Friday, August 21, 2009

"I Want To Be A Stripper For Daddy"

The headline above is the perfect name for the new VH-1 reality show starring Hulk Hogan and Billy Ray Cyrus. It has to be VH-1 right? If they can give a murderer his own show they can certainly let Hulk & Billy Ray host a show about girls who want to strip for their dads, and the fathers who love it.

I really thought Hulk and Brooke were an aberration. You know some kind of Vegas Vacation one off, doesn't happen in real life kind of thing. When Billy Ray said yesterday that he thought Miley using a stripper pole at the Teen Choice Awards while standing on her ice cream was just fine and that he enjoyed it, I started thinking that maybe this is widespread. Hence, the contest. I think if these two wonderful fathers enjoy it there must be thousands of fathers all across the country who would want to enter their daughters into some kind of stripper pole contest. I have not quite got the logistics worked out, but I think Pimpa Joe should be the host.

Am I wrong in thinking that a father shouldn't want to see his daughter gyrating on a stripper pole? It isn't even so much the fact she did it, but the fact that Hulk and Billy Ray seem to get into it so much that I find truly disturbing.


  1. we're assuming that billy ray and hulk are DECENT fathers. my dad sure as hell would not like for me to strip.

    a parent has so little control over an ADULT child, but my mom and dad would not like it one bit.

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    AND one is under-age. Lovely.

  3. I wish the entire White Trash Cyrus clan would disappear already. They're the modern-age Clampetts, minus the modesty.

    I'll still never understand how a mulleted 90s one-hit wonder managed to make himself and his unsightly spawn relevant. Are there really that many stupid people in the world?

  4. enty, i'm in agreement with you. IT IS disturbing that a father takes no issue with his 16 year old daughter gyrating on a stripper pole, scantily clad, to boot. "he enjoyed it" ?! me?
    i'm disgusted.

  5. Well, if he's enjoying it, that's all that matters, right?

    Sweet jesus, do these eejits not live in the real world??

  6. I'd be unhappy if my daughter was gyrating on a stripper pole--and she's 21. I certainly wouldn't choose to watch--and if I HAD TO, I can't imagine that it would make me feel anything other than shame (for myself). My first thought would be about what kind of parenting have I done to make my daughter think this is the best way to get attention?

    I think Billy Rae Cyrus done broke his achy breaky head.

  7. My Dad would've broken my legs if I'd gone anywhere near a stripper pole at 16. I thought he was just a good father. Now I realize that he just didn't find me attractive.

    ...euw I shouldn't even joke, cuz now I've grossed myself out and can't finish my burrito. (Actual burrito, not a euphemism.)

  8. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I think most dads want to keep their daughters OFF the pole - not watch them and enjoy it.

  9. ambernyc, you said it perfectly. WTF is wrong with people today? Why are these freaks famous and rich?

  10. my dad gives me total raised-eyebrow please-cover-up when i'm poolside in a bikini, he'd totally lose it if i had ever been inspired to go the way of the pole.

    ewwwwwwwwww billy ray.

  11. figgy..that was hilarious,sorry it just was.

    fuck, i dont want to see Britney on a pole let alone this underage hussy! she knows exactly what she's doing and as a tweener role model, hack yuk, she needs to get a fucking clue.
    or Disney does.

  12. I'm just disturbed by the whole concept of Billy Ray enjoying it when Miley rides the pole! "Daddy says I'm the best!"

  13. No, you're right. It is disturbing. This men are disgusting. I don't see how they could encourage their daughters to do this.

    Oh, you forgot to mention Papa Joe.

    Ick. Nast.

  14. While Jessica Simpson is no longer underage, she still has a pervy father. I bet he would love to get her on a stripper pole. Ahhhh, who am I kidding, he probably already has and taped it so he can watch it over and over.

  15. Both Billy Ray, Hulk and Joe Simpson are disturbing examples of fathers who place price tags on the foreheads of their daughters.

  16. Sorry, I added Joe Simpson's name to the post and forgot to remove the "Both"

  17. Redronnie - I think you hit it right on the head. They don't see their girls as daughters, just meal tickets.

  18. enty, you are NOT wrong for thinking that a father shouldn't want to see his daughter gyrating on a stripper pole.

    but how does he think the pole is ok and the pics from Annie Lebowitz aren't? no idea.

  19. What starts out as "edgy" soon morphs to highly inappropriate, and they don't see it. This won't change her image for the better. Whether they like it or not, her fame and fortune are directly linked to young girls. She's a role model, a lousy one.

  20. figgy - that comment was just so freaking awesome. wrong as hell, but twisted and funny.

  21. Even my 16 year old daughter & her friends thought the whole Miley on a pole was disgusting. Besides her father, don't know who she was looking to entertain.

  22. It's not just the pricetag on the daughters' foreheads. It's the creepy vibe I get that these men might like to date their daughters if the men were younger and if it were possible.

    It's like that gross weird uncle that drunkenly says in a movie, "If only you weren't my niece..."


  23. Hulk and Billy Ray are different, Billy Ray is never going to criticize his little paycheck. The one with the money has all the power, see Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay also threatened to stop working at 15 like Lindsay if she didn't get her own way, thereby cutting off all the family income and instead of calling her bluff and not letting either of them work the parents caved and created two monsters.

    Hulk and Brooke have a completely sick and twisted relationship that appears to be incestuous to the point he is dating Brooke's double. There is something very wrong going on in that family.

  24. I watched a Chris Rock special last night, he was talking about the responsibilities a dad has to his daughter and said "all I have to do is make sure she doesn't end up on the pole". It was hilarious. He went on to say any father whose daughter is a stripper f***ed up as a dad.

    Now, I don't know any strippers personally, but do believe women have a right to do whatever they want with their bodies - but why would ANY father want to know his daughter is displaying her "wares" to strange men???

  25. I'm not surprised by his attitude. Remember nine year old Noah Cyrus was photographed posing and dancing around a stripper pole just a week prior to Miley's performance. One of those Cyrus kids will be the next Lindsay Lohan.

  26. Like Mother used to say, they have $$$ for eyes. It'a all about the money.

  27. It just occurred to me that "Toddlers & Tiaras" is the perfect casting field for this new show. I watched part of my first (non "Soup") episode yesterday, and the dad was really scary.

  28. These shinning examples of fatherhood make my stomach lurch.

    I have to tell you that picture of BRC with the mayo the otherday gave me creepy HULK/lotion flashbacks.

    Aren't parents suppose to be their childs moral compass? Where the hell will these girls end up in 10yrs?

  29. while it's disgusting that these fathers seem to not only think it's ok for their daughters to pole dance, but they enjoy it, I just had to watch the Miley video to see what the fuss was all about.

    It was more like she danced next to the pole. It didn't seem all that seductive to me. Did I miss something? Still wrong b/c the implication was there.

  30. Agree with Miss X.

    I finally saw the video for the first time as well..and there nothing sexy about her dancing next to a pole.

    But that song? Horrendous.

  31. I agree with's very disturbing that he finds this entertaining. I was disturbed she was working the pole at 16. I guess that's what happens when your child makes more than her parents.

  32. That's just gross. Dad's like that make me grateful not to have had one.
