Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Come No One Is Talking About This? **Warning*** Graphic

On Sunday, I saw this story and figured it would be all over the world in an instant and so there wasn't any reason to discuss it in detail. I don't know if it was Kanye or free donuts somewhere, but I haven't heard anyone talking about Aimee Louise Sword. Who is she you ask?

Aimee is the mother of a teenage boy. About ten years ago she gave him up for adoption. Well, in the past few weeks, Aimee tracked down her teenage son and allegedly raped him. Police in a town near Detroit have arraigned Aimee on three charges of criminal sexual conduct which was reduced from three charges of raping a minor. Aimee, who is 35 surrendered to police several months ago, but was freed on bond when she was arraigned last week.

She was arrested in April and I can't believe I am only hearing about this now and that the media is finally noticing. The police are not saying whether the boy knows that the woman is his mother. Well, he probably does now huh?

Sword wrote on her MySpace page that she is inspired by Lil' Kim. Oh, yeah that is a role model. Doctors are very worried about the teenager and have called this one of the worst things they have seen ever.

"This could be his first sexual experience, and his first sexual experience could be something so conflicted, so unusual, so prohibited that it will stay with him for life."

What on earth or hell made this woman do this? How f**ked up in the head do you have to be to do this? Her attorney says Aimee did nothing wrong. Hey, unless you can show me she didn't have sex with this guy, then she did something wrong. Horribly wrong. The fact that she is out on bond right now scares the hell out of me for that boy.

Here is a link to a story that supports Amy and says it was the boy who initiated it and that he is 15. Umm, she was 35 and his mother. You don't get talked into sex with your son.


  1. Fucking Sick! What in the hell is wrong with people today!

  2. I saw this yesterday and was too shocked for words.

  3. I don't give a shit if he walked up to her naked and said "Fuck me". She is an adult that raped a child, and she is in the wrong no matter what.

    - Butterfly

  4. Oh my dear god. That poor, poor boy. I hope she gets locked away for a very, very long time.

  5. and who are the idiots that are making up the excuses for her behavior. they are just as pathetic and sick as she is.

  6. If she was a man (or a homely woman), they'd be throwing him away for life. And rightly so.

  7. To quote Stan from South Park:

    "Dude, this is pretty fucked up right here."

  8. Oh I heard about this on Stern. Is it that hard to get laid that you have to resort to banging your own kid? Just shoot the bitch and be done with it.

  9. Anonymous11:52 AM

    So wrong on so many levels. Kid should probably get put on suicide watch. And unfortunately, his name will get leaked and that will make it worse ("Dude! there's that guy who fucked his mom!" yelled down the hallways).

  10. Is there a state of being beyond Totally F*cked-up? Because this would be it.

  11. oh. this is so very bad. that poor boy will be fuked up 4 life. she's a very smug sociopath. he will never be the same. not her 1st i'm sure. horrible.

  12. Yuck! (or, Ick, Nast!). I heard this on Elliott in the Morning today. It is truly disgusting. Whether or not the kid knows she is his mom, etc, the fact is: she is still 35, and he is still 15. Child rape. No matter if it was mother/son (which is still pretty freaking nasty), this is just totally wrong. On SO many levels.

  13. "Hey, unless you can show me she didn't have sex with this guy, then she did something wrong."

    Guilty until proven innocent?

  14. After thinking about it for a few mins., PLEASSSE tell me she is not pregnant by him.

  15. This is very f'ed up. I wonder if the media hasn't reported it as much to try and give the kid some anonymity/space.
    The more it's covered the harder it gets to keep the kid's name from getting out.
    Just a thought.

  16. Whole Lotta Luv - I don't think they are denying that the act happened, just the circumstances surrounding the sex.

  17. This is psycho crazy, poor kid.

    But I did just think of a few horrible jokes I'll keep to myself.

  18. Anonymous12:20 PM

    This woman is truly sick to have done that to her own kid. Their is no excuse.

  19. I think no one is talking about it BECAUSE it's so horrible. Fox had it on their front page for about two hours and pulled it down, presumably because of an outcry from visitors to their site. It's one of those news stories that so horrific that you can't even think about it. I hope she spends many years in jail but more importantly, I hope the boy can recover from it emotionally and learn to have healthy relationships with women.

  20. she's his mother , she f*cked her teenager son and she doesn't see where the trouble is!
    go to jail and forget the key!

  21. I have no words for this. This goes so far beyond f**ked up.

    I don't care what the circumstances are, there is no way that she could not be criminally liable if she molested this boy.

    Not just ick for me, but that poor, poor boy. Fifteen minutes and he's f**ked for life.

  22. Anonymous12:31 PM

    This is a mindfuck.

  23. this can't be the whole story. I just can't fathom a woman tracking her own long lost son down just to rape him? my god! So sick.

    The optimist in me wants to believe she did not know it was her son. But she still raped a 15 year old child, so either way she is sick and wrong.

  24. Anonymous12:37 PM

    OK so apparently its not like she tracked him down for sex, but still. Even if he supposedly "coerced" her by manipulating her emotions, she's still an adult woman who knows right from wrong. I can't believe there are people defending her actions.

  25. I am hoping that she made up the story about the kid being her son. Because if she's detached from reality enough to claim she's his mother AND sleep with him ... then she also might be wacky enough to make that claim with no basis in reality. Unfortunately, that would still leave the boy a victim of sexual abuse, but at least he would not have to live with knowing he'd slept with his mother.

  26. There is absolutely no defense for this. None.
    She needs to be locked away from society for a very very long time.
    And her son needs intensive therapy and close monitoring.

  27. Kara, I appreciate what you are saying, but in reading this story here and elsewhere, I'm not seeing anywhere that she admitted to having sex with him. Per Enty's version, "in the past few weeks, Aimee tracked down her teenage son and allegedly raped him." Yet, she was arrested in April. Enty also writes that the charges were reduced from raping a minor to criminal sexual conduct, but doesn't provide any reason for this reduction.

    I'm just saying this isn't the full story.

  28. In my ideal world, this kid would have no idea it was his mother and there would be a media blackout so he never finds out how messed up his first sexual experience (if it was) is. That's the only way he would come out of this semi-normal. Thanks to the media for making sure this kid will never, ever forget.

  29. this should be news somewhere. it's disturbing, but people need to know about these things.


  31. this is the most disturbing thing i've read in a loooong time. =O

  32. how desperate do you have to be to do something so sick and disgusting?! the mother? im horrified.

    sad that she will likely not do much time - there is such a double standard between men and women and molestation.

    the poor boy - hope he can get through this without too much permanent damage.

    i say lock her away and throw out the key

  33. how desperate do you have to be to do something so sick and disgusting?! the mother? im horrified.

    sad that she will likely not do much time - there is such a double standard between men and women and molestation.

    the poor boy - hope he can get through this without too much permanent damage.

    i say lock her away and throw out the key

  34. Awful and there are not enough words to describe her heinous actions.

  35. Poor boy.

    But something I'm just curious about: How does a woman rape a boy/man?

  36. I am speechless with disgust.

  37. figgy -

    ok saw this on law and order svu once - even if a guy doesn't want it they can....get hard? sorry to be crude - simply b/c its a natural reaction for a guy.

    though the episode showed 3 women that raped a male stripper by threatening him with a knife...

    maybe he has a smaller frame and she just overtook him?

  38. figgy, I think a 15-year-old boy has no trouble getting an erection, if that's what you mean. I vaguely recall some awful made-for-tv movie from a hundred years ago where a man is raped at gunpoint, and part of his humiliation was that he couldn't stop himself from responding.

    Even if he is "willing," in the eyes of the law he can't give consent.

  39. What i find facinating isn't just that this bitch did allegedly did this terrible thing. I am also facinated by the fact that everyone is so horrified that this boys first sexual experience might screw him up for the rest of his life. Do people not realize this happens to young women with MUCH more regularity? That doesn't make either one less disgusting but I feel sure there are many more similar incidents of men doing this to thier daughters. We have just gotten a bit more used to it I guess. She should be in jail for the rest of her life if she did this just as a man should be when he does this to his son or daughter.

  40. Sick, sad world. Apparently the adoptive parents had been dealing with behavioral problems and thought that maybe it would help if he knew his biological mother. So the kid already had some issues and now he must be really messed up.

  41. @BigMama, I don't think people find it less horrifying when it's a father and daughter, but I do think it's 1000x more common, so therefore less shocking.

    I will bet my next paycheck (which isn't saying much) that somewhere out on the internets someone is saying that it's not so bad for the boy because "at least his mother is good-looking." Wanna bet?

  42. "he apparently coerced her into it and she gave in due to the feeling of guilt of having him put up for adoption." WTF does that even mean? The kid wasn't the one charged with raped.

    I'm sure there is much more to this story than we'll ever know, but no amount of "coercing" would lead me to even thinking about having sex with my son.

    Both are fucked up and need serious help. Hopefully, she'll learn an alternate way to deal with guilt during therapy in prison.

  43. I am in no way condoning what transpired between the two of them, but I wanted to interject with something I read several years ago.

    My roommate at the time was going for her MA in Family & therapy counseling. As an adopted child herself she was interested in the psychology of adoption and had several texts about the house on the subject so I picked one up one day and read sections of it.

    What was really..."interesting", I guess...was the fact that *many* mothers and sons who were reunited later in life often felt very intense,sometimes overwhelming, sexual attraction and connection to each other. I don't recall how the authors catagorized those feelings - misdirected hormonal bonding?? - but the point here was that, while maybe not typical, was not an uncommon occurrence and one that both mothers and sons had to work through either with therapy or, in some cases, not staying in contact.

    Like I said, I don't condone what happened, but in light of what I have read, I feel more sorry for the two of them for not having had the tools to have worked through what was probably a very intense, confusing and disturbing emotional situation.

  44. Figgy, it's rape because it's an adult having sex with a child. A minor is not considered to be of legal age for giving consent. Otherwise, people could have sex with 11 year olds and say, "Well, he/she said yes." So the law says someone has to be of certain age to make that consent legal.

  45. Something in the water in the "Detroit area"?

    Too many incidents involving violence against children in the past year or so.

    And, yes, I have been there many times over the last twenty years.

    Very sad.


    I understand the outrage and disgust at this situation--believe me, I feel it as well, so much so that it hurts. But what about the FATHERS who rape their DAUGHTERS every single day in this sick world?

    Yes, father-daughter rape is exponentially more common (Judith Herman's seminal work on the subject, although dated, notes the relative paucity of mother-son incest cases documented in the clinical literature) than situations like these. But does its frequency really inure us to the fact that this tragedy occurs every single minute of every single day, terrorizing and traumatizing girls who sometimes never recover?

    We are so concerned about this boy and his welfare and his future--as we SHOULD be. But let's also think about all the daughters who have this kind of sick shit perpetrated against them daily--and who seem to get our blame just as often as they get our moral outrage--and say a prayer for them as well.


  47. why do people feel the need to cloud up the story by saying 'HEY! what about....etc' fuck it's a story about a BOY, not a glaze over on abuse in women.

    whether it happens evceryday to yougn girls or not, let's not minimize what this boy has gone through by interjecting rants that have no bearing on the matter at hand. both wrong,both tragic.but come on....no one should be comparing what's worse.

  48. With you there, Jax.

  49. This story and Maryja's comment remind me of that Old Hollywood BI Enty had about the actress who gave up her son to family to be raised, and years later had an affair with him. Wasn't the consensus that it was Mae West?

    Not to be gross, but I have a baby boy, and I can understand how maternal feelings of love could be twisted and misdirected due to an effed up situation. Remember Oedipus? Didn't Freud say all boys go through an Oedipal complex period, and all girls have a similar Electra complex with their dads?

    I'm not excusing the behavior, just wondering aloud if there is an explanation.

  50. Please don't use Freud as a reference with regard to this sort of subject, most of his theories have been disproved. The oedipus complex has been extremely damaging to sexual abuse cases. Freud originally came up with the theory explaining hysteria in women as being the result of sexual abuse. The backlash against him because of this theory resulted in him developing the ridulous oedipus and electra complex, that they had just been having fantasies. These theories had an incredibly negative impact on sexual abuse clams, as people would refuse to believe the truth and refer to his theories as an explanation to their claims.

    Sorry, just had to rant about that, but I hear so many people talk about Freud's theories as being fact, not realising how damaging they have actually been.

    However have heard of a disoder where people who are related and meet later in life can often be confused by the intense emotions associated with meeting the relative, that they can misinterpret these emotions as sexual attraction, can't remember what it is called though.

  51. yeah, isnt that what all those siblings/twins claim when they want to defend having sexual relationships? I just read about a couple of twins who are having kids together... Grew up apart, met later in life and started dating.
