Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cory Feldman's Wife Files For Divorce

I wasn't surprised when I saw that Susie Sprague filed for divorce from Corey Feldman. It has been seven years since they got married and I didn't think it would last more than it took for Susie to get famous. She never really got famous but she did manage to get in Playboy and meet a lot of people she would have not met otherwise. Plus, could you stand being married to Corey Feldman for longer than five minutes, let alone seven years? I think its remarkable it lasted this long.

What did surprise me and made me raise my eyebrows. I do that from time to time. It looks kind of cool except for the time I accidentally shaved one off. Chewing gum. Drunk. Long story. In her divorce petition, Susie asked for sole custody and that Corey only be given visitation. Very interesting. You usually do that only if the other party has really f**ked up because most parents agree that joint custody is the way to go. Sole custody implies the other parent is not capable of making the correct parental decisions and given Corey's past I'm wondering if this could get nasty and lead to allegations of some very bad behavior from Corey. Besides his wearing his Michael Jackson outfits to bed and reminding Susie he's Bad.


  1. Think he cracked up after MJ died?

  2. Wow. Didn't even cross my mind. I read she wanted sole custody and thought it strange (wanting more money I assumed), but yeah. Good point enty....Uggg. Please don't let it be true.

  3. hey now she can explore the sexual tension she had with the other Corey

  4. Like he has any money anyways...

  5. I also assumed it was a negotiation tactic - hmmm, interesting.

    I watched that season of the Surreal Life and found that whole thing very weird. She seemed like a starfu*ker and especially considering how much he mentioned his bodily functions, etc., I couldn't figure out what else she saw in him.

    If he isn't already into the bad shit, I hope this doesn't send him back down that road.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. She has sexual tension with the other Corey? Noooooooo. Say it isn't so.

  8. Wonder if he'll ask for custody of the breast implants? He did buy them for her!!!!! Hee hee hee ...

  9. I was watching the Goonies the other day and that scene he did where he was speaking spanish to the cleaning lady cracked me up. I wonder why it is these kids with so much potential (la-lohan, etc) wash it down the toilet so often. Parents not giving a damn except for the money is most likely the problem. It's a shame.

  10. That's funny about the joint custody thing. In Oregon, joint custody is relatively rare. In fact, it can't happen unless both parents agree to it. Just by one parent asking for sole custody, joint custody can't happen.

    I never recommend joint custody for my clients. It's a nightmare. Goes to show you how different each state is.

  11. That dude is annoying as fuck sober so I can't even imagine him wasted. I say she earned every single cent she receives. I automatically thought he fell off the wagon when I read she wanted sole custody. For the love of God, I hope he wasn't doing anything to the kid but I doubt she would even entertain the thought of any kind of visitation if that was the case.

  12. When fucktards divorce, they only go on to attract and marry other fucktards. So why even bother to divorce? Just stay with the fucktard you know.

  13. I feel bad for both Coreys. They were on the top of the world, & now they are not even on the botton, but underneath it.

  14. Wouldn't she get move child support if she had the kid full-time?

  15. Whatever the situation, how sad for their son. And I feel bad for Corey. You can tell he's had a "rough" life...parents who didn't care, no real boundaries set...

    I think he's a good guy, just neurotic.

  16. I'm a big opponent of divorce. Y leave the nut u got for one u don't know... ;)

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