Thursday, July 23, 2009

Parenting Advice From Michael Lohan To Jon Gosselin

When I saw that Michael Lohan and Jon Gosselin were double dating in the Hamptons this week, my first thought was, "wow, my life is complete, and when did The Hamptons turn into Dewey beach?" I kid. I kid. I mean there are very few confluences of nature that would allow for this type of low rent gossip love. The forces of nature, or in this case Star Magazine have brought together the two guys you would least like to spend time with. I'm sure Michael feels like he can provide some great parenting advice to Jon. It probably goes a little something like this.

Michael: Here's what you do Jon. You line all the kids up and see if any have shred of talent. Then you quit your job and you take them around to casting call after casting call until they are getting some work. Don't let them stop working until they are paying all your bills. Let them hang out with drug dealers and mess up their life if they want. The only thing that matters is that they keep earning for you. Now you are lucky. You have 8 to choose from. I only had four and I had to work hard to make a living off Lindsay.

Jon: Dude. Look at my new Ed Hardy shirt. I got it for free. Oh, and I have two girls fighting to have sex with me even though I have 8 kids, no job, hair plugs and am out of shape and overweight.

Michael: Does Ed Hardy make a fishnet t-shirt? I need a new one. I have been working on my pecs and stretched out my old one. The ladies love that shirt. You should hear the sounds they make when they see Mikey rolling by in that shirt.

On this trip to The Hamptons Jon wasn't accompanied by his 22 year old girlfriend but instead was with that woman from Star he was hanging out with over the weekend. Do you want to know what kind of person Kate Major is? She is friends with Michael Lohan. Yeah, that should tell you that when is giving quotes to magazines the past day or so calling Jon her boyfriend that she probably has one agenda in mind. Her own.

"I didn't mean it to happen, it just did. I went to do a story on Jon and ended up falling for him."

I think she ended up falling for the fact that she would like to be on the front cover of the magazine she works for instead of writing for it.

Hailey Glassman is back at home in Manhattan still wanting to be a stepmother and wondering if she should have told Jon about the whole option thing. It looks like he is exercising one of his options this week. I hope when he exercises it he is wearing protection because the last thing this guy needs is more kids.


  1. Michael: Does Ed Hardy make a fishnet t-shirt? I need a new one. I have been working on my pecs and stretched out my old one. The ladies love that shirt. You should hear the sounds they make when they see Mikey rolling by in that shirt.

    And this is Why we LOVE YOU ENTY

  2. Bahahaha.

    Dude, Enty, how do you know about Dewey Beach? Aren't you from the West Coast? Besides, you should've said Ocean City, MD. There are tons of Jon Gosseling clones running around there. Ugh. (I can make fun of it, because I grew up around there. Oh, and so can anyone else).

  3. If someone had a gun, or a car, we could have taken out 2 birds with one stone, if you know what I mean.

    Oh MAN, am I having a day...see what PMS does to a person?

  4. Yeah, exactly. You hit this one on the mark, Enty.

    Are they keeping a therapy fund for the kids?

  5. Anonymous10:16 AM

    You're hilarious!!
    I wouldn't even be shocked if that really was a conversation between the two!

  6. They need to start a Shitty Dads Club. I also nominate Ryan O'Neal, Joe Jackson, and Hulk Hogan for membership.

  7. Ent forgot to mention that Jill Zaaaarin was there too. That killed me. NOT JILL ZAAARIN!

  8. Ugh! Daily? I guess some people find him amusing - go watch a funny movie or read a funny book instead? Your commentary was sorta funny, but another pic of him as well? Can we refrain from those at least?

  9. Hailey is young and stupid, that whole options thing isn't looking so good right now I bet. The Hamptons is like the gravitational vortex of douche right now.

    How the hell can Lohan afford a house in the Hamptons, who's footing the bill because he's been unemployed since he got out of prison for the 3rd time? Is he printing money on his Lexmark?

  10. austin rob, is it hard to read with a gun to your head? lol, come on dude, just skip it.

  11. enty- that was exactly what i spot on my friend, spot on.

  12. Poor Hailey. LoL

  13. I was wondering how he afforded a place in the Hamptons, too! Wow. All three get publicity. A three-way match made in heaven. Fuck, Jon. Just STAY OUT OF THE TABS with your deer-in-the-headlight look for ONE DAY. Can you do that for your kids?

  14. Maybe it's just the picture, but Kate Major has major Britney face.

  15. Long time reader, first time poster. Dewey Beach?!?! Ah, the (foggy, drunken) memories! I had no idea it was such a legend...although even Dewey deserves better than the likes of Lohan and Gosselin!

  16. Really????? Really???? Damn! Sometimes I think the tabloids make this up. I can't help but think that Kate is laughing so hard at his downward spiral in to douchetown that the whole town can hear her from their doorsteps. Maybe he will start dating Lindsey. Now THAT would be good headlines. LiLo and La Douche do Cancun. Michael would be sooooooo happy!

  17. Just add Jamie Spears and Octomom to that group, and the four horsemen of the apocalypse will be complete.

  18. just when we thought we couldn't love you more, enty. teehee!

  19. If Gobbelin wants to be famous, he really needs to think about hiring himself an advisor....someone that can help him actually make good decisions, like how to conduct his dating life and....MICHAEL LOHAN? For God's sake how lowdouchious can you go?

  20. Count me among those who DON'T want a ban on all things Gosselin! No idea why, but I find them all hilarious.

    Ah, don't worry about the kids, they'll be fine. They'll lean on each other and have great stories to tell in all-night talk sessions at the college dorm.

  21. Ohh Enty! I see you found a very attractive picture of Kate too! Is she one of Michael's exes? Perfect match with Jon. Even better than poor Hailey.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Ent you're in top form today. And the comments are just as funny.

  24. Enty...those Ed Hardy cracks are CLASSIC...TOOOO funny! This is why I LOVE reading you!

  25. Enty You are freaking hilarious! She must be such a proud lady. To most likely be able to boast to have been "tapped" by Jon & Mikey.
    It would make any woman brag.
    (or gag). On the plus side he is not wearing his Hardy clothes.
