Monday, September 14, 2009

Levi Johnston Dropping Trou For Playgirl

Levi Johnston hasn't seen his Hollywood career go the way he thought it would go. With the exception of a staged date with Kathy Griffin it has pretty much been crickets. The baby daddy to Sarah Palin's grand kid, has decided to jump start the publicity machine by deciding to pose naked for Playgirl. According to TMZ, who spoke to Levi's spokesperson the only thing Levi has to decide is if he is going to show the front or the back when he poses for the issue. I'm guessing if they cough up enough dough he will pose both front and back. He has been working out with a personal trainer to make sure he looks good when he does get in front of the cameras.


  1. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I'm surprised Playgirl can actually afford to pay him anything now that they're online only.

  2. He's our next reality show hero!

  3. Didn't even realize Playgirl still existed...

  4. I certainly hope he is working out because if that pic is any indication, the only dough that will stick the the nickname Pillsbury Doughboy!

  5. Playgirl is the beginning, I think this guy will have some sort of entertainment career. Palin isn't going away and most women that interview him find him sexy. With some experience and the right project he can stay around. There's worse out there than this simple guy.

  6. Who is this guy again? The baby daddy of the daughter of the ex Govenor of Alaska who had a failed run at Vice President of the United States. Ummmm, yeah. Good luck with that one pal.

  7. i absolutely refuse to pay attn to this kid until his popozao album drops and he gains 200 lbs.

  8. His interview in Vanity Fair was very interesting. Sure puts a different perspective on the Palin dealio.

  9. hey Levi....maybe you could get a job modeling.....something..what is it that comes to mind ...hey how about LEVIS - keep your clothes on dude

  10. He reminds me too much of Jesse Metcalfe to interest me.

  11. What a sad, opportunistic little fuck, riding the "dish the dirt" gravy train and believing that it will make him "somebody".

    Hopefully his 15 minutes is ticking down at about the 14:45 mark by now.

  12. What Babs said....

  13. He is kinda hot though....lets just say if enty finds the pics and puts them in FFF then I wont hesitate to check it out. ;)

  14. On board with Sue Ellen & Babs.

  15. Young, dumb and full of ....

  16. I'd have thought his 15mins were up already. JUST GO AWAY ,you sad little opportunist!

  17. Pookie, you made me spit out my water!

  18. And they say trailer trash only comes from my neck of the woods.
    By accident of fate, he dates the Governor's daughter, impregnates her, and then, in what can only be described as God having a serious laugh, the Governor becomes a Vice Presidential candidate.
    Thankfully, the VP bid failed, and now that she's back in Alaska and everyone associated with her (especially baby daddy) has had a serious dose of fame, they're all looking to cash in on it to try and keep that rush going.
    They're poor backwoods schlubs who got dazzled by the city lights.
    As the old song goes, "how ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm after they've seen Pa-ree"

  19. Merlin D. Bear-

    Could you BE any more of an elitist? Maybe I'm too stupid to understand, since I'm a "backwoods yokel" myself, but don't you find it extremely hypocritical that you and your ilk constantly bash so-called hillbillies, rednecks, etc., but if anyone says anything that could be percieved as even slightly insulting about any other group, you scream about stereotypes, bigotry, and intolerance? Why does the liberal worldview preach tolerance, diversity and acceptance for everyone BUT white Christian conservatives that live in rural areas? If it's not OK to bash anyone else, it shouldn't be OK to bash these people either.

    But I'm just an intolerant conservative who actually VOTED for McCain/Palin (OH THE HORROR!), so don't listen to me. It's not like you and yours can listen to reason anyways, and this comment will likely get deleted since dissenting thought is not allowed in the liberal hivemind, and I'm sure many of you crybabies who go on and on about free speech, human rights, etc., will be e-mailing Ent to delete this comment because free speech is only something you can defend if you agree with it.

    Hope you enjoyed your reality check...too bad you won't recognize the faults in yourself that you constantly point out in others.

  20. Amanda Rae, I was right there with you until you started going down the "liberal agenda"/censorship route. "Liberal hivemind." LMAO. Give me a break.

    I also had to laugh at the irony of you calling people "crybabies" while whining about how unfairly all the poor, oppressed "white Christian conservatives that live in rural areas" are treated. Humans have a stunning capacity for cruelty, and turnabout is fair play. Everyone gets their turn at the chopping block. If you think that "white Christian conservatives" are getting picked on now, it's probably because for hundreds of years they monopolized society.
