month in combined child and spousal support. Oh, and as a bonus has to pay the attorneys fees for Kelis' lawyer which will set back Nas another $35K. Guess he better start going to Gap.


  1. I would pay to see video footage of him when he was told the court's decision.

  2. $10,000 a month on clothes and hair? Dang, dude.

  3. Anonymous11:16 AM

    It always amazes me that these celebrities "require" such startling sums of money just to scrape by, when the rest of us do just fine on a tenth of that amount.

    I don't see the haircut is all that special - $10 clippers would do it for him.

  4. Superhead hit the big time when she hooked and got preggers with Nas' kid. She is nobody's fool! That girl has been around the rap block more than a couple times.

  5. YES!!

    I am going through a somewhat similar situation right now :(

    My ex ( not biased here or anything ) is a real jerk and has the MOST unrealistic expectations for our "agreement"

    I can not WAIT to see what a judge says.. I hope mine laughs just as hard

  6. Everything becomes so skewed when you're a celebrity. I could easily, easily live on five thousand a month, but no, she gets fifty five thousand a month. Ha!

  7. Merrick, This is Kelis not superhead!

  8. Merrick are you confusing her with Karrine aka Superhead or are you saying that Kelis was just like Karrine?

  9. My bad..I always get her and Karine Steffans mixed up.

  10. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I easily live on half that, Sue Ellen! In a waterfront high-rise apartment, at that.

  11. Seriously, Syko. How much are your(as in vous) fixed costs per month? a couple grand? The fuck are you doing with the rest?

  12. Uh, his hair is 1/4 of an inch long and judging from the jacket he's wearing in that photo he shops at at Japanese restaurant supply store. I think he could get by with a $50 monthly hair and wardrobe budget.

    Few things disgust me more than men not taking care of their responsibilities.

  13. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Sorry - work got my attention there and I screwed up the post, Sue Ellen. :) You said you could easily live on $5K a month and I meant I lived pretty well on half of $5K a month - not half what he spends. Sorry!

    As for what I do with it - apartment and utilities are about $1150, then there's food - and I save quite a bit every month. I'd like to retire someday. :)

  14. I'm laughing at him as hard as the judge did. He deserves it just for showing up drunk to the birth of his child. What an asshole. Karma handled him nicely, though. Learn from this people! Do unto others yadda, yadda, yadda.

  15. Syko:

    Sorry, I should have explained. Vous means the general you, not you specifically. I meant what the eff is Nas(and his ilk) spending all this money on. I say drugs!

  16. um...WTF? I make less in a year then he pays in expenses....there is no God..

  17. The 55K includes spousal support so it doesn't sound like they have a prenup. It's not uncommon for the less financially well off spouse to get a big monthly amount until the assets can be split.

  18. I thought the reason for the divorce was because she made a sex tape with some guy and Nas thought the baby wasn't his. Did he ever find out if it really is his child? Why should he have to pay child support if it isn't?

  19. If he's paying big money for that haircut it better come with a lap dance and a slab of bacon.

    You can get your haicut just like your photo for $10 with a coupon.

  20. Wait Jess had a chance for the Crispy Banana Caramel Cheesecake and passed it up? Dang! She really is dumb.

  21. Okay - I am all crap on everyone's head by being introspective girl today .. but my first thought - other than the gleeful giggles when I saw how much Kelis got - was .. "How the hell does this twit think he is going to live when he is 55 years old and no one knows or cares who the fuck he was??" Did MC Hammer teach these young twits nothing??

    But as for Kelis .. yeah! Nas is a douche and I hope she stays single for a long, long time and drains this idiot dry.

  22. Caroline said...

    "Uh, his hair is 1/4 of an inch long and judging from the jacket he's wearing in that photo he shops at at Japanese restaurant supply store."


    I hope she takes the biggest chunk of that money and saves it. In 10 years, the guy will probably be broke and no one will care about him. His "expenses" probably include payroll for his friends, who I'd bet are each receiving more than $5k a month. Scumbag to the tastic.

  23. Methinks his barber is ripping him off ...

  24. @ rtstew. I haven't heard that about Kelis. I thought the divorce was because he cheated.

  25. Yay for Kelis, however 55K seems to be too much. I think celebs when they split should do more of a trust for the baby inclu monthly reasonable stipend and money for nice schools etc. with the rest going to them upon a chosen age. This shit they do with the mom recieving all this money is not good. It doesnt garuntee that the child will be the main focus of the money, just that she can spend it how she chooses. And some women just get knocked up to get money so my way makes sense for some of these women. Now women who have been with their husband for much longer than kelis and nas have that is a different story. Then i get all that money being divided. I am a feminist and all but I just dont get/think its fair when some bimbo or mimbo as the case may be, are married for less than 1 yr and get to walk away with half the money of the hard working person they married. Sooo annoying and not fair.

  26. Caroline---"Japanese restaurant supply store" !!!
    Money does NOT buy taste. (Miley, anyone?)

  27. His last mixtape had a song "What the fuck do you mean your sashimi tasted 'off' you motherfucker" -- widely interpreted as a dig at 50

  28. I don't listen to rap/r&b/whatever its called this week, so I don't know how popular nas is, but isn't the only song kelis (how is her name pronounced, I would think kell-lis) is known for is milkshake, and that came out 4 (?) years ago...
