Monday, September 14, 2009

Kate Gosselin Says She Had A Meltdown This Weekend - Also Not Paid Enough

Kate Gosselin was on The View this morning. Apparently they decided she should co-host the show. And by co-host they meant that she should stay quiet until the other hosts decided to ask her a question and then she should go back to being quiet again. It was basically an interview but she got to stay out there the whole time and call herself a host. I guess she can put that on a resume or something. Anyway, Kate wants to keep her life private and doesn't want to discuss anything in public but then of course if any of this were true then why in the hell is she on The View? Just do your show and be quiet if you don't want attention. She says it is because she is a single mom and needs the paycheck. Joy Behar asked Kate if she was paid enough and she replied, "Is anyone paid enough?" Wow. If you can't live on $75K a week then you have some issues.

As for the meltdown? She wouldn't discuss it except to say she had a quiet one at home this weekend. No doubt it will be on a very special episode of Jon & Kate. At this point I think the pair are probably fighting for tv time. The bigger the drama, the more the episode focuses on you.


  1. how much does she make co-hosting?

  2. so its ok for her to have a melt down but not her kids.....interesting

  3. Eeew...she just sucks so bad! Why are people still paying attention to her? There are so many people out there whose lives are just as difficult as hers and they actually deserve help and freebies. She is such a giant asshole.

  4. ok, so she's she's not wearing ed hardy, but i still don't like her.

  5. Waaaaaaaaaah.
    I prefer Kathy Griffin's version.
    It's way more true to life I'm sure.

  6. I don't know if this is what she meant, but I don't really think it was horrible for her to say that. I took it as her saying no one is ever really satisfied with how much they make, because as you make more money the expenses grow, and there always seems to be some sort of limit on what you are able to do, relative to your expectations, based on how much money you make. Maybe she just meant she deserved more money though, I don't know.

    Also, I don't like when they let other people co-host. It throws off the vibe of the show. I'm too used to the regular personalities. Throwing in someone like Kate Gosselin or Rachael Ray makes things weird to me.

  7. "Is anyone paid enough?"

    Yes, I think YOU are paid more than enough.

    I read somewhere, a few weeks ago, that she's Hassleback's sub.

  8. Why not give one of those other tons of kids Moms a chance to co-host. Would love to hear Mrs. Duggar discuss her VIEW! on things. Guess she probably too holy for the View. If Kate then why not any of us! Let's get Mooshki(sp) on that show! Standback from the T.V.!

  9. C U N ext Tuesday, Kate.
    and you know what? i am a fly over state stay at home mom Mom who also has multiples.

    C U Next. Tuesday. KATE.

    TLC and The View. No words for you for having this C U Next Tuesday on your show. I AM your DEOMGRAPHIC!!!!! Stop trying to dumb us down.

    Hope everyone stops watching these shows. Please stop this crazy. She is a monster pimp.

  10. I HATE HATE HATE the View and I think Kate should go away and raise her kids. Part of that $75,000 should go towards a therapy fund for the children. They're going to need it being raised by these twats.

  11. Kate, only you believe you are relevant. The rest of us wouldn't give two dusty turds to hear you whine about how much you need money. Bitch.
    Perhaps if you'd kept your legs closed you could afford to support the twins. I think God made you infertile for a reason. But nooooo, you had to go around that.

    Unlike most infertile people who truly want and love children, I think you got fertility treatments
    and disobeyed doctor's orders in order to have multiples on purpose for your own devious reasons.

  12. Doesn't she realize that if she just keeps her trap shut that she'll look like the normal parent just trying to live her life. This "woe is me" act is wearing thin. How did Jon and Kate ever get along? They both act like kids themselves. Why did they ever want kids?

    I'm done with Jon and Kate. Make them go away.
