Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nick Lachey Figures Out A Way To Get A Date

Ever since Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lemon Jello broke up, Nick really hasn't been seen anywhere with anyone. Of course Vanessa hasn't either. In an attempt to spark his love life, get some publicity and do some good for charity, Nick is auctioning himself off for a night. VH-1's Save The Music is auctioning off one night with Nick. A winner and a guest will be flown to LA, get to hang out with Nick for a night and also get put up in a hotel and get $500 spending money.

Now how much would you pay for a night like that? Well the bidding started yesterday and as I type this the bidding is up to $3,050.00 but guess what? They don't charge shipping. That would make it more interesting huh? Win Nick and he comes to your house in a Fed Ex box.

Is $3K worth it? It all goes to a great charity and you do get dinner and two airline tickets and $500 and a night in a hotel so $3K seems about right. If you want to keep track of the bidding, click here.


  1. Jessica should bid on him - great publicity for both and people would speculate for bloody months.

  2. he has zero appeal but 3k is too cheap. maybe no one knows about it?

  3. Anonymous11:43 AM

    enty i saw Nick and Vanessa together this weekend at the Palazzo in Las Vegas dining at Dos Caminos they were there twice

  4. From all I've heard, he's a pretty good guy. And it's nice of him to do this, I mean, think how embarrassing if people didn't bid much. So I say kudos to Nick.

  5. Anonymous12:41 PM

    LOL & Ms. Cool

  6. Oh Flower Girl, were they being affectionate?

  7. OK, so 2 airline tickets, 2 hotel rooms, $500 spending money, dinner for 3 (including him), and the current bid is 3 grand. The charity sure isn't gonna make much money on this, are they?

  8. Even with his little woohoo, I still love him.

  9. Nick and Vanessa got back together at least several weeks ago. They've been seen sucking face all over Vegas.

  10. Tempting...he's so nice to look at. But I don't have $3k to drop on something like this.
