Friday, October 30, 2009

Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

There you are sitting at work on a Friday wishing it was already Saturday and Halloween. Well, since you are not doing anything anyway, feel free to watch Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. I can't believe this thing is 43 years old. Crazy.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh. I loved this. Thanks for sharing Enty. Happy Halloween everyone.

  2. LOVE IT. Watched it on regular TV the other night.

    A true classic!

  3. Thank you - I love snoopy! I have a big blow up halloween snoopy that I put on my driveway on Halloween and all the neighborhood kids get their pics taken in front of it.

  4. A classic, that I have been watching for 43 years!

  5. aww what a sweet thing to post. Thanks Enty! holiday time wouldn't be the same without the Charlie Brown movies

  6. Anonymous1:22 PM

    WOW. Watching this and I am innocent again.

  7. I can't believe it's 43 years old, either. But then I keep forgetting I'm 43, too, lol.

  8. We just watched this the other day. I love Snoopy. Those freaking kids are so nasty to Charlie Brown but I think it is hilarious that all he gets are rocks when he is trick or treating.

  9. Am I the only one who HATES Charlie Brown cartoons? Anyone?

  10. What is this thing you call... regular tv?

  11. I think it is hilarious that people have rocks in their house ready to give them out as treats. I don't have rocks in my house.

  12. Love Charlie Brown cartoons! Snoopy is my favorite.

  13. majik- it gets about 5mins in my house for nostalgia and then i gotta change the channel.
