Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What A Coincidence - Lindsay Knew Her Burglar - Shocker

I have three or four questions about the Lindsay Lohan burglary. OK, maybe more than that. Feel free to add any that you would like Lindsay or Dina to answer for you. I want to list them here so I don't forget. I'm old and drink too much. Another reason I am doing this is because the guy who was arrested, Nick Prugo is a friend of Lindsay's. OK, well friend might be too string of a word. They hung out on the set of her movie Labor Pains on at least ten different occasions which is more than Sam was there.

If you see Dina, Lindsay, Ali or Michael please ask them any of the following questions.

1. Did Lindsay ever find the jewels she was supposed to return to Louis XIV?
2. Do you have any idea who the girl in the burglary video is who looks remarkably like Lindsay?
3. Do you prefer crack or powdered cocaine?
4. How well do you know Audrina Patridge?
5. Why did Nick hang out on the set with you so much?
6. Do you owe Nick money?
7. Has Dina ever had sex with Nick?
8. How many fishnet shirts does Michael own?
9. Does Ali share Lindsay's love of stealing?
10. Who is the nicest Ronson sibling?
11. Did Elle UK ever get back their jewels or find out who stole them?
12. Has anyone in the family other than Michael met Jon Gosselin?
13. Where is Lindsay going to go to rehab this time?
14. Was Sam having sex with Audrina and so the burglary happened to get back at her?
15. Specifically to Dina - If Lindsay is arrested is God still good?


  1. lol @ "8. How many fishnet shirts does Michael own?"

  2. Good questions ... the store is actually called XIV Karats....and I do hope the stolen jewelry turns up.

  3. Wasn't there a blind about paying your dealer on time and they won't break into your house? Cause a few other blogs are reporting that this Prugo guy is also a known coke dealer. Just sayin'.

  4. Audrina and Sam? Who knew?

    Ted C. is threatening to out B.I. - Morgan Mayhem (rumored to be Lindsay)if she doesn't get help pronto.

    By the looks of her recent pictures, Lindsay couldn't get help fast enough.

  5. She is so on her way down it almost takes your breath away...

  6. this makes me so sad....someone needs to find her momma and slap her silly!

  7. You called it,Enty! Love it!!!!

  8. Yeah, she was so disgusting and filthy when she guested on "Project Runway", and that was filmed a while ago. She was greasy and her hair was mostly extensions that were obvious and cheap. She's barely holding it together.
    She'll either die or get locked up (criminal or medical) very soon.

  9. 16. Just how wack IS crack, Linds?

  10. a question to ALL the Lohans (and a quote from the great Full Metal Jacket):

    Did your parents have any children that lived?

  11. Yay! for #15. I knew you wouldn't let that die. Cracks me up!!

  12. This is awesome...I am cracking up!!!! Love you Enty!

  13. i was scared you were gonna forget to mention God for a minute there Ent ...but you pulled it out at the last minute man you rock

  14. i cant stand blohan anymore - but i do find her current state incredibly sad. this is a girl that was absolutely beautiful and she did once have talent...then she proceeded to blow it up her nose.

    i agree about the PR appearance - she looked in desperate need of a shower. just greasy, bad extensions, way too thin, pale. she is one of those people that you can look at and say "she looks like she stinks of booze, cigarettes, and sex"

    she should be the poster child for why you don't do drugs. does she not see how hideous she is? she is a trainwreck.

    sad, sad, sad. if someone doesn't gave a good old slap of reality she is going to die and i can only hope she doesnt bring someone else down with her.

  15. i also going to go out on a limb here and say she is wayyyy more damaged then winehouse....

  16. Question- Lindsey, were you just borrowing Masha's coat without asking her permission? =]

    Student Masha Markova claims she was sat next to the actress at New York club 10ak when the coat went missing. Weeks later she noticed Li-Lo pictured in several magazines wearing the jacket! After Masha contacted Lindsays management the fur was returned.

  17. Ent! I can't decide if some of these questions are totally random for humour or if there's some truth in them! Dina having sex with Nick?? Seriously?

    And yes, Ted's bonus note about Morgan Mayhem/Lindsay was pretty crazy the other day. He's tired of her antics.

  18. think she will be our next celebrity death?

  19. 16) how many times do you have to wash your sheets before the orange tanner schmear is removed?

  20. @ sunnyside....i dont doubt it. apparently she's doing meth now. idiot - no wonder she looks so terrible

  21. @sunnyside, yes, I keep waiting to hear of her death. I certainly don't WISH it--in fact I WISH she'd get better. But at this rate I do think it'll happen soon.

    I'm worried about that poor younger sister, the one who's 15 but looks 40. Yikes.

  22. 17. Whose pants were you wearing?

  23. Love you Enty!

  24. 18. Just why are you famous?

  25. Anonymous12:57 PM


    I was just thinking about this kid when we will see her obituary.

  26. So, LiLo only got 10 drug deliveries while she was filming? Nah, she must have more than one dealer.

  27. this almost implies at least to my very limited detective skills that audrina patridge might be doing the "white lady" aka coke also. she is very thin..this keeps getting better and better

  28. It is difficult to watch Mean Girls when you realize it is the same Lindsey, only 5 years or so ago.

  29. @Courtney....I really don't think she washes her sheets. Ew.

    I'm thinking this girl is EXACTLY what a Vancouver junkie would look like if they suddenly won the lottery....what concerns me most is that her FAMILY keeps releasing these statements that say she's okay. They're either really in denial, or really just sucking her dry. Sad, either way.

  30. @Lutefisk - I can't believe it was only 5 years ago. I will actually admit that I love that movie, and Lindsay in it. I thought the girl was beautiful then, and had great potential as an actress.

    To see what she's become in 5 short years is really sad, but no one's stuffing the coke up her nose, or the alcohol down her throat. She's done this all to herself. She is a grown woman at this point, and should be able to make decisions as to what path she'd like to take in her life. What I do find sad, however, is the fact that her family is so sickly disillusioned, and she doesn't seem to have any true friends that are willing to step in to help her. I'd hate to be in her shoes.

  31. 19) When you take your BABY sister clubbing do you allow her to do the drugs you do?

    20) Do you really have a deathwish?

    21) Do you have any sense of right or wrong?

  32. Sunnyside, maybe not the 'next' celebrity death but, yes, eventually.

  33. Anonymous4:25 PM

    # 14 kinda fits, doesnt it? Linds tweets alot about Samantha being a "cheat". But, haven't heard anything about Samantha being seen with Audrina.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Califblondy, I made a comment about that to Ted on Twitter and he responded pretty much confirming it. He's dying to out her.

  36. As someone who use to work in the public school system, I strongly feel that Lindsay is an adult survivor of some pretty horrific childhood rape/molestation. She shows EVERY sign. It like she lept from a case study. All made worse by the fact that her parents knew all about what was happening to her, but did nothing to stop it, lest the money and roles stopped rolling in. And she grew up knowing that they were aware of what was happening to her, and simply cared more about the lifestyle than her. Is it any wonder that she's such a trainwreck? Michael and Dina are as low as they come.
