Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another Reason Why Brothers & Sisters Shouldn't Reproduce

Holy f**k. I am having a hard time even writing anything because I just can't believe that two people really could be so dumb. This is mind boggling. The two idiots you see above were arrested in Iowa. Why were they arrested? The pair had tried to break into a residence and were spotted. The cops found them a few blocks away. The marker on their faces? It is their masks. Yep. They thought no one would recognize them in their magic marker masks and fake beards.

In addition to the burglary charge, the guy with the real beard was charged with drunk driving. Apparently he was drinking real beer and not some imaginary painted one disguised to make you think it was real beer.


  1. ahahahahahahahahahahaha

  2. Crack is whack kids!

  3. Bahahahahahahaha! I seriously hurt my stomach laughing just now. The guy on top took such *care* to shape it to look like an eye-mask. Oh man. I have to post this - it's legendary.

  4. Haha, Carissa! You beat me to the punch.
    I wanted to write 'Cocaine is a helluva drug.'
    Apart from that, is that supposed to be a Batman mask in the first picture? Hahahaha

  5. Mina, that would have been great! Just imagine the mask guy saying "I'm Batman" and you will laugh yourself silly!

  6. I love white trash, and I could hardly recognize it behind the sharpie!

  7. Oh, man! If only ALL criminals were this genius.
    How embarrassing.

  8. it would be funny if they did use a Sharpie--it would be a long time before they could wash off their "masks".

  9. Now, this is the best story of the day! Wow! What morons!!!

  10. "Stupid is as stupid does." - Forrest Gump

    "This is your brain on drugs." - anti drug commercial

    "Are you f-ing kidding me?" - me

    I could go on, but I think you get my point.

  11. .robert-

    Yep, meth is what I was thinking. I live in the meth capital of Florida, so I know my tweakers, and these guys look like meth heads to me....

  12. Anonymous12:09 PM

    What a bunch of idiots LOL.

  13. The "mask" is just killing me.

  14. Just think, these are the products of the strongest sperm. Eeep!

  15. Batmeth and Rocksbin

  16. omg, i'm dying! that's soooo funny...look at the bearded guy's pointed marker 'eyebrows'! was he trying to be catwoman? hilarious!

  17. Imagine the amusement at the cop shop when these two walked in :-)

  18. OMG, I am DYING over here. Funniest thing I've seen all day!

  19. Enty, Bless you! That was hilarious.

    Well Hey! This might go over well at the prisons masked ball.

    If these two broke into my house I'd have a heck of a time not LMAO at them. I'd think I was being punked.

  20. I can't stop laughing. Seriously, I'm glad my windows are closed because the neighbors would have the psych ward out here in a flash if they heard my uncontrolled maniacal laughing.

  21. I'm reminded of that line from Ruthless People...

    "This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the Earth. Perhaps we should shoot him."


    Betcha that's permanent marker, too.

    I call this the shallow end of the gene pool.

  23. Selena - I can only pray that they used permanent marker. And I mean the real stuff that you will never be able to get off.

  24. I am sure the idea sounded a whole lot better when they came up with it.

  25. If the elevator went to the top floor, it still wouldn't reach the basement. This is classic.

  26. Anonymous3:21 PM

    @selenakyle - I think this can properly be called a "gene puddle". Or possibly a "gene lugie hawked onto the street".

  27. Iowa has a HUGE meth problem .. in case you can't tell from the pics!

  28. Syko - LOL @ "gene puddle"!

  29. What's even sadder? The guy in the top picture tried to draw on a Batman mask, really look at it a Batman mask. Just when you think it couldn't be more pathetic...
