Friday, August 28, 2009

Punishment For Cheating Hits A Whole New Level

I have been watching this story for the past couple of days and I can't decide if the guy is a cheater or if this is a publicity stunt. The premise is that the guy cheated on his wife. She discovered his infidelity when she saw pictures of his peen on his phone which he had sent a woman he was seeing.

Desperate to save his marriage he agreed to do whatever his wife wanted. What she wanted was for him to stand next to one of America's busiest malls (Tyson's Corner) with a sign around his neck that says he cheated. She wrote the sign and he stood there. It took a few hours before a news truck rolled up to him and has set off appearances on radio programs and a rumored appearance on Good Morning America.

He was on one radio program with his wife because she likes the host. People who heard him on the radio or saw him on television now stop their cars and take pictures with him. He was getting so much attention his wife made him move to a different location that wasn't so popular. There is no guarantee his wife will take him back even after he has completed his penance but the guy doesn't care.


  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Not to say anything against his contrition, but I hope that his wife at least tries to work on their marriage. If this is a stunt she's doing just to humiliate him before dumping him, I think she's just as bad as he is.

  2. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I prefer the Lorraine Bobbitt Cut hahaha.

  3. So basically his punishment is now turning into his reward.

  4. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I'm sure he'll get a date out of this

  5. "I AM THE MOST PUSSY-WHIPPED MAN IN AMERICA," would have been more appropriate signage.

  6. lol, DN, i was thinking the same thing...teehee.

  7. I don't know if this isn't a scam of some kind it would be one worth a million dollars, at least right now. If I were her I'd be selling sponsorships, then I'd dump him.

    Cheaters always cheat. Beaters always beat.

  8. Ugh. I live near Tyson's and saw this loser. Guys were honking and giving him the thumbs up. I saw a woman hand him her card. I don't think he's going to be with his wife for long.

  9. What a bitch. I hope he meets a decent woman THIS way and leaves her bitter self. Blech.
