Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lisa Marie Presley Getting Sued - Responds

Somewhere in the back of my brain yesterday I remember seeing something about Lisa Marie Presley getting sued by the nanny of her kids. It could have come from a reader, but I can't find the e-mail. If you did send it to me I apologize for not giving you credit, and hope you will in the comments. Anyway, I forgot about it until today when I saw that Lisa Marie responded to the suit.

The suit basically says that the nanny was forced to work seven days a week, was never given any breaks, or meal break and was never paid overtime. OK, that seems like a good reason to sue.

Lisa in her denial to TMZ, doesn't really deny anything but the breaks part.

"Ms. White's self-entitlement became more and more severe as she became exposed to the various perks she was given on the job. She had chefs and other staff at her disposal. Christine had her own guest house on the property where she would sleep and take many breaks."

She doesn't address the overtime issue at all though. The only thing Lisa says about pay is that Christine was paid $650 a day. For those of you who don't have a calculator in front of you that works out to $237,250 a year if she really did work 7 days a week. Umm, Lisa could strap me to an e-meter in a room wallpapered with posters of her self-entitled daughter Riley while making me listen to Elvis sing the Polish Top 40 and watching an endless loop of Battlefield Earth and I wouldn't complain if she was going to pay me that much.

I'm no fan of Lisa Marie Presley, but if there are any nannies out there who earn more than $240,000 a year, please let me know. Oh, and Lisa, send me an application.


  1. I'LL PUT IN A YEAR...

  2. i'd comment about this, but i'm totally curious about elvis and the polish top 40. teehee. ;)

  3. in all fairness, how many kids we talking about here?

    Actually 6 figure salary for raising kids, personal chef at your disposal, danggggg some people are just sooo ungrateful

  4. I'll gladly work for $650 a week, free rent and a chef at my disposal...

    Guys, send good thoughts my way. I need a job and to win the lottery. Well, I'd realy just like to win the lottery...

  5. I like Lisa Marie, she's ballsy and didnt let her father's fame go too much to her head. For all that she went through as a child, I think she came out okay. She maybe a little frightened though at what her mother has done to her face through plastic surgery.

  6. This woman was hired after Lisa had the twins last October. Did she have to take care of the twins all by herself as well as any of Lisa's other children?

  7. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Does that include Health, Dental, and life insurance?? If it does I might apply for the position. LOL

  8. Send me an application too. It's only twins not a liter like Octo-pussy. I could handle 2 little kids for $650 dollars a day.

  9. I want to see pics of the kids- 2 girls. Harper & Finley.

    I bet it was stress, the job. But at that pay rate- shut up!!

    I bet Lisa would be fun to have drinks with- she seems like an all-right gal. Real as one could be growing up in her shoes.

  10. I like Lisa, too. I'm always suspicious of claims against employers like this when the complainant waits an awful long time in "horrible conditions" before complaining.

  11. I am obviously in the wrong field. I am redoing my resume right now.

  12. um i was a nanny for a summer and it was the job straight from hell. i worked from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. i got $300 a week. that's a 10+ hour day and i was getting paid about $6 an hour! complete BULL!

    i didnt realize until i was being asked to come earlier and earlier and staying later and later - driving the kid all around w/o getting gas money. taking the dog out for a walk and picking up its shit. making breakfast/lunch/and sometimes dinner. all for a whopping $6 an hour.

    i would gladly take a job with all those perks and that pay! it would make all the bs worth it so i dont know what this trick is bitching out.

  13. Enty, why don't you like Lisa Marie?

  14. Dude, I work on salary...breaks don't exist in my world either. And I am not getting paid 650 a day.

    I bet this girl doesn't even have a college education.

  15. I would imagine the nanny would take care of only the twins. Her other children are older teenagers and I would they are able to burp and change themselves.

  16. That's some crazy good money even for caring for twins, it's going to be interesting to see if LMP can parse that pay to include any and all over time this woman is claiming she is owed. Why do I feel like she got fired, and is none to happy about it?

  17. I love Lisa Marie, she takes no crap and is the bomb!!
