Friday, September 11, 2009

Mischa Barton On The View

I have been waiting for this all morning. I am so glad someone finally uploaded it. You have read Mischa's explanation on why she was admitted to the psychiatric hospital. Wisdom teeth. Yeah, well if it sounds odd when you read it, just wait until you hear her actually saying it. She is good at memorizing lines though because her explanation on The View was almost word for word what she has said previously. She doesn't look bad here though which is a positive.


  1. I have never seen her in anything before so I had to go to wiki to find out why she talks like the female Dr. Frasier Crane.

    If it wasn't botched surgery the doctors involved should sue.

  2. .robert, I had never heard her voice before, either -- did she talk in the Sixth Sense? -- and I couldn't figure out what accent she was trying to use. So why does she talk like that? lol

    I think she looks about 20 years older than what she is.

  3. Well, she looked absolutely great here--pretty, fresh, hydrated, clean and healthy.

    I hope she watches this played back and compares it to so many of her out-on-the-town, awful haggard photos over the last few years and realizes that "fresh and clean" behooves her.

    These perfect looks here can't all be contributed to good makeup and lighting.

    We've all been young and liked to go out and party. But you've done it, so get it out of your system because by staying healthy she might still have a career ahead of her.

  4. She almost sounds like some of the commercials on the radio I heard in England where they tried to use an American accent that to US'ers was obviously fake but dunno if the English bought it. It also works the other way (and not Costner's butchery).

    Add some muddled accent to theatrical training and she sounds like Frasier and his over the top stage voice in everyday life.

  5. there was nothing honest about the interview. why do you have to hit rock bottom.....after botched wisdom teeth removal? what?

  6. Her story doesn't make any sense. And that was a weird clip to show. She doesn't really speak and nothing about it makes me want to watch the show.

  7. She looks healthy, clean and sober (great stylist and hair/make-up people at the view)but she is totally fucking deluded if she thinks anyone is buying that ridiculous story.

    She needs to just STFU and get the help that she needs to truly get clean and stay on the path of sobriety.

  8. She thinks just becuase she happend to be born in England and spent 5 minutes there. She was raised in New York. She must think it entitles her to the Madonna English accent.

    And what does wisdom teeth have anything to do with being a meth head.

  9. I just always go to the psych hospital when I have problems with my teeth.

  10. I just always go to the psych hospital when I have problems with my teeth.

  11. I've seen the pilot of Beautiful Life, and I liked it. Hated her, but really liked the show.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. SERIOUSLY, Sunnyside!

    Why does she talk about who she surrounded herself with and compare herself to them (I have a career, blah blah) as if they are bad people when it was JUST a botched oral surgery? F*cking idiot. Like we buy it....please tell me people don't buy it.

    That and she's totally chubby in the middle now. I'm thinking that the call on a meth freakout makes tons more sense and she's now eating/sleeping.

  14. WOW. I think the most interesting thing in that entire segment was "coming up we have a new fashion line from Avril Lavigne" really? !

  15. That segment with Mischa was really awkward to watch. You could clearly see that neither of the 'The View' co-hosts believed her story. In their minds they were all rolling her eyes at her thinking: Girlfriend, please!
    I bet that Whoopi had to bite her tongue until she tasted blood to not ask her what had really happened that night and to stop talking BS and trying to take the co-hosts and all of the viewers for a ride.

  16. When I had my wisdom teeth out I had a terrible experience where I did not take the correct drugs and had a bad infection. On top of that, the painkillers I WAS taking was making me very very loopy and weirdly emotional. I would burst out crying at strange moments, which is normally not in my character. I still think Mischa is fudging quite a bit about what really happened, but I am sympathetic to 'wisdom teeth experiences gone awry' stories.

  17. I nearly went nuts on a bad Zoloft reaction years ago, but I don't and still won't buy her story. That was a coke, meth, PCP, animal tranquilizers, or whatever other freaky shit H'weird uses freakout.
