Tuesday, August 04, 2009

WTF Is Canoodling And Why Are Chris Brown & Rihanna Doing It?

I have heard the word canoodle exists but I am not sure I have heard anyone ever use it in a sentence. A source for Star Magazine used it this week to describe what Chris Brown and Rihanna were doing while staying at the same hotel last week. By now all of you know the pair were staying at the Trump Hotel last weekend. Instead of one of them moving to a different hotel which is what I would have done, they decided to let the media speculate about the whole thing.

Star accuses Chris Brown of violating a court order which says he needs to stay at least 50 yards away from Rihanna. A hotel worker who spilled to Star says, "He was cupping her cheeks with his hands and whispering in her ear. She was giggling. It all looked very cozy."

Rihanna doesn't seem the giggling type. Maybe it just looked cozy but Chris was just trying to see if there was still any visible bruising on Rihanna's cheeks, hence the close examination. I know Star is not always the best source for news, but you have to realize they are accusing Chris of violating a court order which could send him to jail. They must be pretty confident about all of this.

To really get some more traction out of the story Star went and asked Rihanna's mom what she thinks about the couple canoodling. "I'm devastated, but what can I do? Rihanna is her own woman with her own mind and very, very independent. We love her but can't stand to see her play Russian roulette with her life.

Chris has a bizarre power over her. She still loves him and he knows it. In her eyes, he's a god. Even after all this time, and even after what he did, it's not diminished."


  1. OH LAWD if this is true, then Rihanna is suffering from Battered Wife Syndrome.

  2. but what about Drake???
    stupid stupid choice Rhiri! not surprising, victims always go back to the abusers until they learn from another beating or 10.

  3. She's got it bad and that ain't good.

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    If this is true than she is a lost cause.

  5. Jebus, who's been counseling her - Robin Wright Penn?

  6. Battered Wife Syndrome with a touch of Stockholm Syndrome.

  7. i agree with MontanaMarriott and O!sad

  8. Can I say 'I told you so?' I never thought they were really broken up.

  9. all we need is one date stamped photo of them together and then his ass is in jail. come on TMZ!!!

  10. We all don't love her. She's a freak just like him and at this point, deserves whatever he does to her. All the support in the world and she made the choice to return to that; she's a disgrace to every woman who has had the guts to leave.

  11. I think she needs to make a complaint about any violation of the court order for him to get sent to jail for it. That seems rather unlikely, wouldn't y'all say?
    I have lost all respect for her :( I'm also kinda wondering where Jay-Z stands on all this. And if they've been together this whole time, they've all clearly been covering.

  12. Didn't the judge put a restraining on her too, to keep her away from him, or was I smoking crack that day?

  13. It seems like she is shutting out her family too. It's not unusual for abusive boyfriends and husband to isolate the woman from everyone who cares about her.

    I doubt she'd listen to anyone right now.

  14. jlb, that was my first thought too!

  15. Don't forget that he was hanging around a Rihanna look-alike, so perhaps that's the scenario?

  16. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

  17. Well, I don't think she deserves whatever he does to her, but I don't feel great crashing waves of sympathy for her, either.

  18. Damn! The only reason I could see her getting near him is to give him the beatdown he richly deserves.

  19. What a sorry end this will have.

  20. ...and since when, exactly, is STAR MAGAZINE a reliable source?! I'd place more credibility in the Enquirer, personally.

  21. Exactly, Gutter - except that Enquirer is the same. It's b.s.

  22. no, i wouldn't be surprised if she went back to him. it happens, dammit. and i believe she has to be the one to enforce the order. not positive about that, but pretty sure.

    as for canoodling, i'm not too sure, but there IS a recipe i'm dying to try. olive garden commercials gave me the idea. i think it might be a cool way to cut down the carbs on homemade lasagna, but that's a whole 'nother story. if it works out, i'll make plenty, and we can throw the extras at that asshole chris brown.
    any takers?
