Friday, August 21, 2009

Let's Talk Ryan Jenkins

Apparently yesterday Ryan Jenkins managed to sneak himself into Canada. Also yesterday Orange County formally charged Ryan with murder, and issued a warrant for his arrest. Good luck serving that on him. Orange County did a very smart thing on their charge. They didn't add a special circumstance to the charge. What that means is that the death penalty is off the table. That was basically their only hope of ever getting him back from Canada.

If the death penalty was an option there is no way that Canada would ever send him back to the United States to face trial. As it is now I am not sure that Canada will send him back. Now before you go jumping all over Canada for not sending a murderer back to the US to face trial, it's important you know that the US would probably do the same thing if the situations were reversed.

This guy is disgusting, and was arrested for domestic violence in Nevada back in June. The violence was directed towards the now deceased Jasmine Fiore. I wonder if VH-1 knew about that arrest but still kept airing Megan Wants A Millionaire and if they would have aired the new show he was on as well if he hadn't committed this murder. At some point, there needs to be some responsibility taken by networks for the people they put on the air.


  1. Well, if they don't send him back at least he has to spend the rest of his life in Canada.

  2. Why all the hate on Canada? It's a nice country. The only place he would escape to that I could see as a just punishment would be to a frozen tundra or scalding desert. The man deserves to suffer, just as he made Jasmine suffer.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm kidding, plus I was born south of Miami, brrrrr!

  5. Frankly, I hope they get him back. We don't want him.

  6. Law & Order: Ripped From the Headlines.

  7. (And if I couldn't make fun of Canada/ians, I don't know what I'd do with my life. :) )

  8. I think Canada will extradite. We have an extradition agreement with them.

    They are nice neighbors. It's places like Iraq, Cuba and Venezuela who don't extradite--we haven't done anything to make ourselves well-liked in those countries, and they aren't exactly interested in our good will, either.

  9. I don't understand why Canada would not extradite (or the US in the opposite event). Canada and the US have an extradition treaty which allows for the extradition of their citizens to the other country. Extradition treaties generally apply where the crime is a criminal offense in both countries. (Which is why the Swiss, who don't count tax evasion as a crime, generally don't co-operate with the IRS). In this case murder is clearly a crime in both countries. To get an extradition order the prosecutors generally have to show "probable cause" - which is no greater than the prosecutors in the Orange County have to show for an indictment. Defense attorneys often attempt to forestall extradition by claiming that their clients would not receive a fair trial in the other country. In Canada this has sometimes been successful in extradition requests from third world countries where political prosecution is suspected. However courts in Canada have almost universally extradited to the US because the US court system is deemed as fair and just as the Canadian courts. Canada does not have the death penalty and therefore generally will not extradite if the person is subject to the death penalty in the other country. Where prosecutors in the other country have waived the death penalty, as was done by Orange County, then the Canadian courts have generally extradited.

    Therefore, unless there is no "probable cause", this gentleman is toast!

  10. How did that guy make it on VH1 anyway? They need to do better background checks.

  11. i'll go take a look around and be sure to kick him out of Canada when i find him. we don't want him either.

  12. Charles Ng was caught in Calgary by a security guard at The Bay downtown. He took forever to be extradicted, simply due to the fact that he definitely was going to be dead when he went back to California. But, we did eventually kick his ass back, where he is now I believe sitting on death row at San Quentin.

    So, my guess is this dude is straight up fucked.

  13. How did his hair make it to VH1??

  14. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Agreed lutefisk - $10 he wears A LOT of Ed Hardy.

    But on a serious note, did anyone else see that after he murdered her, he removed her teeth and cut off her fingers so she couldnt be easily identified? This man deserves something even worse than prison, if you ask me.

  15. 51 minds and vh1 have been making tons of money off their formula of finding the biggest nut cases and mess-ups, putting them on dating shows, and spinning off more shows of the most charismatic of the nut cases. Yes, they do background checks, but they are careful not to say that a bad bg check = not being cast. I have always suspected that a bad bg check is seen as a plus for casting, and here we have evidence. I hope this serves as a wakeup call to reality show producers, just as the fights on the charm school reunion show - which btw also involved megan - led to the stopping of reunion shows on vh1.

    I am in no way a prude, but even I think vh1 has sunk far too low w their reality shows, and tv/movies in general have gone way over the line. Seriously, wheneven enty has to stumble over using the word basterd to talk about a movie, isn't it a bit too much?

  16. I was watching the Today show this am and they showed a clip from a press conference wherein the cop states that, when they found her body, the fingers and teeth had been removed. Poor girl. wtf

  17. I'd rather talk about that freaky-as-hell-looking chick! Whoa. That is sca-RY.

  18. Hopefully it will not take as long as Charles Ng to extradite this bastard out of here. Ng took 6 1/2 years.

    Interestingly, there is Canadian in San Quinten on death row for murder who for the life of him ;), can't get the Canadian gov't to extradite him back up here to the more 'comfortable' jails. I can't remember his name, but clearly, our so-called compassionate (read: wimpy) government has some balls once in a while.

  19. This is a gruesome crime. It just makes me shiver. Will the guy be caught? I think it is easier to hide and stay on the run in Canada than in the US. I have much love for Canada, but this whole story just makes me naseous.

  20. OK--I was kidding.

    I did not mean to make light of that poor girl's awful death.

    This blond chick is just so bizarre-looking to me...

  21. @selenakyle - I think she's the one that was murdered.

    I'm not a believer in capital punishment at all and am glad we don't have it, but part of me thinks if you commit a crime in the U.S. - you should pay for your crime there according to THEIR laws. If you're going to be stupid enough to commit such a heinous crime in a place with capital punishment, get ready for their brand of punishment.

  22. of course mtv/vh1 knew about his background! they are impressively anal retentive about their reality shows, and the background checks as well as the drug tests are absolutely demanded/required/you name it. you refuse to sign off on them or refuse to take the tests, and you're off consideration for the show. they don't care if you have a record or if you're doing drugs...i think the only thing they boot you for is having the herp or testing hiv+. as for b/g chk, i think they're ok w/ misdemeanors, irrc. they're legal team are tough mofos, and i know there are a few peeps getting fired for dropping the ball on this guy.

  23. She was an unusual looking woman. Some pictures are quite striking, but others are strange.

  24. Makes me scared to date.

  25. "I'm not a believer in capital punishment at all and am glad we don't have it, but part of me thinks if you commit a crime in the U.S. - you should pay for your crime there according to THEIR laws."
    I agree with you 100% (and am Canadian btw) on this.
    However, I find it highly amusing that every time an American does something incredibly stupid in a foreign country that earns them a caning, or the death penalty (or 10 years hard labour hmmm...), the Yanks are up in arms whining about how this shouldn't be done to THEIR precious citizens.
    Can't have it both ways kids.
    Oh, and if it's any consolation, this guy's picture is on the front page of any number of Canadian papers today. Our eyes are peeled.

  26. Anonymous2:56 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Why would Canada keep this piece of pestilence?

    I think seeing what he did to her they'll turn him over with a bow and say good riddance.

  28. I agree, Ardleigh. Didn't he serve time in Canada for assaulting a former girlfriend? They get him and send him back.
    Yes, the "bizarre-looking" woman in the photo is the victim, Jasmine Fiori.

  29. TMZ is reporting that Ryan Jenkins has been arrested at the Torotno Airport:

  30. Apparently he's a contestant on the yet unaired reality show "I Love Money 3." So much for the season of that show.

  31. Judi: He was convicted of assault against his former girlfriend and as per usual up here, was let out on contentions of taking mandatory anger management class. They are bogus & every ass like him know they just have to attend, get a stamp & they are good to go again.

    He may have never served more than 3 hrs jail time. Canada is a joke.

  32. This whole thing creeps me out. He was in my hometown because I live right by the border where he crossed. He was seen driving through town in his SUV with his boat that he left in Blaine, which is the city right next to the border. Ugh creeps me out; I was at work that night and I just think, what if he needed some new clothes quick and I saw him at work or something? My town always seems to have bad guys going through it haha.

  33. Anonymous6:00 AM

    As long as the death penalty is off the table, he'll be sent back.

    To those saying Canada should extradite even if he was facing death, the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment and the US is the only western first world country to still have it. It's an embarrassment.

  34. Anonymous6:00 AM

    As long as the death penalty is off the table, he'll be sent back.

    To those saying Canada should extradite even if he was facing death, the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment and the US is the only western first world country to still have it. It's an embarrassment.

  35. Good Lord, I thought she was the chick Megan from the show. Sorry--I don't watch much TV. Bad day. Sorry.
    Notice I apologized right away w/out being prompted...eep. (Y'all know I;'m not that heartless).

    String this bastard up whomever he killed. Sick f*cker.

  36. Pookie, I didn't even think they would ban you for The Herp - there have been stories about it going around on different shows.

    Anita_mark, I agree 110%.

  37. FYI to all, Ryan Jenkins was found dead in a motel in Vancouver, B.C. msnbc has a fairly objective summary, although I'm sure some of the other sites will pick it up soon enough.

    As one with sisters and a girlfriend, good riddance. Condolences to Fiore's family.

    Pax, SA

  38. He was actually found in a motel in Hope, a small town 2 hrs outside Vancouver. Apparent suicide.
