Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Keri Ann Peniche Is The Devil

Do you know how evil you have to be for Mindy McCready to call you the devil? Well, apparently Keri Ann Peniche fits the bill. "She is evil personified, she is evil in human form. She will hurt anyone she can to make money."

Actually I think that Keri Ann was the one who released the tape of Rebecca Gayheart and Eric Dane. Keri has always said that she couldn't have released it because she would have done it long before now. Uh huh. Well, what if you didn't need the money until now? Keri also says she has never had sex for money and would never do anything like that. Umm, was I mistaken when I read she was a madam and also would turn the occasional trick? Last I checked that was having sex for money or at least arranging for others to have sex for money. I don't see much difference in them.

Oh, and just so you know, Keri didn't have sex with Rebecca or Eric that night. Why? "He's married! We were just having fun." Uh huh. So, I'm sure that when prospective tricks were hitting on her or she was arranging for her workers to have sex with others that she asked whether the potential client was married.

I am with Mindy on this one. Keri is evil personified and I have no doubts she will do whatever it takes to make a buck no matter who it hurts.


  1. hey, if she'll sell herself for money she'll sell anyone for money.

  2. just another fame whore lining up for her 15 minutes...altho i must say, gayheart & mcsteamy aren't much better. they're full-fledged citizens of Doucheachusetts.

  3. I'll never be able to look at McSteamy and the Missus the same way again.

    Rebecca was soooo good in Nip/Tuck.

  4. what someone does is their own home is their business, however, once you start filming it, you can pretty much throw privacy out the window. I am mystified this hadn't happened earlier. Bet you money one of them was seeing her on the side and called it off, is smells like a revenge thing to me.

  5. Ok, I am not buying that they were all just hanging out naked as friends. Just like it is a normal thing to do.

  6. BigMama, I think you hit the nail on the head with that comment. It makes no sense for this to be released unless someone was either going to benefit from it careerwise or use it as revenge. And I think the fallen beauty queen had both on her mind.

  7. Page 2 had a blurb about Keri showing up at some event and making a beeline for one of Dane's Grey's Anatomy co-stars and he had no idea who she was. It sounds to me like she is looking for fame more than anything else. So I certainly wouldn't be surprised if she was the one that leaked it.

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Who has anything to gain Mindy or Keri? The trail will lead to the guilty party.

  9. Kimi....me, neither!! Why is no one calling them out on this? According to Keri, they "hardly knew each other". Um, then why are you all NAKED (prob high) and filming each other??

    Where's the sex part? Conveniently edited out (just like the drug parts) so that Keri couldn't actually be charged with anything/preserve her "modesty".

    I think she released it, and I think she's using MM as a patsy.

  10. If you're famous why would you put anything damaging on "tape"?

    Once you get famous, do they require you leave your common sense at Fames gate? You have to know that you'll get sold out before you can say, "enquiring minds want to know."

  11. I have lost all respect I had for Eric and Rebecca. They're a pair of idiots. He might as well be known as McSleazy from now on.

  12. I'll never get over the fact that she ran a child ove and then went on to star on a cable show about dead people. that is just sick.

  13. Has anyone seen her on Sex Rehab and wondered who's jeans her fat ass in wearing? They certainly don't fit her. They look like her jeans from elementary school. She looks like 15lbs of sugar in a 10lb bag! Buy some jeans that fit, you mean bitch. Never seen such an ugly personality before. She is satans child!

  14. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Keri Ann is the biggest sociopath, evil, manipulative,
    disgusting piece of shit I have ever seen. She embodies
    all the worst traits a female can possibly possess. if I saw her crossing the street in front if me, I would speed up.

  15. personally, i would like to see the sex part ;-)

  16. Keri Ann is one untalented, nasty, diseased, narcissistic little bitch. I'd pay to be able to take a few swipes at her with a rake!

  17. McKenzie Phillips got it right- she is a little girl. She's cold, mean, demanding, narcissistic, arrogant, etc, etc - she must make mom and dad real proud. Basically she's a sociopath, and now the whole world knows. Do they have treatment facilities for serious attitude problems? THAT's what she needs most. Then everything else will fall into place. I wish her luck, she needs it.
