Thursday, October 15, 2009

6 Year Old Boy Stuck In Helium Balloon

Sorry I haven't been posting for the past few minutes but I can't stop watching this live feed from MSNBC which shows a 6 year old boy flying around in a helium balloon.


  1. what the h#$%??? How did this happen?

  2. Crap! I hope they find the boy.

  3. The balloon is down and he isn't in it. I hope he's safe.

  4. I'm praying for the little guy, but I can't help but think this is going to end badly.

  5. Uh, he probably fell out somewhere. I just hope they find him alive, this is awful.

  6. Yeah that kid isn't alive

  7. I just read on the link on CNN that this family was on Wife Swap - the family is the storm chaser family that was on last year/two years ago? I kind of remember them as being a little out there. I wonder if the boy is hiding and/or wants to run away and so let off the balloon as a distraction. Would rather think that than the possibility that he fell out along the way.

  8. Oh, no! I really hope that boy is ok.

  9. Here's hoping he wasn't in it at all and is hiding because of all the hoopla.

  10. I really hope this isn't a publicity stunt by a fame hungry family

  11. ditto Ms Cool. I live not far from where it landed.

  12. I'm with Valerie, if this is a stunt these people are sick.

    That said, pray to who/what you believe that he is okay.

  13. i have a bad feelin about this. like this is a cover-up feelin.
    i hope he's ok.

  14. I sincerely hope that boy is ok. Since this was being monitored, why wasn't there anyone (airforce or something) to keep a closer eye and actually see the boy? Maybe they didn't want to scare him, but I hope for a miracle & that he is ok.

  15. Balloon was tethered behind the house. A neighbor said two boys were outside and she saw one climb in.

  16. Stupid parents. Fucking unnecessary and how sad they are learning the hard way.

  17. I'm going to try to think positive thoughts...

    Maybe the little boy is hiding because he untied the ballon and worries that his Dad will be mad at him for letting it get away.

    I hope he's ok =]

  18. any news on this? so sad.

  19. Nosey Parker. I think (and hope) that's exactly what happened. He doesn't want to get in trouble for letting daddy's baloon go.

  20. Last update I've heard: A pod that was attached to balloon is missing and at least 2 witnesses have reported seeing something fall from the balloon.

    Please prayer to whatever/whoever you pray to and if you don't pray please send good thoughts.

    However, if this is some type of publicity stunt, I hope that in addition to going to jail, that they have to repay the cities, counties and state. This balloon was in the air for 2 hours. Unfortunately, I don't think it's a PR stunt.

  21. i don't think it's a stunt. a neighbor said the mother was hysterical.

  22. Even if this is not a stunt, the parents were foolish for letting this balloon or spaceship or whatever it is, lie in a place where their young children could get to it.

  23. Long time lurker. First time poster... Yay! They found him he's at their house!

  24. If this was a stunt then bill these parents for all the emergency staff and man hours that went into this.

  25. Yes, I call PR stunt. The boy was in the house. Wouldn't they check there first? And maybe again before 2 hours goes by?

  26. The child was hiding in the attic - probably because he knew he'd done something wrong by letting his father's balloon go.
    After all the hoopla, you just know his parents nearly broke his ribs hugging him and then turned around and made sure he won't be sitting down for a month.

  27. I call shenanigans. The family will be bonding with Matt Lauer tomorrow morning and by weeks end will have a reality show on TLC. I hear they have a slot opening up after the J&K debacle finally ends.

  28. Parents are total famewhores, and the kid was hiding in the attic the whole time.


    Something ain't clean in the water.

    Oh, and check out the video at Dlisted this kid and his brothers made. The parents need to charged for every last penny they cost taxpayers.

  29. Apparently the family won't be paying a red cent for all this. They really should. Idiots.

  30. Yeah, like a 6-year old could be expected to keep his parents secret for long. " I did it for the show..." Wow. It makes me SO mad.

  31. the balloon boy story would not have gotten so much publicity if news networks watched myth-busters once in a while...
