Thursday, October 01, 2009

Madonna On Letterman

Just when I finally decide once and for all that I really dislike Madonna, then she goes and does something like this. She was great on David Letterman last night. She was funny and charming and looked great. Well, as good as she can look anyway. She and Dave sparred like they always do which was fun, but she also seemed fairly open and honest and if Jesus has his heart set on marrying Madonna, I don' think it is going to happen.

The video has been edited so it contains nothing but the good parts. Four minutes and worth it.


  1. Wow... if she acted/looked/talked like this everyday, people would still actually like her =)

  2. This was very good. I know she's a bitch, but I love her music and how she doesn't care what people think. It may go too far, but she's still one of my favorites!

  3. Did she tell the hostess that she sounded "really bored" on the phone?

  4. Is it just me, but I got the feeling she looked somewhere at the ceiling occasionally? Monitor maybe? For her to be more "funny" and "nice"

  5. She had her arms covered up, which is a good thing.

    I love Dave, have since the 80's.

  6. She's either had A LOT of work done or she is aging strangely. Her face is starting to look a little rubbery (as opposed to tight/shiny like most lifts).

  7. I'm sure she's had work done. She never looked so good. Question: Why is she wearing a cross? Didn't she become Jewish?

  8. And I am loving that skull ring!(If I saw correctly). Lainey has some close-ups of them pizza-eating and it looks like a big honking diamond crusted skull on her left hand.

    If so, Fab-ooo!

  9. I am just happy she didn't flash her crotch. Age appropriate clothing does wonders for her. She needs to leave her face alone though. People give Kidman so much crap but I think Madonna is way worse.

  10. I don't like that "anne heche-type shit on your ex comments". But she does seem a *little* more likeable than usual. I don't like her usual self-entitled attitude. She can be a strong woman and show a little humility also. Too bad most celebrities combined doesn't have an ounce of humility. Glad she lost the faux accent, too.

  11. Carolimr: Madonna is NOT Jewish, though she likes to pretend she is (Esther, anyone?). If you pay attention, the only (famous) people who seem to have an interest in Kabbalah are nonJews. Quite trendy.

  12. I don't like Letterman, it is the worst style of interviewing on TV. It's also really hard to like Madonna because she comes across as such a bitch in most interviews. She truly thinks she is above everyone. BUT, she has released some damn fine songs over the years, so I forgive her. "Like a virgin" anyone?

  13. I can't stand Madonna but I couldn't look away from the interview. She was actually normal acting and very likable. She did tell the hostess she sounded bored!

    Love Dave. Watch him every night after my pretend boyfriend, Stephen Colbert.

  14. I love Madonna. As much as I don't want to like her, I can't help it.

  15. Wow. Madonna's face looks weird. This is the first time I've seen it moving in a very long time. I've only seen still photos. Imagine the amount of cosmetic surgery she'll have had by 2019.

  16. Wait...did she get a chin implant?

  17. She actually appeared human (as far as that's possible) during the interview and the restaurant setup.
    I have to say, I was impressed.
    (And believe me, it takes a lot for me to say that about Madonna)
    Now, if she can only keep up that personae for longer than 7 minutes.
