Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Celine Dion Is Having Michael Jackson's Baby

I know the headline is ridiculous, but when I heard today that Celine Dion was pregnant my first response was that I didn't even know her husband was still alive. I guess I was wrong. Apparently he is still alive and somehow the two of them have managed to get Celine pregnant. Her rep said it was through IVF so it isn't like she and Rene Angelil had sex for her to get pregnant. How old was she when he left his wife for her? I can't remember. I know he mortgaged his house for her when she was 12. I can't imagine knowing someone when I was an adult and they were 12 and then having sex with them. Shudder.

Anyway, read this statement from her rep and see if you find anything odd about it. "We can confirm she is pregnant. She just found out yesterday."

The Journal de Montreal reported that Dion underwent fertility treatment at a clinic in New York and is due to give birth next May.

Someone help me with the math, but when her rep said Celine just found out she was pregnant, apparently Celine must have got the call and then called the Journal de Montreal because she can't be more than like a couple of weeks pregnant. I can't believe she told the world so soon.


  1. Well, IVF...duh.

    Who could get hard looking at that?!?

  2. She's made statements in the past that she has several embryos frozen in storage in NY from several years ago - that is how her son was conceived, through IVF. I remember reading all the magazine articles about her infertility journey, because I was going through the same thing when she was. Back when her husband was first diagnosed with cancer, they did IVF to conceive because they knew chemo could render him sterile. So technically, if this baby is from that same batch of embryos as her son, it will be her son's "twin" in a sense :)

    Gotta love modern medicine!

  3. Holy cow. You would think she'd wait another 3-5 months before the announcement.

  4. Just when I thought she couldn't be any more physically repulsive, I see this pic.

  5. damn, i thought that was a picture of JLo.

  6. Wow, she really must like changing diapers, between the new baby and her husband....

  7. I was shocked she'd make the announcement so soon, too. I counted back from May 1 and determined she's only like 3-4 weeks pregnant right now.

  8. That photo is priceles. You can always count on Céline for good face shots... I have to go throw up now... Which makes me really sad, 'cause I just came back from a nice sushi meal... :(

  9. I'm on the super bitter bus.
    We've been trying to have a baby for almost a year now, after our daughter was stillborn. Can't afford the IVF (looking at $20,000 each time, no guarantees that it will work) and it just PISSES me off that her husband is 70 something.

    Where the eff is my baby? :(

  10. I can't decide if that picture of her is scary or funny as hell. Both, perhaps?

  11. Jewels: don't throw up your sushi for ~her~ - go look at something pretty instead, like a picture of a flower or somethin'! Sushi is too yummy to be a casualty of Celine Dion's visage!

  12. that picture is totally effed up...is it photoshopped or what? yikes!

  13. Carrie, I'm sorry to hear about your daughter. I wish you well.

  14. Carrie, I had no idea that IVF was that expensive. It must feel like there's no justice sometimes. I'm sorry. Hugs to you and your husband.

  15. I think Sonia is correct about the frozen embryos.

    Celine has always claimed that they didn't have sex until she was 18, but the creepiness factor is running high here and I've never believed that. It seems like he was WAY obsessed.

    I don't know if any of you remember, but he also paid for extensive plastic surgery for her not long after she first hit in the US. A little after "Where Does My Heart Beat Now?"

  16. Sierraton, thanks for the advice. I went back to the Moore/Willis stripper post, and calmed my stomach down some. ;)

    Cheryl, that was SUCH a big deal in all the Québec rag mags when it went down. She went from a *serious* ugly duckling to, erm, passable? Well, with tons of makeup passable.

    But the girl's got skills. I remember watching her sing as a kid, and you could tell she had natural talent. The whole family does really. I always wondered about the relationship between her and René when she was younger,I mean, did he plan this all out from the get-go? HUGE shudder factor...

  17. someone needs to shoot that photographer :D

    oh and carrie ... damn.

  18. Yeah.. it's a billion kinds of lame. We're going through all sorts of testing and because we're in Canada, most of the testing is covered. IVF, however, is not.
    So I get to sit around and spend a fortune on medications and hope for the best.

  19. Carrie, I am totally with you. We could afford IVF, but health stuff prevents it. So instead, we have focused our efforts on adoption -- which for one reason or another has fallen through for us for the past three years (including one birthmom changng her mind.) But this senior citizen child molester (her husband) gets another??? Awesome. And don't get me started on that cunt Madonna.

  20. Carrie, I lost several babies before I carried to term. I wish you the best.

  21. well i, for one, think its fantastic. as someone who has had more than a half dozen miscarriages and having to go down the infertility path and finally, after trying for years, finally being able to have a little girl, i am always excited for anyone who is able to have a child.

    who knows how many times she had to go through IVF before this one took?

  22. I always found their "GREAT LOVE" more then a little creepy. Good for her with the baby though.

    @ Carrie and not voting I am sorry you had to go through all that. I wish you well and blessed with children soon.

  23. Carrie, I hope you have a baby soon. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts for you.

    I am happy for Celine too.

  24. Wow .. I am with you on the telling too soon deal. Damn .. still way too much time for disaster to strike.
    : /

    I really hope everything will be okay ..

  25. Wow Carrie and Not voting, I'm so sorry, I hope you have success soon!

    I thought the picture was pretty funny....I might hang it in my classroom along with some witty phrase....if I can think of a witty phrase.

  26. When Céline farts, it makes news here. She's a publicity whore to say the least, but I've found since living in Quebec it's quite normal to hear about someone being pregnant practically the day after they've taken the test. French Canadians (or Quebecers, if you will) are more open about things like this.

    But given her age, it would be better for her to finally find a filter and keep the trap shut. Just because Mom pumped out all those kids doesn't mean you can, too.

    Carrie and Not Voting for Suckno - may you find this kind of happiness soon!

  27. These frozen embryos are from her first IVF with her son. They are his twins. I'm glad for her.

  28. Carrie: You have my sympathy. It seems the less suitable one is as a parent, the more fertile. Not fair!

    Seems like Celine has had her share of trouble; she just has a shitload more money than the rest of us.

  29. On the IVF front - good luck to you! I had to go thru fertility treatments and ended up getting pregnant with the last step before IVF, which there is NO WAY we could have afforded, a step called IUI, with injections. Without going into a ton of detail, it is 3 weeks before you can test for pregnancy, and your conception date is the first day of your last period, not the conception date. So - by the time you can test, you are 5 weeks pregnant, not the the 3 weeks from conception.

    Still - your hormones should double or triple at week 6 and they can't check for a heartbeat until 7 weeks, you think you'd wait at least until then.
