Tuesday, September 22, 2009

James Dean Lives - Kind Of

It took 14 months, a cast of 300 and a crew of 150 people to make it happen, but a company has managed to make a commercial that imagines what James Dean's life would have been like if he had not died at such a young age. The commercial combines footage of Dean as well as an actor to create a highlight reel of what he might have achieved if he had lived.


  1. amazing video - thanks for pointing it out

  2. while i respect the extraordinary creativity of it all (b/c let's face it, it's fab)...it creeps me the hell out! and is he like 7ft tall in that? eek. =O

  3. wow, what a beautiful commercial. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    kudos to the marketing team and everybody else that put it all together! it's a brillant commercial!!

  5. That's astounding. And I say that as a very picky James Dean fan who has never really liked any of the film versions of his life. Thanks for posting it, Enty.

  6. That was really cool. James Dean is one of my all time favorites. If you have never seen Giant, please take the time to do so. Awesome movie! I often wonder how much more of an impact he would have made had be not perished so young.

  7. He was amazing. Thanks enty. This is beautiful.

  8. I loved him in Giant.

  9. I loved this! If only.

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  12. Actually, Dean wasn't at fault in the accident. An accident scene recreation shows that Turnupseed was at fault and should have been prosecuted for vehicular manslaughter. The accident recreation team agreed that Dean had to be going the speed limit or lower when he reached the point of the accident and that his car would have been clearly visible.

    Dean was ticketed for speeding but even the policeman who ticketed him said he almost let him off with a warning since it's hard to tell when you're speeding on that particular stretch of road (particularly in a car meant to be driven on race tracks).

  13. Love the video...but it makes me just a little bit nauseous that "James Dean" is hawking an investment company.

    Someone should have done this for the art of it, not as a commercial.

  14. Thanks Enty! I love JBD. I think he'd have made a hell-of-a great director.

  15. The old version of James looks JUST like the old version of Jett Rink on Giant. Makes sense!

  16. Wow. Loved it. Brilliant.

  17. Wasn't James Dean Gay? I know he had relationships with both men and women.. but it is just strange to me to see this life he would have lived with a gracious woman by his side. Sign of the times I suppose.
