Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Shocker!! Christina Aguilera Is A Diva

Back in 2007, the UK photographer Rankin worked with Christina Aguilera on a photoshoot. I know this will probably shock everyone who reads this but Rankin says Christina is a diva. I know, I know, I was shocked at the news myself. Rankin actually told Closer Magazine that Christina was "the diva from hell," and will never work with her again. I always think it is interesting what happens when two divas meet. I have always heard Rankin is a diva. So, if the photographer and the subject are both divas and no one is willing to break, than what happens? This.

"Christina was a diva from hell and pure torture to be around. She's so self-obsessed.
She insisted that her chauffeur drive her indoors into the studio so she wasn't papped - even though there was nobody outside. Then, she crashed my after party and her bodyguard stood outside the bathroom shouting, 'Nobody but Christina uses this toilet.' She's a joke."

An after party for a photoshoot? I really need to start tagging along on these things. To me that just sounds like an excuse to party everyday. I mean how long does a photoshoot take that you need to have an afterparty.


  1. I like how she had to crash an after party for her own photoshoot - this knob didn't even invite the reason why he was getting paid?

  2. She had a really crappy childhood and as such has become the ultimate Diva, however my dealings with her have always been pleasant. My BFF worked as her European promotions manager and she was really cool, when she was not "ON"

  3. Two years later and you're still griping? Who cares?

  4. not buying what rankin's selling...

    our company has done 2 of her tours...aside from super-talented, she's sweet, gracious and surprisingly humble. i think it has to have been a case of rankin being the little b**** that he is, having obvs character clashes w/ her due to HIS own issues. she's truly not like she's portrayed to be. i'm calling ranking on a serious case of bullsh**.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The girl can sing. Personally, I'd be disappointed of she wasn't just a little bit of a diva.

    Pookie, that's good to hear.

  7. Anonymous2:46 PM

    I think it's a little late to be bitching. He should have done this when it happen not a century later.

  8. She looks like Kim K. in that shot.

  9. I think she looks like... paris. and not the jackson one!

  10. Thanks Pookie and Montana. I absolutely love her voice, think she's highly talented and am glad to hear she isn't a total b***h.

  11. And one would think the subject of the shoot would not need to "crash" the after-party. They're both divas. Only G*d knows why.

  12. 1. Anyone who is stalked by paps is going to ensure that when she's heading to a photo shoot pre-makeup and hair, she's going to ensure she's not the subject of next week's "Stars Without Makeup" spread. How does HE know there were no paps out there? How does HE know whether any paps were following her from her hotel/home?

    2. Furthermore, given the horrific things that would be done with Xtina in the bathroom pics, can you really blame her for ensuring that she is in there alone? I wouldn't want to see some asshole's Iphone coming under the partition at me!

    This guy sounds like the nasty bitch diva in this situation.
