Friday, July 24, 2009

Your Turn

Over the past few days I have been sent this video about 200 times. It is the best wedding video I have ever seen. Ever. You need to watch it. If you are in a country where you can't, then you need to go online and search for JK Wedding Video. You MUST see it. So, for this week's Your Turn, I want you to share your favorite wedding story. Drunk pick up lines, groom drunk or fainting. Reception horror stories or just a great story from your own. And you also have to watch the video. I promise it will make you have a better day.


  1. You ALL need to see this super funny and charming and cute wedding video: Fresh Hubby of LA ...

    Best wedding story was a full on fight between the bride's dad and aunt ... man, that was a hot mess.

  2. I was at a wedding a few years ago where the groom's brother got in a fistfight with the bride's brothers on the dance floor. No joke. Let me tell you, that was a super classy wedding.

  3. That is an awesome video. I've watched it and sent it around. I think it's the joy and guilelessness of the wedding party. Everyone wishes they could be that free in the dancing.

    Best wedding story: my husband and I didn't tell each other what our vows would be until the moment we said them during the ceremony. It was fantastic and sweet and surprising and lovely.

  4. I love that video so much. I just sent it to another person maybe 30 seconds before I saw you'd posted it.

  5. I had an Elvis Vegas wedding and the Elvis grabbed my ass, my mom's ass and - wait for it - my grandmother's ass.

    Also there is a video on youtube of a groom rapping Digital Underground's Humpty Dance and that's pretty awesome.

  6. first time for me, thanks thats great!

    1. been to a wedding where the groom never showed

    2. another strange one....the groom tried sleep with a bridesmaid after the bride left the rehersal dinner the evening before the wedding, bride found out and married him anyway(everyone knew)

  7. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I just wanted to point out, it was a wedding in St. Paul, MN.

    Minnesotan pride!

    I wasn't at the wedding, but most of my coworkers were and I heard various tales on the Monday afterwards. Some girl got really drunk and bitched out the bride during the reception. Drunk girl then went out in the parking lot and cried and vomited for 45 minutes.

  8. I love, love, LOVE this video. This is what a wedding should be about! There's so much happiness and freedom and celebration, it almost makes me actually want to get married. I love the uninhabited joy. I have no wedding story, just wanted to tell everyone how great I think this is! :)

  9. Thanks Enty, this video made my day! I wish that I was in that wedding. And they actually knew how to dance! Awesome!

    The most uncomfortable wedding I've ever been to was when the groom fainted from too much coke during the wedding dance and had to be removed for the rest of the reception.

  10. Anonymous12:52 PM

    It's a sketch show skit, but Catherine Tate (Doctor Who) is hilarious, and this wedding skit always makes me laugh.

    I ain't bovvered

  11. bad dancing by people who happen to be white. I admire the spirit but I couldn't help but feel embarrassed for them. my loss, I guess.

  12. Made me cry -- seriously! :) It's like the ending to a movie about people ful of life you wished you knew

  13. too cute. good for them.

    my favorite movie wedding scene is from Love Actually when the band suddenly appears and starts playing All You Need Is Love.

    My dad commented to a friend of his at my wedding as I walked by, "there goes my redwood deck". Yup, my dress cost the same amount he wanted to spend on a small redwood deck. I still smile when I think of it. He sold the house years ago, but I am still married over 20 yrs later.

  14. LOVED the vid, thanks Enty!

    I don't have anything really crazy except:

    1) My cousin's first wedding. Nobody liked the bride (except him, for a couple of years at least). When she threw the bouquet, nobody grabbed it, including my sister and me!

    2) My brother's wedding on Halloween. Costume reception. The bride's first husband came as Frankenstein.

  15. This is so awesome. Thanks, Enty.

  16. No wedding stories, but just wanted to add to the chorus that I loved, loved this video.

    Was loving the music too, till I found out it's the Chris Brown song, Forever. Now the ass will get all this undeserved publicity.

    Here's a link from the Toronto Star.

  17. That is about the coolest thing I have seen in a while. The whole party looks like they had a blast, including the bride, who is someone I would like to be friends with.

    As far as weddings go, nothing too major except a bunch of drunks falling all over themselves on the dancefloor. Oh wait, that was me on my wedding day. Guess thats why I am divorced now.

  18. @surfer, are you serious? Chris Brown made this song?

  19. Man, I must be missing something or on a different wave length. I mean I know it's their day and they can do what they want but to dance down the aisle to a song by a guy who beat the shit out his girlfriend is, to me, just ewww. Pick a different song people.

  20. My first engagement was a disaster because my Mother wanted to run everything and pick out everything. My fiance came from a huge Catholic family and Mom said children don't belong at weddings. Needless to say he couldn't wait to get away from me after the all that fun. Next time around my Dad gave me $500 to elope. My Mother was furious.

  21. nomd - yup. It's on (today's) the Star's website. Which pisses me off. Otherwise, it's perfect.

  22. My co-worker sent this video to me yesterday. I wish I was friends with these people, they look like they're a lot of fun.

    As for weddings, the worst wedding I ever went to was a dry booze, no dancing, no fun. Second worse was where there was too much booze. the maid of honour (bride's sister) gave an endless, drunken rambling speech that wasn't even funny and then ended up getting so hammered she danced on the tables with her dress over her head. My (at the time) 16 year old sister got hit on by all the groom's drunken friends (in their late 20s early 30s) and later we found out that the bride ran off with the groom's best friend. Good times.

  23. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Ah, the Internet. Making bridal attention whoring just *that* much easier.

  24. Another funny wedding video. The best man strips.

  25. I was at a ceremony where the brides mother accidently set the church on fire. It was during one of those family unity candle lighting things. Both the groom and brides mothers had this long silver curved pole they carried down the aisle and it was lit at the end. They went over to a giant candle sitting on a very small unstable table and were supposed to light it together. The brides mother was either half in the bag or extremely nervous because everyone was watching her try to keep control of her pole. They finally get this gigantic candle lit, and then the brides mother loses control of her pole, it swings and hits the giant candle knocking it over and sets the tablecloth on fire. The groom, best man and minister all ran over and put out the small fire. After a few minutes the ceremony continued.

  26. I agree with Bad Fish. Attention whoring taken to the next level.

  27. The whole time I was watching it, I kept thinking "I bet they did this so that they could get attention by having it passed around online." I hope I'm wrong. I hate being so cynical.

  28. I loved the video. I wouldn't want to do that my own wedding, but I would love to be a part of someone elses. It looked fun.

    I went a wedding where the bride and groom got into a huge fight right before the ceremony. They hardly said 2 words to each other at the reception. The wedding pictures were a disaster.

    Weddings seem too stressful for the bride. I think I will elope when the time comes for me.

  29. Great Video, loved it. My favorite wedding was for a friend of mine in my women's pagan group. The wedding was at a Unitarian Church and it was pretty much "anything goes". (The groom was really cute too) I did a blessing over a summer pagan fire and everyone else added whatever they wanted. It was the most unusual and fun, and the shortest marriage. They divorced very quickly, but what a great wedding.

  30. Crazy video..........

    When I married my first hubby, we had the church wedding with all the trimmings! The best man spiked the punch with 2/3's a pint of 190 proof Everclear!!! My 75-year-old Grandma ended up drinking HALF the punchbowl of it, the best man the other hail!!! And she was lit!!! She had never, ever drank in her life!! She ended up having to be drove home and "baby-sat" all night by my sister and other relatives!!
    The groom and I ended up going, in dress and tux, to the nursing home my mother was at, to take her a piece of cake and let her see us dressed up. I can only imagine what people thought seeing a bride and groom, walking the halls of a nursing home on Valentine's Night!! But, Mama loved it.

  31. When I was 12, my aunt got married and my grandma got drunk on champagne. That was pretty awesome to see. :)

  32. when my aunt got married i was the guest book attendant and got my hair all dolled up with a side ponytail-it was the 80's. when one of my uncles was coming around pouring champagne he poured it straight down my throat spilling everywhere and ruining my blessed side ponytail and dress.

    i was 8.

    this video is so good it made me tear up like fricken Dirty Dancing circa 1987.

  33. I think that video is awful.

  34. *VERY* understanding minister. Cute video... Something I'd be ok with a friend doing, but not son or daughter...

    Monalicious... What a sweet story about going to see your mom! And I bet the other residents LOVED it, and still talk about it every Valentine's Day!

  35. It's a shame about the song. What a way to ruin a perfect video.

    My favorite movie wedding is from The Best Man.

    I also went to a wedding that was two hours late and then the reception was another three hours later because the bride and groom had to go home, have sex and take a nap.

  36. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Egotistical as it may sound, my favorite wedding was my own, because I did what I wanted and if anyone didn't like it, that was their problem. I am not a frilly, flowery person, and I really couldn't be bothered about making sure the napkins matched the tablecloths that matched the flowers that matched the ribbons that matched the lint in my belly button. The thought of picking out something "classic and romantic" to walk down the aisle to made me want to spork my eyes out. That just isn't who I am, and it's not really who he is, either.

    We'd met at a Halloween party where he was dressed like a pirate and I just happened to be shitfaced on Captain Morgan's, so pirates have always kind of been out thing and it just seemed natural to carry that into the wedding plans. He wore an eye patch and bandanna, my bridesmaids all wore bandannas and hoop earrings, and instead of a traditional wedding cake, we had lemon-rum cupcakes with gold coins on top.

    We started out with a friend dressed as a priest reading the wedding scene from the Princess Bride, but had three friends dressed like pirates come in and haul him away before my good friend Matt came in wearing full pirate captain gear to take over the ceremony. He found our vows on the Talk Like a Pirate Day website, and wrote the ceremony for us himself. It was sweet and funny and exactly our style. As he named us man and wife, he pulled out some handcuffs and handcuffed us together for the receiving line and I called out to bring on the grog.

    Our reception included a spontaneous burst of interpretive dance to the disco remix of "Total Eclipse of the Heart", two beer runs, at least half a dozen speeches (we told the dj to make an announcement that anyone who wanted to say something could, and I was really surprised at how many did!), and people were dancing and having fun right down to the moment the cleaning was finished and everyone had to leave. There were two afterparties.

    My wedding was mine and my husband's, and we wanted it to be one big party from start to finish. I can see the bride and groom in that video having the same idea, and I really have to wonder what is it with people who automatically assume that if someone does something fun and different at their wedding, there can be no reason for it other than wanting scads of attention. Guess what? If it's their wedding day, they're supposed to get attention. What's wrong with giving the people there something more interesting than yet another solemn march down the aisle to a piece of classical music? (I do share the squick of their song choice, but I still enjoy movies by Roman Polanski, so who am I to judge?) It can't be because they wanted their wedding to be fun, or memorable, or because they're not super-traditional, or because of any other reason than wanting to be the next youtube sensation. Please.

    Methinks some people have some rather large chips on their shoulders if they can't see a happy couple making the most of their special day as anything other than a desperate bid for internet stardom.

  37. Okay .. I have a huge bug up my ass about this whole deal because they are dancing to the song of a person who seems fairly unapologetic about being a convicted domestic abuser. That is helping murder my ability to get the "cute factor" here.

    Just a group of idiot Minnesotans who are either dumber than shit [Not to get the "Chris Brown is apparently a serial abuser of Rhianna" deal] or fame whores - I really cannot decide which. [I have been dealing with this being emailed to me every 30 seconds for longer than I wish - DAYS! - and everyone knows the Bride, Groom, Mother-of-the-Bride, ad nauseum to the point there had to be 150,000 people at this thing. And now .. now I have friends elsewhere in the country sending me this!]

    For some more back story you can go to D-Listed where I post as "Wil in Minneapolis." Or I can tell you that working at a crisis nursery in the Frogtown neighborhood in Saint Paul and witnessed first-hand the work of men in this area who enjoy using their wives and children as punching bags really leaves me with .. well as I said above .. a HUGE .. and now growing .. bug up my ass about this.

    Sorry to be such a C*U*Next Tuesday .. I just apparently lack that little valve in the brain that allows me to just view/read something and not bring in my own personal experiences into play.

    One last comment though .. the bride is working on her Doctorate in Psychology. IMHO - I think she needs to work harder. My internship at the crisis nursery came when I was working on my BA in Psychology at Hamline University in Saint Paul. After that I semester, I changed to Philosophy.

  38. My cousins wedding was absolutely beautiful....held in Newport, R.I. on Goat Island.......windy and a bit chilly, right by the ocean ( it was outside)...but still beautiful.........until a HUGE ( and I mean about 20-30) flock of seagulls decided to divebomb all of the guests and shit all over us!!!!!
    The row in front of us got it the worst......but my husband had to throw away his watch that night because it was all in the grooves of the band and the dial.
    I had some on my hair and dress....but we washed it out and proceeded to have a great time!!

  39. the guy with the red hair in the video is hot.

  40. I really enjoyed this video and it did bring a tear to my eye, although it looked almost like the world's largest wedding party.

    I was a bridesmaid ... 3 or 4 times? One wedding I laughed while the vows were being exchanged. One of those things where something innocuous happened and you laugh a little, but because you're not supposed to laugh it gets worse. Outside the church I immediately apologized to my friend's (the bride) mother. She didn't think anyone noticed. They did. They all did.

  41. great vid! i hope they have great fun doing their marriage.

    yeah the groom was hot!

  42. So amazing! I totally disagree with people who believe they were out for attention/fame. I think it's a creative idea...kinda reminds me of that scene in Love Actually where the groomsman gets people in the audience to play a song once they've said their vows. SO romantic! And think of all the time the wedding party must have put into creating the dance...obviously the bride & groom have an awesome group of friends who care enough to put in the effort for them. LOVE IT!!!

  43. I love this. We have video of a woman telling my husband during the dollar dance 'If this doesn't work out, you have my number.' You can see the shocked look on my husbands face.

  44. Enty, my favourite wedding story, of course, is my script. The one you're developing, remember? Except, hon, you don't call, you don't write, the option's past due and still, I don't hear from you. No happy ending for Ben and Debra?

  45. I have to admit, I generally do not like weddings, but mine was pretty fabulous.

    We decided to get married about one month before we actually did because we were buying a house so I said to my partner "We're going to ask our friends to help us move anyway, so why don't we just get married the same day after we are moved in?" He thought that was hilarious, so we did. We started the move at 10:00a, were finished by 6p and got married at 7:30p at our new home.

    We wore t-shirts we had made (in black & white) that said 'co-signer' and our 'minister' had a red t-shirt that said 'El Diablo'.

    But that wasn't the hi-light. The hi-light came courtesy of our friend, Mark. Mark had suffered a stroke pretty much on the day we decided to get married and, one month later was still suffering from some serious aphasia. After a funny and heart-felt ceremony, Mark looked at us very seriously and said:"You may now PISS." Everyone burst out laughing!

    It was awesome.

  46. My cousin's wedding hands down, worst wedding EVER. One hour before I found out my grandfather on the opposite side of the family had died, so I was a wreck to begin with. The colors were fushia and silver, and giant Texas hair was a requirement. The men were dressed in white tails and serious mullets. After all the attendants were in place, the groom, in all his mullet glory, serenaded his giant meringue of a wife-to-be with a Boyz to Men or KC and JoJo tune (really not sure which)that incorporated all the facial and hand gestures of a Michael Bolton ballad. After I figured out I was not having grief induced hallucinations and that this was really happening, the minister started to lead the audience in prayer. About that time, my 2 year old son, who was sitting with another family member a few pews behind me, let out the most pain filled scream at a time when there was no other sound. Apparently his little suspenders had popped off his pants and the person who tried to reattach them actually attached it to his stomach. Needless to say, I used it as an excuse to leave, but that day is definitely burned into my brain.

  47. My brother's wedding....The best man got up to make his toast and started talking about how my brother and him would go out and pick up girls, then he said some other normal things, then kept going back to picking up girls. Finally, someone in the room yelled out "It's a toast not a roast" and he finally shut up. That was the last day my brother ever spoke with him (and they have been married 25 years). Now I am not sure if my bother actually did this, but they had been dating on an off since they were 13 so it may have been during one of those times (I hope)

  48. I was at all three of my Mom's weddings. She was 5 months pregnant with me when she married my Dad. At 17, I was one of her witnesses when she married her second husband at the Justice of the Peace.

    Her third wedding ceremony was a Pagan Handfasting, which I officiated. And I'm hoping third time's a charm, 'cause if she keeps getting married like this, I'm gonna start calling her Zsa Zsa...

  49. A relative's future wife dieted strenuously for a week to fit into her wedding dress(didn't work). After the stressful ceremony
    she did lots of shots on the party bus on it's way to the reception.
    Passed out/puking for 80% of her reception.Missed the toast, diiner etc. Showed up positively green to dance with her crew about an hour before party was over. All us old bitties were whispering like crazy about it. Glad it wasn't me! And to top it off she was 2+ weeks prego at the time! Little guy is OK(I think!)

  50. @ Bettie "In all his mullett glory"
    Awesome! I loved that more than the video :)

    I despise Chris Brown, but sometimes a song is aloud to be 'just a song'. Picasso was a philandering miser prick, but I still enjoy his art. It's their wedding, relax.

    The thing about weddings is, everyone seems to think they're wedding was the best, but really, we as quests, only remember Mullet Dude, Gramma wasted, fist fight. We don't remember or give a rats ass about all the accoutremants you went into debt for ego's sake to show off. And it is precisely this reason I have no plans to get married. Have lived in sin for 15 years. And the very next day, you can't tell married/vs sinner apart on the street

  51. love love love this wedding! The bride had the most relaxed look on her face and her body and you could tell she was happy and so was he. I like that they seemed like friends as well as soon to be husband and wife. Yeah, it was coordinated and reheared but no i dont believe it was all for Youtube. The look on her face alone convinced me of that...

  52. GoodGrief, not all brides are nervous. I certainly wasn't, and most of my friends were rock steady too. I think it had to do with being absolutely certain of the men we were marrying, and just excited to party with our friends. In fact, about 8 of us got married in an 18 month period, and none have divorced. It'll be 20 years for us in November and we fell in about the middle of the pack.

    I LOVE this video, it never even occured to me that they might be seeking attention, I just thought it was fun!

    I assumed that when I got married I'd be walking down the aisle to the Trumpet Voluntary or the Four Seasons or something elegant like that. Noooo, I married a man who can write music, and he composed the music for our processional, which I've alwasy thought was really cool!

  53. Im a true fan! That is how you should feel on your day. If you don't care to act the fool then don't do it!

  54. That really did make my day, until i read these comments and found out who the song was by :-( That's tainted it a little bit now.

  55. Oh and i was wondering what the reception was like too, haha.

  56. I actually got a little misty eyed at the end of this, and I do NOT cry at wedding videos...*L*. I think everyone should just do whatever they want at their own wedding. I got married in jeans and my husband's Motorhead t-shirt in the marriage commissioner's apartment with a couple of family members present. Anything else - for US - would have felt silly. We're gonna do a big party for our 10th though, but we have another 3 years to go...*L*

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Haven't been to that many weddings, surprisingly enough, but my all-time favorite so far is my friends Laurie & Santiago--they, like many of my friends, are pretty hardcore geeks, not to mention very individualistic, sooo...they had a miniature R2D2 as a "flower droid" (he went tootling down the aisle, hit the front of the stage area, and went down, to much laughter); the JP (their housemate JB) started out the ceremony with the infamous "Mawwige!" bit from The Princess Bride, and the attendees were dressed in everything from goth black to tiedye to Utilikilts. But the absolute best part of the whole shebang was the first dance, immediately followed up by...The First Lightsaber Duel:

    Best part: other than seeing her pounce & smooch periodically, hearing the bride's dad yell (at about 1:03) "Use the force, Laurie!"

  59. I'm just now seeing it at 4:10 Sat east coast time, and I cried at the end too!!!

    That was frickin' awesome. How sweet and touching. It's a celebration, not a funeral, right!?! Killer. Can't top that one.

    Surprised they could do that in such a traditional-looking church. My Grandmama and her contemporaries would've had a fit at such carrying on.

  60. Hubby and I did get married in 2001 at Hell Post Office on Grand Cayman, though, and then we sneaked into Cuba for an illegal honeymoon in Havana!

  61. just when I think I'm a hopeless cynical bastard I watch videos like this and cry because it's so sweet and joyful. Loved it.

  62. Loved the video but refuse to watch again due to Chris Brown. Sorry.

  63. Lots of weird wedding stories including my own:

    Mine: Got stopped by a cop while being escorted through the hotel I was getting married in to walk up the aisle by my parents. One of my guests was in an alcoholic stupor in a Best Buy parking lot and all she could tell the cops was that she was supposed to be at a wedding at "such and such hotel" and so they went there and found a bride. This was a friend of my mother's who had just been fired from where my mother worked because of her drinking problem, and my mother thanked the officer and said she would check in on her later, but needed to get me married at the moment! He was absolutely taking his time in discussing the situation when we were literally on the way up the aisle. LOL. Must have been an omen, for three years later, I am divorced and just had to file for a restraining order against my ex for being a crazy stalker : (

    My brother's sister-in-law's second wedding:

    Let me preface by saying I don't believe in organized religion but of course I respect the religious beliefs of others even if I don't agree with them, especially at weddings. I was expecting a very religious wedding because my brother's in-laws are born again Christians. What I didn't know was that the groom and his family are Pentecostal. There was a point during the reception during which a big group of people where dancing in a circle with joined hands singing something along the lines of "Praise the Lord, praise his name!" I don't think that's right because it doesn't sound as creepy as it actually was. I had to leave the reception area I was so freaked. I waited to come back until I heard somewhat "normal" music.

    A Friend's Wedding:

    I was the maid of honor and wore the exact same thing as the bride and bridesmaid - a white button down shirt and green denim shorts. The men wore the exact same outfits. It was a white trashtastic wedding and that marriage is also over.

  64. I thought this video was incredible. Just imagine how fun the reception was!

  65. Long time lurker, new poster. Just lost my looonnnnggg post b/c no google account! argh!

    @fairylights...too cool that your hubby is a composer. I bet the music was great b/c it was personal and came from the heart.

    I also was a little uncomfortable at first b/c they were dancing in a traditional church but once I saw that they were so free and "owned it", I thought it was a great tribute to the bride and groom.

    My wedding story is strange. A friend who attended told me about it. The bride's father had money in an envelope to pay remaining monies to caterers, etc. (In an inside pocket of his jacket). During the reception, he hung the jacket on the back of his chair so that he could dance. Time to ante up. Envelope is missing. The family had to scramble to come up with the money.
    Later on, the photos came back from the photographer. In the background of one of the pictures, the groom's father could be seen taking the envelope from the inside pocket of the jacket!

    And he's the Dad that didn't have to spend all of the money!!! Yikes!

  66. i didn't like the video either, it just looks embarassing. And knowing the music is Chris Brown is extra crappy.

  67. Hate to be a cynic, but do you think it's possible that this video is not authentic and that Chris Brown and his PR people created this? How many times do you think his song has been downloaded and gee, it sure makes you feel good and NOT think about domestic violence....

  68. i think it's great. and not all churches and ministers are stuffy stick in the muds (moi included).
    the song probably had special meaning to them in spite of what CB now represents, and it was most likely planned before the shit hit the fan.

    @napoleon in rags: now THAT is my kind of ceremony! i sincerely hope i get to officiate at a similar one... if not, i may steal it for my *ahem* "going away" party!
