Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Get Ready For Octomom

For the next two to three weeks I think it is going to be all Octomom all the time in the tabloids. FOX is going to air a two hour special on Octomom later this month and so I am sure the publicity machine will be in full force. They are promising some kind of never seen footage. What I think happened is someone finally bought the footage of her giving birth and all the other footage she was shooting in anticipation of becoming famous.

I am a little surprised at how calmly FOX is promoting this. I would have thought they would have combined it with one of their patented reality shows like When Animals Attack or Police Chases Or Freak Show Men And The Women Who Love Them.

Instead what we have is "an intimate look inside Nadya Suleman's life allowing viewers to witness the emotional struggles, physical complications and financial burdens of this single mother of 14".

Uh huh. I don't really have any sympathy for her at all. None. However, I will say that I am much more likely to watch her show than I am to ever watch another Jon & Kate episode. And when I say watch Octomom's show I mean DVR it because I guarantee you I will only be able to take it in ten minute doses. On a positive note I will say that except for wanting fame to such an extent that she had 8 kids she now regrets having, at least she appears to be home with them most of the time. I don't know if she is just ordering things online and surfing for porn on the internet, while nannies take care of the kids, but she is home and is not out all the time like some other reality parents.


  1. I won't be watching it. That's a promise.

  2. Ditto.

    On a related topic, anyone watching "There goes the neighbourhood"? Only one episode in and I'm fascinated.

  3. Oh this bitch again?

  4. i'm w/ you , enty. i'd be more apt to watch her that the jon/kate trainwreck.

    mixed feelings tho...yeah, she's whoring out, but the kids DO have to eat. we can't resort to the 'she should have thought of that' line of thinking b/c it's not like the kids can be sent back. sad all around. hope it works out for the kid's sake.

  5. not watching. don't care.
    same for kate and jon.

  6. While I can understand the need to watch in only 10 minute does, won't be paying her any more attention. Nope, sorry, not gonna happen.

  7. i thought we Octo-banned ?

  8. Words can't convey my contempt for this woman. I hope she is saving for the therapy these kids will need. I wouldn't be surprised if she had another batch.

  9. Please tell me no one is planning on watching this weirdo. With no one watching, then she will only be on for hopefully a brief time and she can concentrate on what her kids really need. No infant is craving fame, just the parents.

  10. I think Octo & Kate should do a variety show together.

  11. Deep breath......:I hate her flat hair plastered to her head, I hate her 5, no 6head, and she should put all those "regrets" up for adoption so they can have a chance at a normal life and actual quality time with parents who aren't whoring them out.

    Obviously I won't be watching. Okay, I'm done.

  12. No no no! This makes me long for the olden days of t.v. when things were in black and white and there was no reality t.v. and the moms wore pearls to clean the house and drank martinis at noon and the dad and mom had seperate tiny beds. LOL.
    I just cant stand to see that many kids belonging to one person, which is why I dont watch Jon & Kate plus desperation for money and The Duggers. It makes me sick to see that much exploition for children on t.v. and this is just another bitch cashing in. Protest Protest Protest!

  13. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I will wait for Enty's comments on the show LOL.

  14. @Rocket Queen: The promos leading up to it were fascinating, but I only caught the last ten minutes and they were "nominating for a vote off" and it appeared to be the same old, same old. Was it good?

  15. I propose a show called Celebrity Death Mom, where so-called celebrity mothers can take to the octagon for the ultimate mixed martial arts, Mama y Mama smackdown.

    Minimum of eight kids to qualify.

  16. One more reason to never watch FOX. A look inside the life of a woman who was such a pig, her home was to dirty to allow babies to move into, so she had to move - to a home that is now to dirty for babies to safely live in. See the violent, neglected older siblings who are starved for attention or the one to one care that several autistic children need but don't get.

    See all the lovely designer items in Nadya's closet that the tax payers of California bought for her! See all 14 of the children you provide food, clothing and medical care for too. Wisely spent, hell no!

    On the upside she has been sterilized by the state, that your tax dollars paid for, so at least you will only be paying for the 14 of them until they turn 18.

    After that they will start going off into the prison system and your tax dollars will continue to pay for their board and up keep for the rest of their lives.
