Friday, August 21, 2009

Four For Friday - Nicknames

#1 - This B+ director is known around Hollywood as King Peen. The nickname comes from one of his movies and also because he has what has been judged to be the biggest peen in town. He is happy to show it to anyone. Not in a sexual way but as kind of like a Ripley's situation.

#2 - This former A list movie actress has a nickname of Deputy Dawg. Yes, spelled like that. She got the nickname because of a movie she was in which featured police. Oh, and the dawg part came because as she made her way through cast and crew sleeping with them she would bark like a dog during sex. The name stuck.

#3 - This very large, former A list television actor and now movie actor got his nickname Flash because he likes nothing more than to wear boxers around the set and makes sure his fly always stays open.

#4 - Fire was the nickname of this former B list movie and television actress who is best known as the movie girlfriend of this A+ list actor who only does movies. Over the course of four movies she burned down three of her trailers on set because she would leave her burning cigarettes everywhere so she could keep smoking no matter where she was.


  1. 1. Bobby Farrelly
    3. John Goodman

  2. 1: Kevin Mc Donald ,director of "king of Scotland" or Peter Jackson for King Kong?
    3: i like John Goodman guess

  3. 3. James Gandolfini? (bad spelling me thinks)

  4. 4:Calista Flockhart?

  5. John Goodman is a good guess for 3 or James Gandolfini always seemed comfortable in his boxers on Sopranoes.

  6. 1. Who directed Boogie Nights?
    2. I don't know but I'm looking forward to the guesses ;) "Former A-list" is always interesting
    3. Clooney?
    4. Rosanna Arquette?

  7. Is 2 Kim Catrall?
    I keep thinking of that one scene... lol

  8. I'd argue that John Goodman is still A-List. Popular TV role (Roseanne) and plenty of popular top-notch movie roles (The Big Lebowski, Monsters Inc., O Brother Where Art Thou), plus the countless SNL appearances and an otherwise stellar resume.

  9. For #4 I am thinking Kirsten Dunst.

  10. The only answer I care about is King P... pictures, too.

    Can you imagine??! Oh, my!

  11. @RocketQueen: Paul Thomas Anderson and that's what I thought when I read it, too!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. #1 I wanna say Peter Jackson for "King Kong", but I just can't imagine him being big.
    #2 Kim Catrall isn't former A list, IMO. Trying to look people up now.
    #3 John Goodman is a great guess.
    #4 Calista Flockhart is a damn good guess

  14. #2 might be Sean Young. Follow me on this one.

    If you google "Deputy Dawg," you'll see that this is Jim Carrey's favorite cartoon character. Carrey was in "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" with Sean Young, who played a cop. Jim Carrey is also filming a movie called "Ripley's Believe it Or Not," and the first blind mentions Ripley's.

    Too far of a stretch?

    Sean sorta fits the "former A-List" criteria, as her star was on the rise before she effed it all up.

  15. it's just me! - I like your thinking, but I don't know if Sean Young was A list. She was on her way, but I don't think she ever made it.

  16. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I'm going to guess #1 = Zak Snyder, because of all the hullaballoo over Dr. Manhattan's Big Blue Peen.

  17. I must have pictures and contact information of #1.

  18. I was thinking the director of King Pin for 1

  19. 1:Paul Thomas Anderson is a good idea: Wahlberg did a joke on that during "boogie night" promo
    2:kirsten dunst is a good guess also

  20. Now that I reread #4, Kirsten Dunst does seem like the best answer.

  21. 4 says "movie girlfriend" not actual girlfriend, so Calista is out.


  22. "over the course of four movies she burned down three of her trailers"

    I want to rule out Dunst on this one. Only three of the Spider-Man movies have been filmed and the fourth hasn't started filming yet.

  23. Anonymous1:39 PM

    What about Val Kilmer for #3? He made out with Paris Hilton so he seems kinda skeezy. Plus he's definitely large, and since the last thing he really did was Knight Rider - I would say he is former A list. Just a guess.

  24. @it's just me - its says over four movies, not over the four movies, so I don't think the movies have to relate to her being a "movie girlfriend".

    I like the Dunst guess.

  25. Anonymous1:41 PM

    1. Judd Apatow

  26. Tobey Maguire has done TV, though. Still not convinced this is Dunst.

  27. Kingpin! That would be Randy Quaid.

  28. @Kris - yes, I just thought of that too. King Peen = King Pin.

  29. #1. Farrelly brother from Kingpin

  30. #1 - James Cameron, King of the World.

  31. I vote we ditch the guesses and turn the discussion instead to why in the fuckin' hell anyone would bark like a dog during sex?

  32. Doggy style is great, but barking is optional at my house.

  33. Kim basinger la confidential the police movie..

  34. #1 I agree with the suggestion of either Farrelly brother, as they can be described as B or B+ (when they were at the top of their game).

    #2 looks like the Heather Graham character in "Bowfinger", which was actually based on Anne Heche. But Anne Heche might not have made it to A list.

    #3 I prefer not to picture John Goodman doing this but he's a perfect match.

    #4 What a convoluted blind item. Kirsten Dunst is a good match but I wouldn't call Tobey Maguire A+. He's in a big franchise but is, for instance, Christian Bale A+ just because of Batman?

  35. LOL@Brendalove and Sunnyside....just spit Diet Coke all over my screen!!!

  36. I thought Kevin James for #3, maybe?

    I wanted to say Minnie Driver as in Good Will Hunting and Matt Damon but then I remembered that she actually dated him as well. Hmmm... I don't think it's Dunst - I don't think Tobey Maguire is A+ list.

  37. For number 1: It's rumored that Quentin Tarantino is huuuuge. But I think he is definitely A+.

  38. I wonder if it was a big, deep bark, like that of a German Shepherd, or a little polysyllabic bark, like that of a Yorkie.

    Was Kim Cattrall in any of those Police Academy movies?

  39. I keep thinking about that episode of "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" where Hilary has to bark every time Will says a certain word.

    That little tiny ashamed bark.

  40. 1. I agree for a Farrelly brother.
    2. I would LOVE for this one to be revealed! Woof.
    3. Goodman sounds good.
    4. Angela has me thinking Katie Holmes. Batman was the last decent movie she did. And you can read the sentence as "this former B list (movie and television) actress".

  41. #4 Kiera Knightley- movie girlfriend of Orlando Bloom

  42. Thinking #3 is either James Gandolfini or Kevin James.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Lara Flynn Boyle for #4?

  45. Randy Quaid-
    Check out his crotchal area in the grocery shopping scene in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.Is that a salami??

  46. Brendalove---that is one of my favorite "Fresh Prince" episodes.

  47. 1. One of the Farrelly brothers sounds like a good guess. They're not quite A list anymore.

    2. Basinger sounds like a good guess, as she was probably A list at one time due to her Oscar and some other big roles. It would be funnier if it were Raquel Welch, though.

    3. John Goodman is a good guess. I think Kevin James would be labeled "large," not "very large."

    4. Can't be Flockhart, she's not best known for being the girlfriend in one of Harrison Ford's movies. I don't know if Rosanna Arquette has done much television. Lara Flynn Boyle was Nicholson's gf in real life, not in movies. Katie Holmes is Cruise's wife, not his movie gf. I like the Kirsten Dunst guess, as she's very well known for being the gf in the Spiderman movies (Tobey Maguire), and was really discovered when she was Brad Pitt's child vampire gf in Interview With A Vampire.

  48. Anonymous8:03 PM

    #1 Vincent Gallo?

    #2 Sharon Stone (Basic Instinct)

    #3 I like the Kevin James guess

    #4 Vera Farmiga (Leonardo DiCaprio's girlfriend in the Departed.(

  49. #4 Sticking with Harrison Ford as the A+ actor (which I really don't think Tobey Mcguire could be considered), what about Karen Allen? She apparently used to smoke heavily - an old GQ article describes her "smoking like Bogey" and talking "through the smoke" - and she is best known for playing Indiana Jones' love interest.

    #3 Agree with the John Goodman guess. it's just me! - the BI doesn't say what current list Goodman is on movie-wise, just that when he was on TV he was A list.

  50. i'm trying to think of a b+ director...
    i want #2 to be Mira Sorvino for some reason lol
    3's gotta be John Goodman? lulz
    i'm with 4 being calista

  51. #4. A former B list actress in movies and on TV who is best known for playing the part of a girlfriend to an A list actor's character?

    The first name to pop into my head is Mia Sara (aka: "Ferris Bueller's girlfriend").

    If this actress was formerly B list and she's now just known as "the girlfriend of" a character, that tells me her star fell out of sight and it's probably been awhile.

  52. I definately think that Tobey Maguire is A-list. The Spiderman franchise. Pleasantville.

    Or maybe it's just me. I will <3 him forever for being David in Pleasantville.

  53. Oh, I think he could arguably be A list (though maybe not by Enty's definition?). It's just I think he's definitely not A+.

  54. #2 - Faye Dunaway...former A-list..."Bonnie and Clyde" featured police.

  55. I like the Sean Young (2) and Karen Allen (4) guesses. Both blinds describe them as 'former' listed actresses. Those two have both jumped off the radar (Indy 4 aside). There are very, very few A+ actors. Harrison Ford has starred in two of the top five or so (NTTGoogle) movie franchises in history! Ford, Pitt, Clooney, and not many more.

    As for 1, a Farrelly brother is exactly the type of guy to show everyone his giant dick. It's their humor.

    For our younger CDAN readers: Google "Milton Berle penis". 'Uncle Milty' was the most famous comedian in world for quite a while, and was always rumored to have a monster. In the recent SNL history book (can't remember the title), somebody told the story of talking with Milty in his dressing room, and making a cheeky reference to the rumor. He claims Milty whipped it out, and that (not hard) it was 12 inches long and as big as a man's forearm! Even though he was straight, he was moved to compliment it as 'beautiful.'

  56. Yes, Kim Cattrall was most definitely in Police Academy!

  57. 1. Paul Thomas Anderson of "Boogie Nights," and he's definitely b+
    2. no idea
    3. John Goodman
    4. I'll go with Kristen Dunst

  58. 2. Sharon Stone/Police Academy 4

  59. 4. Elizabeth Perkins(Big/Tom Hanks)

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I am going with the earlier guess of James Cameron- King of the World and "ripley's situation" -Aliens

  62. I like the Karen Allen guess for #4 too.

  63. #2: Renee Russo? She was in the Lethal Weapon Movies as Mel Gibsons girlfriend and I think she was definitely A list for a time in the late 90s.

  64. #1 -- I'm surprised no one has mentioned that one of the Farrelly brothers is famous for pranking his actors by whipping it out without warning. I hadn't heard that it was huge, but the stories of him flashing his cast have been flying around for years....

  65. #1 reminds me of what a delusional woman at a party in LA said years ago. She claimed she was one of only a handful of people who could call QT "Quentino" to his face. She claimed one time he forgot and left his huge dick hanging out of his pants during a film shoot, then accidentally knocked Carol Channing backward down the stairs with it when he answered the door.

    Such good times.

  66. 2. Jamie Lee Curtis

  67. Bobby Farrelly. The movie is Kingpin.

    To be fair, however, the biggest schwantz in Hollywood probably belongs to Liam Neeson. His late wife discussed the "Coke bottle" publicly.

  68. Karen Allen fits all the details for #4.
