Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Hayden Christensen's Brother Lucky He Didn't Kill His Girlfriend

Apparently the past few months in Hollywood have been beat up your girlfriend or someone else's girlfriend or in the latest twist in the game played by Hayden Christensen's brother Tove, drag your girlfriend while she hangs onto your car and you speed away.

TMZ is reporting that Hayden's brother was arrested for felony assault with a deadly weapon. It sounds like something out of a movie. I'm not sure how much Hayden's hanger on brother knows about the movie but did get a producing credit on Shattered Glass. Anyway, Tove and his girlfriend got into a fight. Tove then pushed her to the ground and decided to leave in his car. The passenger side window to his car was rolled down and his girlfriend got to her feet and tried to get her purse out of the front seat.

Tove, being the affectionate sort decided to drive away while his girlfriend was half in and half out trying to reach her purse. He dragged her down the street until she fell and then he drove away. The police later found him at his home and arrested him. He is lucky that all he is facing is felony assault with deadly weapon charges. He could have killed her. I think it is fair to say that Tove is the clear front runner for a-hole of the month and it is only the 2nd.


  1. WTF is wrong with this world......can't we all just get along ....sigh

  2. That would be terrifying. Hope he doesn't get let off easy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Absolutely disgusting, have no idea who he is but that doesn't matter nobody should be treated this way. Hope he gets what he deserves.

    Also, um, Tove?!, what kind of name is that?

    Sidenote: No doubt Rachel Bilson sees this as a good opportunity to have an actual story to accompany her daily photos that appear in blogs.

  5. Wow, at some point do we get to just publicly divorce our family members? It think we should! I have a couple of candidates in my own family.

  6. What's wrong with people? Where the hell has human decency gone?

  7. I know a girl from my hometown who had something very similar happen to her. Oh, and they're still together.

    Douchebags like this give men a bad name. Hopefully the girl stays the hell away from him.

  8. Sounds like that Canadian politician.

  9. Anonymous11:19 AM

    So in this world, there are parents that named their sons Tove and Hayden.

    I'm embarrassed to be Canadian right now.

  10. With a name like Tove, how the hell is he straight??! How pretentious. And how the hell do you pronounce it?

  11. "tove"? eek. now that IS unfortunate.

    well, he wanted to be's your 15 min, you a$$.

  12. Lock him in the same room I want Chris Brown alone in, chained to a metal chair...

  13. him and cb should be buddies. what the hell with these young guys beating on their girls...and girls...haven't you ever heard of a frying pan??

  14. Clue's in the surname - Christensen. Scandinavian, probably Danish. As is Tove - quite normal compared to some.

  15. And the Garridos...

    And every other sick MF out there.

    Oh, how I hope God lets me be an angel of death or a horsewoman of the apocalypse when I die. I should be the carriage driver straight to hell for all sick sons-a-bitches worldwide.

  16. No, I'm still giving asshole of the month to Chris Brown. I was disgusted by his trying to defend his interview on Larry King "I apologized - as I have many times previously..." like he's sick of saying it and we should all just get over it. Douche.

  17. And this is news why? The man isn't a celeb; his brother has made a few movies. Big frakking deal.
    This sort of thing goes on every day and now people care because some actor's brother joined the abusive-dick-of-the-month club?

  18. WBotW, well, you apparently cared enough to read it and write in the comments.

  19. I agree, selenakyle. What a great job for a crazy bitch like me!! I wanna be the carriage driver too!! (pout)
    In the (somewhat) words of Pinhead, I would have such pleasures to show the twisted bastards!!

  20. Wow. Mind boggling.

  21. aww. that poor babe. we'll take care of him .. send him on up here
    xoxo to my peeps!
    PLEASE :+}

    go to and vote for my licorice shrine :)


  22. Oh,
    I very nearly named my daughter Tove. (pron TOE-v)
    I don't think it sounds masculine, although it is a Scandinavian male name.
    This guy is a jerk though.

  23. I used to know their sister Hejsa. Lovely girl. Beautiful too

    I hope she uses her Tae Kwon Do black belt to knock some sense into her brother.
