Monday, August 31, 2009

Kim Mathers Says Eminem Needs Viagra

It is always nice to see parents of a child take to the airwaves to say derogatory things about each other. In the latest example of caring about yourself more than your child, Kim Mathers went on Detroit radio station WKQI to talk about Eminem. I'm not exactly sure why she was on the show, but the announcers certainly got their money's worth.

"I can't stand him. He's an absolutely horrible person and he gets worse every day. I vomit in my mouth whenever I'm around him or I hear his name. There's nothing left in me for him. Nothing at all."

That seems pretty bad and definitely under the bus worthy, but she goes for throwing him under one of those accordion buses. You know, the ones that are like a block long and never stay in their lane.

"He's not very well endowed. If you're going to have sex with Marshall, make sure you have a little blue pill, because otherwise it does not work."

I'm guessing she thinks her daughter will never look at the internet or hear about this from kids at school. I believe their daughter is a teenager now.


  1. LOL Yeah I have heard he was under endowed for years, lol

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How come women cannot just own up and admit that maybe their vaginas are to large?

  4. Duh, I read it wrong.

    Eminem can at least argue that it was because she was too fug for him to get it up. at least it's not valtrex he's taking.

  5. um, was her check late again?

  6. ok I admit it, I have had a crappy day. This, however, put a big huge freaking smile on my face. All I can see is Mimi somewhere filing her nails while Nick is reading the headline to her and commenting....."See, that's why I said we never did it, cause he couldn't even make it happen. Plus, I's so smalllllllll" then Nick chuckles and goes back to brushing her hair.

  7. lol @ Big Mama! (and it's a Hello Kitty hairbrush)

  8. Good one, Big Mama! :-)

  9. LOLing at/with Big Mama on this one

  10. Cheryl, only because the butterfly hairbrush is for special occasions...

  11. I imagined clear with glitter embedded...

  12. not bad.... anyone else also see Nick in a butler uniform???? Maybe a pink version so as not to clash with her bedroom?

  13. Big Mama - LOL!!!

    Emobacca -

  14. You know, the ones that are like a block long and never stay in their lane.
    HAHA! So true!

  15. What did he do/say to Kim??? Did he spurn her advances???? Shame on them both.

  16. So basically they pretty much deserve each other. Right?

  17. Sigh. Those poor kids.

  18. oh come on, those kids had the deck stacked against them the moment the were born....this is just the same crap they always dealt with. They are both nutty as fruitcakes

  19. If anyone knows Eminem - what she said about vomiting is basically copying words of his song "Puke" that he wrote for her. Nice try, Kim.

  20. eeep! well she sure graduated w/ honors from the travis/shana school of douchebaggery!

  21. New 'leaked' song from Eminem dissing Kim and calling her names coming in 3-2-1...

    These two (and Travis and Shana) need to STFU and realize that their kids will be able to read all of this drivel when they get older!

  22. Well, at least this is more good material for Em for his next album. Their poor daughter, she never had a chance.

  23. HAAAAAA! Emobacca, you made me guffaw out loud. That was PRICELESS!

  24. Whatever she's saying about him in a radio interview is minimal compared to the slurs and death threats against her in multiple songs, infinitely more capable of replay. I doubt we've ever had a breakdown of his hate-filled lyrics against her on this site, though of course I could be wrong. Frankly, I find her statements very restrained, considering that if he repeated what he'd said about her in public forums he could be prosecuted for making terrorist threats.

    He chose to marry and have a kid with her. She did not choose to have him write what he did about her.

  25. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Well, she married him. Don't tell me she didn't know the length of his endowment before the wedding.

  26. Nice to see she is out of jail.She is not a pleasant person. Their daughter is 14, btw. Nice thing for her to hear about her dad. And Em adopted her other kid. And her neice.

  27. I am a huge eminem fan and I do believe these comments were made over two years ago- She might have repeated them again but I doubt it!!

    I know- no life yada yada yada...


    Still love ya though ENT!!

  28. she is just white-trash, and to say those things about her daughters father, is just down right DISGUSTING!
