Monday, September 28, 2009

Two Burglars Arrested And One To Go

Rachel Lee turned herself into the police last week after hearing her name being associated with the Lindsay Lohan burglary. Rachel was one of two women who were filmed headed into Lindsay's house along with Nicholas Prugo.

No one even noticed that Rachel had turned herself in. It happened on the 18th and people didn't even discover that until yesterday morning. So, who was the second woman in the video? I hope police asked Rachel and you know they asked Nicholas. They must know who she is. I wonder how come she hasn't been arrested yet? Waiting to reel her in for bigger and better crimes? According to a Facebook friend of Prugo, Lindsay was BFF with Rachel and Nicholas and that nothing was taken from the house. It was just supposed to look like someone had broken into the house.

I think at this point only God knows what happened. I'm pretty sure Dina will check in with us later for an update on what God is thinking and if he is still good.


  1. Those ceiling eyes never fail to creep the fuck out of me

  2. beware the company you keep

  3. Lindsay's probably shitting herself right now - you know she knew these people. Good.

  4. can you say insurance scam ....

  5. Brendon from says he knows someone who knows what is going on and it's this: Lindsay's hard-up for cash, obviously, so she was going to make some money by releasing a sex tape ... except that it can't seem that she had anything to do with it, so the break-in was staged. Later a sex tape in two parts will show up and Lindsay will get paid secretly. This all fits with that 'plan' if it's really what's going on.

  6. gross Arkata...if that rumor is true I hope it is an old school tape from before she started looking like a shriveled crack whore. Otherwise there is no way I am paying for that! ;)


  8. A while ago, I posted a link to an article about Rachel turning herself in. It was later in the day or evening and I think it was attached to Enty's post about Prugo being arrested and asking who the girl was.

  9. Look at Lindsay in that photo. She is a mess.

  10. Lindsay just seems so skeezy. Ew.

  11. Ceiling Eyes is dumb even by Hollywood standards.
