Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kardashian Burglary May Have Been Inside Job

If you have heard the cheery 911 call from Kourtney Kardashian about her recent burglary you may have started thinking this burglary may not have been everything it was cracked up to be. TMZ has gone a step further and is implying it is an inside job. Kourtney and her boyfriend Scott live in a gated community, have an alarm and were only gone for 90 minutes.

The comments section on TMZ all think it was Sean Stewart or that Scott was somehow in charge of the whole thing. I doubt it was Kourtney, but who knows about Scott or Sean. I do know that this whole burglary thing seems to be a pretty popular thing now. It is kind of like you are not relevant unless you have your placed burglarized. Now, I don't have any jewels or anything like that, but I will let any interested burglars know that if they need a futon that leans at a 45 degree angle and a bunch of empty liquor bottles that my basement is the place to go.


  1. maybe it's the purgo kid trying to collect drug delivery money owed? it's not like he hasn't done it before...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So long as the burglars keep it amongst the celebutards, let 'em have at it.

    I think they're ALL in on it. Anything to get in the tabs.

  4. color me shocked.

  5. Didn't these skanks get in trouble years ago for using a "client's" credit card to purchase clothes to resell at their store? To the tune of about $60K if I remember correctly. It turned out to be a "misunderstanding".

    They're all amoral famewhores.

  6. Amazonblue - it was between them and Brandy's mom.

  7. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Burglaries are this year's sex tape?

    I will gladly take burglaries over sex tapes of these twits.
