Thursday, September 03, 2009

I Hope Someone Is Being Punk'd Or It's Time To Worry About Zach Galifianakis

Earlier today I posted the remarks Tim Gunn made about the slobification of America and how if you want to dress like you are still in bed, then you need to stay in bed. Zach Galifianakis has taken it to an entirely new level. I haven't seen the New York City bathrobe walk since that mafia guy used to walk the streets to convince the world he was crazy and wouldn't have to go to jail. I keep hoping this is for Funny or Die or some other gotcha type show, but so far it looks legit. Oh, and he was not on a set or going to a set or coming from a set, or anything like it. It looks like Zach decided to say, "F**k it. I'm a movie star and if I want to wear a bathrobe through the streets of New York, then I will."

I'm actually surprised that Russell Brand has not caught onto this already because it would save him so much time during the day when he has sex with his daily six. At least the robe is clean. I love the socks and shoes and how they match. I think flip flops would have been better. Maybe throw in a shower cap and a rubber duck too.


  1. Funny he looks like a chubby Jacquin Phoenix, lol

  2. Who?! Only the star of the biggest comedy of the year.

  3. Had to go to IMDB, does merely being in a movie make you a movie star?

  4. Apparently. Or he thinks so, at least...

  5. He's filming that HBO show in Greenpoint, not too far from his home in Williamsburgh (all in Brooklyn). So, I'm guessing that this is related to that.

  6. I don't really see what the problem is...*L*

  7. i guess you are right harriet - i kind of want to go to work like that tomorrow. :)

  8. You should all look up the Zach and Will Oldham video that they did to Kayne's song. Search for those two guys and you will get a hilarious treat.

    I'm sure this has something to do with shooting something. Or perhaps just making people uncomfortable.

  9. hahaha cabbage, that was hilarious... thanks for the advice

  10. He can't be much of a movie star if we don't have a clue who he is. I don't think I've ever heard of him or if I have, it hasn't made an impression.

  11. If you've ever seen Zach Galifianakis on stage, you will know that he is all about taking the humor just a bit too far and making his audience uncomfortable. It would seem that this is an extension of that. Weird? Yes. The worst thing anybody's ever done? Not by a long shot.

    I, for one, think Zach is da bomb.

  12. Most people I would think are creepy walking around in a bathrobe. I don't get that vibe from him. Odd, I know.

  13. Even if Zach wasn't an up and coming movie star, he would probably still do stuff like this. He's a performance artist, after all. For all we know, he could be writing a book about how people on the street react to someone wearing a bathrobe.

  14. Didn't the dude go to the grocery similarly dressed in The Big Lebowski? Somehow, the look worked for Jeff Bridges.

  15. where in Greenpoint? i'm in obsessed w him and my boyfriend lives in greenpoint (don't tell my boyfriend i have a crush on a chunky bearded man, it may hurt his feelings)

  16. Uh .. what is wrong with his ensemble?? The shoes and socks totally match his lovely black velour. I think it will soon replace the mourning coat look at weddings!

    It was a joke. If you know Zach .. it was a joke. He is one seriously silly MF. Have you ever seen him cut his hair??

    And no .. that is not my crush talking! {Okay .. maybe just a little bit ..]

  17. He was hysterical in the Hangover. Great movie.

  18. i have no idea who this zach person is.

  19. I am totally grossed out when people (mostly girls, women)walk around in public in PJ bottoms and a hoodie. The first thing that comes to mind is "they are wearing yesterday's underwear". Gross. get dressed people, have you no self respect?

  20. Who? is right.. Meh, I'd rather see Bill Murray in a bathrobe.

  21. Have no idea who he is.
