Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Sienna Miller Doesn't Think We Should Be Her Moral Judges

Now that Sienna Miller is out promoting GI Joe it is the perfect opportunity for her to stick her foot in her mouth at least once a day. By the way, let me remind all of you again for the 38th time that GI Joe is the worst movie ever. The only "critics" the studio let review the movie were online sites which started a week ago and are run by guys who still have GI Joe doll sheets. I saw some quote from one of those sites that said GI Joe was the best movie they had ever seen. I bet he did. I would to if the studio flew me out to LA all expenses paid.

Anyway, back to Sienna hating all of us. In an interview with GQ she says that because we are on the outside looking in on her that we just don't understand what went on with the whole affair thing with Balthazar. True. And we also don't know what went on with all her other affairs either, but I sense a pattern in her life which allows us to judge.

"I probably seem like not a particularly nice person, not a girl's girl. I do think sometimes people get morally superior without understanding situations."

She is right. She doesn't seem like a particularly nice person and I think that people do get morally superior sometimes about things which they have not seen or don't understand. For example I dislike when people say a book should be banned but they have never read the book. However, I think everyone who is judging Sienna based on her behavior can go ahead and judge.

"The situation I got into was not ideal but it happened and if I could go back and be more responsible, I would."

She left out the part that said, "or hide it better."

"I probably would be less naive about ignoring the fact that people care. I've always kind of done exactly what my instincts said."

This is one part where I agree with her. We do care and I suppose that is the nature of gossip, but technically should we really care what she does with her life? She is an actress and I use that term loosely and I suppose the only people that should really care are the family members affected and their lawyers.

"I definitely have been foolish. I've made apologies to people I needed to, but I can't apologize to people I don't know for things they don't understand."

Sure you can. Lots of politicians and evangelists and plenty of other actors have apologized for things they have done or said even though they don't know 99% of the people they are apologizing to. I don't think she needs to apologize to us though for what she has done with married guys. I do think she needs to apologize to the people of Pittsburgh and go live there for a year. Even though she doesn't know them she needs to do that.

In the article, Sienna also says that she would be judged differently if she was a male star. I agree with her on that as well. Balthazar is a tool and he should be treated even more harshly than Sienna but he isn't. He is the one who broke his marriage vows and hurt his kids all for the sake of some action. He is actually worse than her.


  1. I agree with her on the double standard part. The media has always had a double standard when it comes to female celebrities vs. male celebrities and let's not even mention their double standard of white celebrities vs. celebrities of color.

  2. if she doesn't want us to judge her ho-ing ways, then don't put it out there.

  3. If you don't want public opinion on your life's actions, keep said actions private. Plenty of people have fucked around and not been photographed. - like the jolie-pitts. Rumors yes. Pictures no.

  4. Really, the Jolie Pitts are only seen when they want to be seen.

  5. "Balthazar is a tool and he should be treated even more harshly than Sienna but he isn't"

    I've been saying that the whole time!! Homewrecker or not, Blahzartha didn't have to bang another woman while married to his wife.

  6. she's right !
    and Enty is right!

    and for Brangelina and Aniston,it's obvious Pitt cheated Aniston with Jolie during his marriage.
    There were some rumors on them during "mr&ms Smith" filming and after

  7. I agree - Balthy should be subjected to the judgment too, and I'm just not seeing it. That being said, she does have a history of going after attached men.

    I've always thought it interesting how Aniston ended up being the ridiculed one in the Jolie/Pitt/Aniston triangle. She wasn't the one doing the messing around.

  8. "Morally superior".... I want to be that because it sounds cool, but I think my friends would knock the hell out of me.

    Maybe some people care, but I wouldn't care if she screwed Pat Boone on the hood of a car on Rodeo Drive . She's just a stringy haired little slut to me.

  9. Anonymous12:59 PM

    If she doesn't want people to judge her than she should not be flashing it around.

    And regarding the situation. The only thing I can say is that he is married it doesn't matter what the situation is.

  10. Enty, loving your commentary on this. Yes, he SHOULD be judged equally and it's just embarassing for all parties involved that their dirty laundry is being aired out in public.

  11. Thank you for the Pittsburgh comment Enty. It's always sad to hear someone make a comment like that, but you'd better live here to pass that kind of judgement.

  12. I would agree that there is a double standard involved except that this is the second time she's been publicly involved with a married man. I realize single guys are in short supply but come on!

    I don't understand the appeal of her or why she keeps getting movie roles. She can't act and isn't attractive. She isn't ugly either. She's just bland and colourless.

  13. You know I trust your judgment, Enty, but I must watch G.I. Joe because it is a Stephen Sommers movie, and I love, love, love him. Plus, he's a Minnesotan!

  14. Oh, and wasn't this affair a large part of why Balthazar got fired? I don't think anyone's letting him off the hook. If she'd done it once, I might forgive and forget, but she's established a pattern of behavior.

  15. I think she's absolutely right to state that she's being treated more harshly because she's a woman. For the final time, the vows weren't ones SHE took; Getty is the dog in this situation.
    In closing, I find it fascinating that there are so many people with empty little lives who have nothing better to do than whine about Sienna fucking Miller and point the finger.
    And would someone please explain why we don't all hate June Carter for stealing Johnny Cash away from his wife. Or Katherine Hepburn for being a whore on the side. Or Marilyn Monroe for consistently pursuing married men.
    Actually the June/Johnny thing is the one that burns me the most. June Carter was a homewrecking SLUT and yet Walk the Line painted the whole sordid mess as some kind of great love affair and people drone on and on about how romantic their story was.

  16. When the woman in question has a pattern of being the "other woman" she deserves the scarlet letter the media gives her. I could care less who she bangs. That she keeps picking the marrieds and then crying shouldn't be judged I find laughable.

    As for Skank Miller I do not forgive her Pittsburgh comment.

    Sienna,It takes a shit to know a Shittsburgh.

    Steelers Fans would rather Sex
    Sells stay away. Unless she'd like to spend that year under one of the 3 Rivers wearing cement pumps.

  17. she and jude, her whorish male equal, should have stayed together. i can't stand either of them. if she doesn't want to be judged by the public; she should stop whoring in public.

  18. She's not treated differently because she's a woman. She's treated more harshly, because she's unrepentant. "I've always kind of done exactly what my instincts said." There's your problem in a nutshell, skankzilla.

  19. No comment on Sienna - why bother. Or the film sites run by freak-assed Fanboy's - same result, why bother. But more an observation about the positive reviews you get on a stinker movie.

    Isn't it funny when you see reviews for a crap movie from Fox and the reviews are coming from some paper that Rupert owns?? Ya .. I can trust that review .. sure!! Same thing about the TV shows on Fox.

    So .. anyway .. apparently Paramount's parent company - Viacom - doesn't own any newspapers .. or I am sure they would have pulled a Rupert by now.

  20. Wil-

    I trust Fox more than I trust any of the other mainstream "news" media. Fox doesn't sell Obama "Yes We Did" merchandise in it's stores, unlike NBC...yet Fox gets crap for being biased? LOL!

    In fact, "Special Report w/Bret Baier" is the most serious, unbiased news program on ANY TV channel nowadays. The All-Star Panel is excellent and they have amazing insight into politics and world and US news. Charles Krauthammer is BRILLIANT, and he is only on Special Report.

    The other shows don't do too bad, where else can you see Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, and about a million politicians getting asked REAL questions, not having their ass kissed? Certainly not on CNN...they only kiss liberal ass there, ya know. Hell, look up Major Garrett and the question he asked Robert Gibbs for some serious fucking journalism, then come back and tell me Fox is crap. That is, if you aren't an Obama Kool-Aid drinking lobotomy victim...!

    And no, I do not work for Fox or Rupert Murdoch, I'm just a regular conservative chick that actually does listen to both sides. Politics and current events are my passion in life, so I think I know a little about what's biased and what isn't, especially growing up in DC and being politics-obsessed since the age of 6. But being a conservative, I'm sure my opinion is not going to sway anyone, especially not here. Oh well.
