Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Amy Winehouse Is The Worst. Rapper. Ever.

If you let Amy Winehouse loose in front of a video camera she could play with mice and Pete Doherty or she might turn in a performance that makes you cringe every second for three minutes. This is a very long three minutes, but it shows that a talent for singing does not necessarily translate into any other kind of talent. On a positive note she does talk about smoking bacon which I obviously enjoyed. She said it immediately after calling herself Jewish. I couldn't understand every word she said so I don't know if she was making some kind of unfunny joke about Jewish people and bacon or just has a love of bacon that cannot be quenched. At the end she thanks everyone for coming and gives a peace out bitches.


  1. Amy...keep your day job.

  2. She has an annoying voice. Kind of an unintelligible Fran Drescher.

  3. She def been smokin too much bacon.

  4. Oh hell no. I made it to the 9 second mark.

  5. She was better when she was running smack.

  6. Anonymous7:54 PM

    This vid really made me laugh. Can you imagine this song playing in a club?

  7. dammit. removed.
    i would have watched just for the bacon.
