Monday, October 19, 2009

A Judge Makes A Joke

In my experience most judges don't really try and make many jokes. When they do try they are rarely funny but everyone feels obligated to laugh like the judge is the wittiest damn f**ker that ever lived.

In the Anna Nicole Smith trial though the judge actually did say something funny. One of the doctor's lawyers was cross-examining Larry Birkhead and Larry was discussing how the District Attorney was pissed at Larry because Larry appeared to be taking Howard Stern's side in all of this. This then led into a discussion about Dannielynn and then money Larry has made from selling pictures of her ($2M) and then that led into an attempt by the District Attorney to talk about reality shows. The judge interrupted with the comment, "I don't care about that unless it has to do with a balloon or something."


  1. Meh.

    I'm waiting for Larry and Howard's wedding announcement.

  2. Really? I have heard funnier judges. Come to VA if you are looking for bench humor.

  3. Oh lord, look at that kid. Anna Nicole 2.0.

  4. I don't get it. Is he talking about that balloon from last week?

  5. Totally Figgy. My sister and I have always suspected there's something between those two.

  6. that child needs more accessories.

  7. I think whatever may have gone on between Larry & Howard is long over. I always wondered: Did Howard like to watch?

  8. Cute remark. Nice when there can be some levity in a courtroom.

  9. LOL. That was funny!

  10. You stupid motherfucker, Ent. Why in the fuck did you have to mention Parasite Hilton? Just when I thought that she had been effectively buried by the media, you have to be a jackass and start talking about her again.

    Ent, I will make you a goddamn deal. Stop talking about Herpes Hilton and I will stop posting rude comments on your site. If we all ignore the Valtrex Vagina, it will slither away.

    You dumbass cocksucker.
