Thursday, October 22, 2009

Finally Remembered

At night I do a lot of internet surfing. I want you to know I do it all for you and that I am not just looking for new porn or something. What happens though is much like the gentleman in the video below, I drink a little too much and then something I thought would be great for you gets lost in some hazy memory. I have wanted to post this for the past two days. Best drunk guy ever. The great thing is there are dance music versions for this and even a Bollywood one I saw. For this viewing I have chosen the silent movie version.


  1. OMG, that's hysterical! Getting flashbacks to last weekend, Enty?

  2. Oh, it's much better with the music. And I even thought the original 9 minute (?) version was funny.

  3. hahahaha
    He's got moves like the Vincent D'nofrio alien in Men in Black.

  4. I actually saw this last weekend on some site somewhere and thought to myself what a shame that this person could let himself get to out of control. Also if you watch, its as if some unseen force is forcing him to lean backwards or maybe as if he's spun like a top round and round shortly before this video was taken. He seems not only highly intoxicated but also high on some drug or another.

  5. I saw the longer version of this earlier in the week too, and just about wet my pants laughing. This guy is about as drunk as I've ever seen anyone, and what's he doing? Why, he's going to buy MORE BEER!

    Too funny.

  6. definitely more than drunk. some mind altering drugs were probably involved.

  7. Okay, I had to stop watching it at 0:53 because I'm at work and was laughing too hard, in danger of guffawing out loud!

  8. Hmmm. Are we sure this dude wasn't having a massive stroke?

  9. Wow I hope he wasn't behinde the wheel before he went into that store.

  10. BAHAHA!! I kinda like it better than the drawn-out, longer version I sent to you.

  11. HILARIOUS...I'm posting on my FB page..unless you already have then I'll link it. HILARIOUS. Haven't laughed that hard in quite some while...thx Ent.

  12. i've gotten several versions of this...but what, there's a bollywood one?! i must see this!

  13. I saw this on TV! Too funny.

    Hope to Jah this idiot did NOT drive to the store...

  14. no, no... this is a guy on a ketamine (and probably alcohol) binge. you can't be that level of drunk without falling down and staying down, passing out, or at the very least being confined to the toilet vomiting.. much less actually being able to walk into a store with a mission, lol. pretty funny and whacked though

  15. Love how he falls down and then waves his legs in the air like a bug on it's back...perfect with the "silent movie" treatment.

  16. Box o' Magnets strikes again!

  17. ... and then he drove home.

  18. Good Lord, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thanks Enty.

  19. LMAO My husband can't figure out why I'm laughing so hard at this but don't find it the least bit funny when he gets this drunk.

  20. Anonymous4:11 PM

    This guy died. For real - check out the article:

    His friend is trying to get this off the internet - perhaps you could help Enty.

  21. That site has nothing to do with the drunk guy -- it's somebody's weird political blog. Enter at your own risk.
