Friday, October 16, 2009

Jon & Kate Goes Nuclear

There is so much going on in the entire Jon & Kate saga that it is almost too difficult to track which is why you have me. Because I love each of you I have waded through the mess that is Jon & Kate and will suffer, what I am sure will be nightmares tonight.

Stephanie Santoro sold a story to one of the tabloids that Jon told her that he hacks into Kate's e-mails and bank accounts all the time. I believe it. Jon denies it and Jon's lawyer says that why should anyone believe the word of someone getting paid for their story? Please. If someone waved a hundred dollar bill in front of Jon's face right now he would sell his story. He is going to need money and when he starts selling his story, I bet his attorney doesn't make that same dumb ass statement.

TLC is suing Jon for breach of contract and for being an a-hole. It says that he has bad mouthed the show in violation of his contract which is true and has also made unpaid and paid appearances without permission of the show which is also true. So, in addition to having to cough up bucks to pay Kate back by next week he also will be coughing up bucks to his attorney and to TLC and I don't think he has it. Sure, he will make a show with Michael Lohan and his mesh shirt fan club, but it won't come close to paying what he is going to owe when this is all said and done. Plus, no one is going to watch a show with Michael and Jon compete to see who can be the most annoying and score with the most women who have no self esteem.


  1. **fingers in ears** nah nah i can't hear you ....sick of these 2 idiots - can we send them up in a balloon and never hear from THEM again......please

  2. I can almost hear the cartoon crash and burn noises in the background. Seriously though, I have a bad feeling about how this is all going to turn out. I honestly do not think this man is stable.

  3. What is the child support for 8 kids where he lives?

  4. Anonymous11:22 AM

    LOL@mesh shirt fan club

  5. If you truly loved us, Enty, you'd stop bringing up the mesh shirt & Michael Lohan! :D

  6. @.robert - PA has a child support calculator that is normally used but I don't see how they can use it for them. It's based on people who make money the traditional way. Plus, she has actually made more money than he has because she has written/sold books. In theory she could end up paying him - a la Brit Brit?

    I feel so fortunate that I live close enough to this wonderful family that they are the hot topic in my local newspaper letter to the editor section. This crap has been going on since BEFORE the 'tups were born. I understand the hate for Jon now but trust me -Kate has not been well thought of since before the 'tups were born.

  7. I'm sure you mean "nucular".

  8. None of this helps the kids so TLC, Douche, Possum Head, and a gang of lawyers need to settle this so everyone can get real jobs, live quietly, and leave the rest of us out of it.

  9. What makes me sick is how they "renewed their vows" last year, WELL after they were in fact separated. Blech.

  10. DangIt I was hoping to pitch MTV a TV show like The Bachelor with Michael and Jon and call it
    DATE A DOUCHE. It would be like Rock of Love but without the talent. ;)

    Enty, Thank you for suffering through. We would buy you a drink for your suffering if we could.

  11. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Jon will suddenly see the light and want the show to resume so TLC will drop the suit. By this point, when TLC has him by the balls, they will OFFICIALLY cancel it (which I'm sure their contract permits).

    I'm no lawyer, so anyone can weight in on this: isn't the income earned AFTER the separation the property of the individual and cannot be divided equally? If they continue to share the house, I think Kate might be forced to pay the mortgage in its entirety, but I doubt she'll have to pay spousal support. The douchebag has wasted his money buying fast cars and stupid women.

  12. I absolutely love that TLC can and WILL pick up Jon Gosslin's option to keep him from working - Goober didn't think his exit plan out very carefully and since there is no show - he'll be bound by the contract but unable to work on another *tee hee* TV show. Why that ugly, chubby, tasteless, manchild thought anyone would be interested in his life or him for his own show - he's socially retarded and to me, he looks like he suffers from Down's Syndrome - plus I think he's too stupid to realize just how fucked he is, and how he's ruined his children's lives. Jon will never be able to make the child support payments to Kate or provide them with a future for all their work, there has been very little set aside for them.

    Jon you truly are the worse parent after the woman who mutilated her son for profit.

  13. So Kate wins? The show goes on as Kate + 8 and Jon ends up living with his parents? Wow, I didn't see that coming!

  14. Wow look at that body language. He's totally passive and she has literally the upper hand.

  15. I feel like The Vern should now be called The Jon of the day. He makes me want to vomit ten times more than Vern Troyer.

  16. hahaha @ ardleigh
