Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bobby Brown Hints That Whitney Houston Is Bisexual

Bobby Brown has a new book. Of course in his book he is going to talk about Whitney Houston. I haven't seen many excerpts of the book, but this one passage is very enlightening and is going to get a bunch of notice. Bobby says the only reason Whitney married Bobby was to stop all of the lesbian and bisexual rumors. Bobby married Whitney for love. Uh huh.

"(The marriage) was doomed from the very beginning... I think we got married for all the wrong reasons. Now, I realize Whitney had a different agenda than I did when we got married...I believe her agenda was to clean up her image, while mine was to be loved and have children."

I want you to read the next passage carefully and you can see that Bobby hints that Whitney is bisexual. It is very carefully edited by the publishers. It is just a hint or a tease but doesn't come right out and say she is.

"The media was accusing her of having a bisexual relationship with her assistant, Robin Crawford. Since she was the American Sweetheart and all, that didn't go too well with her image...In Whitney's situation, the only solution was to get married and have kids. That would kill all speculation, whether it was true or not."

Whether it was true or not. When you just leave that hanging out there with no closure you know what the perception is going to be and now Whitney is going to be asked about it and Bobby is and I wouldn't be surprised if some other people come out of hiding for some paychecks from tabloids.


  1. I remember the rumors. I was surprised when she got married to Bobby.

  2. It is no secret that Whitney used to date her assistant Robin and she was paired with Bobby to quiet the rumors. From what I understand Robin was very overprotective of Whitney.

  3. Not sure how reliable she was, but a former coworker who was in the biz told me that Whitney and Jodie Foster were a couple at one point. She said that for the Oscars one year, they went together and took two gay men as their dates/merkins.

  4. well, really bobby?. ya don't say! poor baby gotta stay current somehow. he's got about 20 mouths to feed.

  5. notso,

    i heard the same.

  6. Oh please. He wanted "to be loved and have children". With a possibly bisexual woman? What a martyr.

  7. @notsoanonmom:had Jodie foster a beard? who? mel gibson?

  8. i remember the story on a virgin Withney

  9. ...I believe her agenda was to clean up her image, while mine was to be loved and have children

    Please bobby sides hurt from laughing. Bi or not, bobby will only sully your image. And if he meant to love crack and be loved by crack dealers and if children is code for no pride than I think he succeeded!

  10. Those rumors Never went away and I'm sure they are true not that I would care if she was or wasn't bi..I just didn't like Whitney the same way most of yall don't like Bey...oh well whatev

  11. This was one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood, Whitney was with Robin for quite some time and during that time she had a brief affair with Kelly McGillis not Jodie Foster. It is also true, Clive insisted Whitney marry and soon, she tried Michael J and Eddie Murphy but we all know those two's secrets so she set her sights on Bobby.

  12. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Wow first time I hear about her being Bi. Big news buddy you are tooo late.

    I guess he needs the money for child support if he is squealing on his wife now.

  13. Bi-Whitney is fact in NJ. Come on he's got to know something juicier than that.

  14. montana marriott,

    what about michael j foxx?

  15. I heard a story many years ago from a co-worker who had a friend who worked at the Royal York/Four Seasons/some swish hotel in Toronto, that many years ago Whitney trashed her room when she came back from her concert found her girlfriend in bed with another woman. The damage was something else apparently.

  16. Sorry QS I meant Michael J as in Jackson not J. Fox, Sorry

  17. This is how she "cleans up her image", by marrying Bobby Brown?? It worked so well for Whitney maybe Blohan should try marrying him next.

  18. I know firsthand this is true. My sister lives across the street from her old house in NJ. Many, many years ago (right before she married Bobby, obviously) there was a scare at her house (can't remember the situation, fire alarm went off, I think?). She came out with Robin in their very, "fancy" lingerie. They were holding hands and one of them was crying. The other one, in the process of comforting her, began to kiss her on her cheek, and continued to do so, until it ended in a full liplock.

  19. I know firsthand this is true. My sister lives across the street from her old house in NJ. Many, many years ago (right before she married Bobby, obviously) there was a scare at her house (can't remember the situation, fire alarm went off, I think?). She came out with Robin in their very, "fancy" lingerie. They were holding hands and one of them was crying. The other one, in the process of comforting her, began to kiss her on her cheek, and continued to do so, until it ended in a full liplock.

  20. stephen, lol, GREAT IDEA.

    madison, good juice, right there.

  21. Bobbaaaaaahhhhhh!

    I can't help it, I still like Bobby. Dumbass that he is.

    Don't be cruel, it's my perrogative.

    On the show he definitely came across as the nicer of the two even that's not saying much.

  22. I'm also from NJ and stories about Whitney are legendary. Clive is back in the picture now and he requires his people to stay deep in the closet so Whitney will most likely have no comment.

    The "clean up" backfired, Bobby.

  23. "I believe her agenda was to clean up her image, while mine was to be loved and have children"

    God bless Bobby's little heart, he did it for love! What won't he say to sell his book.

    I would think that if anyone needed a little image work, it was old Bobby.

  24. I was wondering when Bobby was going to tell all about Whitney. He's so shady he is going to sell her out even more if she has any kind of comeback. Britney 2.

  25. I just love that comedy that the two of them made, "Being Bobby Brown." LOL

  26. I didn't know who the hell he was (still don't, really) so I knew she had to have some ulterior motive to marry his skanky ass.

    But Whitney Houston likes women? P'shaw! Next Bobby will be telling us that Rock Hudson was gay.

  27. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Was Bobby considered so skanky back in the day? I remember him being a "bad boy," but it was just in terms of being a ladies man, that's all. No??

    Also, poor Bobbi Christina.

  28. I don't think Bobby was that skanky until he became Whitney's beard.

  29. Didn't know who he was, figured he was a beard when she married him, can only judge his skankiness by his recent skank factor.

  30. Everybody knows about Whitney. Its Hollywood worst kept secrets. Clive wanted her to get a man. Clive picked Bobby Brown. Also Whitney was in a relationship with Kelly McGills(sp???) But than Kelly left her for Jodie Foster. When she got married to Bobby all them lesbian rumors went away, But she was in to deep. Them drugs kept them together. Clive been doing this for all his talents. He is doing it for Alicia Keyes right now.

  31. ~

    Why would it even matter, or be an issue at all?
    Our culture is so uptight, it's embarassing!

    Her and another woman getting physical sure is a pleasing image...

  32. So what?

    Maybe this was an issue in the 1980s, but surely it's no big deal now. Just come out, Whitney!

  33. Anonymous5:15 PM

    You know, this would explain her increasing/spiraling out of control drug use. If you were gay and forced to marry someone of the opposite sex for business/political reasons, I highly suspect you would want to tune out the world.

    This wasn't to clean up her image; it was to have people focus on "why the hell would SHE marry Bobby" instead of "what's going on between her and Robin". Not image cleaning, but rather image manipulating.
