Friday, October 09, 2009

Happy Holiday Weekend

In Canada this weekend is Thanksgiving and here in the States it is Columbus Day weekend. I of course will be celebrating neither, but wish I was. Instead I will be toiling away at work and blogging all day Monday for those of you who are stuck in the office with me.

To all my wonderful friends and readers in Canada, I hope you have a great weekend. Celebrate this time with your friends and family and stay safe and remember what you are celebrating and be thankful for what you have. I am thankful for all of you. Be safe wherever you are going or whatever you are doing.

Everyone in the States who is celebrating a three day weekend probably either works for the government, a bank, a school, or a very nice employer. Unfortunately for me I have none of those going for me, but the traffic will still be less on Monday so bonus. If you are heading out of town for the weekend, have fun and know how jealous I am. Not as jealous as I am of the Canadians because they are having a food holiday involving turkey and mashed potatoes. We still have to wait another six weeks for that.


  1. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Happy Holiday to all Canadians that come to this wonderful site. Enjoy your festivities.

    I will also be working on Monday, no holiday for me :(.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. :) Happy Weekend Ent. We're having dinner late on Sunday - you're more then welcome. No turkey though - chicken and ham. There'll be lots of malbec to drink and cheesecake for dessert.

    I am thankful for you showing up and making me laugh/smile at least once a day. You're one of the nicest people I've never met. *Hug

  4. I will be working on Monday as well - we work Columbus Day so we can have the day after Thanksgiving off.

  5. Thanks, Enty! I'll be working on Monday, so I'll be reading your posts. Hooray!

  6. I got the day off because my boss loves me and I used to be her boss. The kids are off from school so it won't really be a day off for me but I'll be waiting for your posts Ent. You and Michael K keep me sane.

  7. have a great wkend everyone! and happy t'giving to our (((canadian boardies)))!

  8. Enty,

    Dinner is at 5:30 on sunday, Mom said to wear your stretchy pants and a bib. you don't have to bring anything but she said if you 'happen' to have any Neil Diamond stories or a nice bottle of chardonnay..she wouldn't say no.

    You are defintely one of the BIGGEST things i am grateful for!


  9. Dangit, Enty mentions Canada and now I've got poutine on the brain.

    Happy Thanksgiving Canada.

    I get every holiday EXCEPT for Columbus Day so I'll be toiling right along with ya, Enty.

  10. Thanks, Ent!

    Happy Thanksgiving everybody! And to those with snow, hope you can get your snow tires on soon.

  11. Thanks Enty and y'all!
    *I* will be searching for a veg option to make instead of a turkey - why must tofurkey taste like ass? Vegetarians have taste buds, too! Hugs and thanks for you all!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

    I will be working Monday. Have a great weekend all!

  13. Thank you, Happy Columbus Day to all and congrats to your President on the Peace Prize.

    Enty you are one of the people I am thankful for, you and your group of regulars are fabulous.

    Now I've got to see a man about a turkey.

  14. RocketQueen: Have you ever tried stuffing a winter squash or pumpkin? Lots of vegetarians I know do that, and you still have to have the stuffing, which (let's be honest) is much better than the turkey anyway. :-)

    I actually have Monday off; I work for lawyers, and apparently the courts are closed in MA on Monday, but I'll still be checking in on you, Enty. (You know, you are welcome for American Thanksgiving at my place--just give me a heads-up so I can shovel out some of the extraneous crap & figure out if my futon frame can handle 400 lbs., OK?

  15. Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Candians. Happy Columbus Day to all of the Americans!

    Columbus Day actually happens to be my birthday. And unfortunately, I'm stuck having to attend a mandatory day-long company-wide conference for work. Yay me!

  16. Happy Thanksgiving Canadians!!!

    And early Happy Columbus Day to Americans .. but I can actually attest to the fact that if you work in banking now days .. you WILL be at work on Columbus Day. You will instead get what is called a "Floater" .. I actually know people who still work in banking and get floaters for July 4th! Bankers hours and bankers holidays are all just so much BS now... unless you are a CEO. : /

  17. Happy Turkey (or Assurky 4RocketQueen) to all Canadians and Happy Day off to all Americans- sorry, to me CC is another kinda C, but that is just cuz of the real history..

    And a big shout out to our own Prez on being so freaking cool!


  19. Let's not forget their universal healthcase, which hopefully covers food comas

  20. Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians and Happy Birthday to meeeee on Sunday! I'll be 29. Swear to God.

  21. Yah Canadians rock and so does turkey !!!

  22. lol@ Katja and thanks to Robin! I love the idea of a stuffed squash - will try it for Xmas - thank you!
