Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What Would You Do?

This is one of those interesting questions in life. I know that if asked most of us would say that we would never take back our significant other if they cheated on us. We would be adamant about it until it actually happened. Then what do you do? I think it depends on a lot of factors, but my theory has always been that if someone cheats once they will cheat again. They can change their behavior but it won't change with you. Why? Because if you give them a second chance they will assume they can do it repeatedly without any consequences and then you feel miserable and their is a power imbalance and the whole relationship is a mess.

Again, that is my theory and I am sure there are lots of conflicting stories and probably some success stories where the significant other never strayed again. My guess is though they just got better at not being caught. Anyway, I bring this up because Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush were spotted together down in New Orleans. To me that means they are back together. This is a guy who cheated on her for sure with one woman for almost a year. Kim and Reggie have only been together two years so for half the time they were dating he was screwing someone on the side. At least one. There have been many, many more others that have not gone reported.

But, there have also been some rumors floating around that suggest Kim might have not been completely innocent either. So, what do you do if both parties are cheating? You break up. It isn't going to work. Oh sure you could start getting into swapping but for that to work you need to have trust and if both people have been cheating then where is the trust? There is none. What really freaks me out about all this is that despite the cheating, Kim's entire family wants the couple to get back together. Why? Why would you want your child to keep getting hurt? Ratings?

I think that Kim has this fairy tale dream and she isn't going to let some cheating get in the way of that fairy tale. Well, maybe after the fourth or fifth time she catches him she will figure it out. So, what do you do? Do you take your partner back or send them to the curb?


  1. First, I would never cheat on a guy. If I want to be with someone else, I break up with the first guy. If I'm going to hurt someone, I'd rather do it swiftly and honestly. If some ass thinks he's gonna play games with me, he's got another thing coming. No trust = no relationship.

  2. I've always had the philosophy that if the person I'm in a relationship has the overwhelming need to get naked with someone else, then so be it - go forth and screw. But I'm SO out of there. Obviously there is something missing in our relationship, so why stay with them? I've never cheated on anyone I was with, and never stayed with anyone who cheated on me. It's one thing to deal with the hurt and disappointment - it's quite another always wondering when that person is late or not taking calls if they are really working or with someone else. No thanks.

    I think Kim just wants to get married. It makes for good TV. But divorce sure doesn't.

  3. If you want to be with someone other than the one you are with~ it's over, end of story.

    I learned the hard way on both ends~ but I learned....some people never do.

  4. When I got married almost 25 years ago I did so in my church (God's house) and believe that I made a promise to both my husband and God. I would kick him to the curb immediately and he would go to hell for breaking those vows.

  5. What Lisa (not original) said was perfect. There is the very, very rare chance that a couple can continue their relationship after infidelity, if the cheater is willing to stop cheating and the other person can trust the cheater.

    I would never go back, because I wouldn't be able to trust the asshole again. However, I've seen it happen where it works out. Keep in mind, that's only 0.1% of the time.

    In Kim and Reggie's case, I doubt they're in the 0.1% where it does work out. It's not worth it.


  7. taking back a cheater = dumbest. move. ever.

    that is all.

    i hope kim grows some self-respect and self-worth and moves on.

  8. The rules are different for the famous and publicity-seeking crowd.

    If they want each other knowing who was screwing who (whom?), then let 'em have at it.

  9. if they are going to keep this up, then it should be an open relationship. kim just waiting around to find a much bigger fish who will show her off.

  10. I think it depends on the relationship. I think most people can forgive a one time thing, but long standing affairs are harder to get over. If both parties are willing to try then it can work out.
    As for Kim and Reggie, most rumors have been that they were cheating on each other. I can believe that. Also he is only 24 yrs. old and she was constantly talking about marriage. I think they are in two different places in their life. Only time will tell.

  11. My ex-husband cheated on me. I decided to try and work on the marriage. After all, we have 3 children together and a history. Unfortunately, I thought things were better between us and he didn't and he left and is now married to the chick he cheated on me with. Lesson learned. Don't take a cheater back. I hope his new wife realizes that he will probably do the same thing to her and to the 2 children he has with her.

  12. I think Kim is *desperate* to get married, amongst other things.

  13. God damnit! We (Saints fans) don't need this drama. Go away, Kim.

  14. What? Are we sure they were together 2 years? It really didn't seem like it was that long.

  15. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I always felt once a cheater always a cheater.

  16. Well, that much is the contract for the show?
    I mean seriously, you have to have publicity after all.
    I'm sure for the right price Ms K. will find it in her heart to forgive him.

  17. here's a pro either put up with cheating or walk,cuz he ain't gonna change!

  18. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I'm with Merlin D Bear: It's all about the publicity and the exposure for both of them.

  19. First you have loud, well publicized, wild monkey revenge sex with someone much more attractive and accomplished.

    Then you dump them.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. LOL @ Pandora's "wild monkey revenge sex" comment. Funniest thing I've read all morning, though I hope there is no poo flinging involved (I'm looking at you John Mayer!):-D

    Also, I agree with Lisa (not original).

  22. boring whoring money grubbers don't care about cheating.

  23. First you have loud, well publicized, wild monkey revenge sex with someone much more attractive and accomplished.

    Then you dump them.

    That's Hysterical. And a very good idea.

  24. Lots of women and sometimes men turn a blind eye to cheaters and just get upset when it becomes public. Even non celebrities.Know lots of women like this and their husbands tend to have money.Dig for dirt and you will find mud.

  25. "boring whoring money grubbers don't care about cheating."


  26. @ Lisa (Original)

    There will be no feces flinging - unless it is at the
    Cheater (Original).

    If you must, then I suggest a trebuchet.

  27. Man - where did I read that Kim broke up with him because he was on the "down-low"....??

  28. I'm on the once a cheater always a cheater side. With that said, I hate her blonde hair and as a brunette I think she sold out when she dyed it.

  29. I never saw how you could trust someone who cheated on you. Why doesn't she just try to date Sean Penn?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Gutter, not curb.

  32. Either:

    1. They're probably each other's comfort f*ck right now, or

    2. She's desperate to get back with him and he's thinking, a hole's a hole. He won't need to talk her into anything.

  33. i don't get it.
    reggie has herpes.
    now, i believe kim does too.
    isn't there more herpe'd men in hollywood?
    isn't there?

  34. @ Jade, That Girl - of course there are more herpe'd men in hollywood...every single guy Paris Hilton screwed! :)

  35. I'm with Sonia. If I was with someone who cheated on me, I'd dump them immediately. If they wanna fuck other people, great, go ahead, but I'm not gonna be around to catch some disease because you can't keep your dick in your pants.

    Also, no offense to anyone here who took back a cheater (I am not judging you, just explaining how I see it), but I would never do it because I believe it makes you look weak and makes the man think "Well, if she took me back once, she'll forgive me the next time". I'm sure that that isn't always the case, but it seems like once a cheater, always a cheater, at least IMHO.

    Oh, and I don't love ANYONE on this Earth enough to let them disrespect me in such a manner. Period. NOBODY is worth that.
