Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Julia Stiles Makes Fun Of GOOP

Julia Stiles is actually funny. Who would have thunk it? It seems like she never smiles unless it is for a role she is playing, but it turns out she has a great sense of humor and as a bonus is willing to make fun of Gwyneth Paltrow. That can only be a good thing. Plus it is short. I can't wait until she cooks a chicken.


  1. lol, save the last shants. I loved the homeless man story.

  2. I agree she's always got a sour look on her face and I'm not a big fan. However, I like anyone who makes fun of Goopy ;)

  3. Very funny. Cute gal.

  4. I agree. I like her too - now that I've been to her website. Looking forward to more from Julia.

  5. I have never liked her. However, this makes me want to give her a second chance.

  6. nice work Julia!

  7. love her! always have, and now even more so. cute vid!

  8. Anonymous11:44 AM

    That was funny lol!

  9. Ditto what everyone else has said -I've always been a fan of Julia's, but this makes me like her more.

  10. Am I the only one who thinks all the guys look like Jaime Kennedy?

    That was funny. I love the website...

    'Helping the environment. You're welcome.'

  11. Always liked her and you never hear skank stories about her which is a plus.

  12. I have always been a fan since I saw her in "Traffic", now I adore her since I know she is not afraid to be funny or make fun of goopy.

  13. I've always liked her; she strikes me as having a very dry, sarcastic sense of humour and this video was immense.

  14. I just love her. She is not into the Hollywood scene, which I love.

  15. The looks on the models faces are hysterical!

  16. FYI Erika Christensen was the actress in Traffic. Juli Stiles has been in the Bourne movies and Mona Lisa Smile. They do look a lot a like, though.

  17. I love it when people make fun of Goopy. It brings a warm glow to my heart.

  18. I like her a lot. She has great hair. That is not why I like her, but I think she does. Have great hair.

    OK, I'll stop now.

  19. OMG!!! Was Julia totally channeling Gwynnie during that homeless man shirt/pant deal or what!!! HOLY CRAP!! I almost spit every ounce of pop all over my laptop!

    Thank you EL .. my family suffered a huge loss today and I was very busy feeling sorry for myself and scheduling hotels and plane fare to the East Coast.

    Very grateful! Thank you!!

  20. Plane fare .. plane flights .. iceberg .. Goldberg ..

    But thank you again!

  21. I don't get it.

    Oh wait...I've never clicked on www.I'm a self important smug cunt who is completely out of touch with real people but listen to my dumb fucking ass and oh by the way, I can't act for dog

    Yeah, I've been meaning to check that site out...

  22. wil- peace to your family.

  23. Wil, I'm sorry for your loss. :(

  24. wil - sending you and the family warm thoughts and i hope you will be ok.
