Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Jaime Pressly Didn't Use A Sidewalk As A Toilet

Yesterday the internet was alive with pictures of Jaime Pressly outside The Abbey on a Sunday afternoon peeing happily away on the sidewalk. Turns out though that not only wasn't she too drunk to not find the bathroom she also wasn't actually taking care of her business on the sidewalk. According to Jaime's Twitter page she says,

Yes....that is me doing dare #8 at my bridal shower..Things are not always what they seem.. Notice my hand in the back..its pouring a bottl

And then of course because she couldn't count to 140 characters she continued it on her next Tweet.

pouring a bottle of water!!! C'mon guys! Do you think i would really pee in the entry way to the Abbey in broad DAYLIGHT!!!

Well, the thing is I wasn't really that shocked. It is hard to imagine getting that hammered on mimosas in the afternoon, but I choose to believe her because of the blogger that is horribly wrong if we choose to believe Jaime.

I would like to know what dares 1-7 were though. I am sure you can find the photo of Jaime if you look hard enough, but I don't want to link to it myself.


  1. Ah, The Crabbey, site of so much debauchery in West Hollywood. LOL ....

  2. I'll bet she'll be relieved when this rumour is finally put to rest. Ba-da-bum.

    Seriously, though, I saw this on Perez yesterday and he is emphatic about making people believe that she actually urinated on the sidewalk, even referring to her as trailer-trash.

    I think I might actually hate him.

  3. One day history will look back on Perez Hilton as one of the contributing factors to the downfall of American society.

  4. Yes, to what brendalove said. I am shocked at how popular he is.

  5. Anonymous1:23 PM


  6. Even after I started hating him I kept reading his site for new news, but lately it's just been stuff that's been up other places for days. It's a relief, 'cause now I have no reason to go there any more.

  7. What happened to the shower games where you made a bouquet out of the bows?

    I see gangs of these ladies in Palm Springs or Las Vegas. Some poor girl is wearing a veil with her hoochie outfit and usually the most drunk girl in the group is wearing a "maid of honor" tank-top. I guess that's fun?

    I say hire a male stripper and call it a night.

  8. Are these recent photos?
    I didn't even hear she was getting married.

    She should have just been honest. It wasn't here it was her twin, Joy.

  9. Do you think i would really pee in the entry way to the Abbey in broad DAYLIGHT!!!

    Does that mean she might consider doing it at night?

    Men pee outside all the time. If she wasn't flashing her vag, I don't care if she peed outside.

    But maybe my redneck is showing.

  10. They talked about this on the Frank DeCaro show today. One of the cohost's friends was there and called in to say she definitely did pee, and she was drunk off her ass. They hate Perez, too, BTW.

  11. Somehow I dont believe her. It sounds like PR cleanup. Just like the time Fergie pee in her pants and tried to pass it off as sweat. Then later on admitted that she did pee on accident.

  12. What does she mean about her hand in the back. I can see both hands an neither one has a bottle in it.

  13. Yeah, I don't belive her either. From now on, whenever I hear or read her name, all I will think is: She's a public pisser. Eww.

  14. When did she decide to get married? Last I had heard she and Eric Cubiche had called off their engagement and broken up. So are they back on or is this just part of the PR cover up?

  15. Yep, I do not believe her either.

  16. dares at bridal showers? really?

  17. HAH!! She's the female Marky Mark.

  18. She's engaged ... to an entertainment lawyer!

  19. @Lisa (original) - Wasn't the pee pee pose invented for times like that? Yes, I will be thinking public pisser.

  20. I can't stand her.

  21. One more example of Pee Hilton lying on his blog, or who ever is actually writing it this week, he could barely spell. It was just another cheap shot by a blog owner with no integrity.

    More proof he's a waste of bandwidth.

  22. I don't believe her. But I still like her.
