Monday, October 19, 2009

Maybe Paris Just Wants The Lobsters As Pets

Someone finally broke down and offered Paris Hilton a part in a movie which might actually make some money. Despite the fact that Paris will probably try and hog the limelight at the premiere of the movie The Other Guys, the producers of the movie starring Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg and Eva Mendes offered Paris a chance to play herself in the movie.

Of course she accepted, and of course there is controversy which follows her. In her demands for her one day of filming she requires several live lobsters which are to be prepared when she is hungry as well as an entire bottle of Grey Goose vodka which she will presumably drink and not re-gift as a Christmas present.

I don't understand why someone who is lucky as hell to just be given the chance to play herself isn't a little more grateful. Does everything have to be about her? Apparently it does. The filming was supposed to be a secret so that audiences would be surprised when they first watched the movie. So much for surprises. On her Twitter, Paris announced her role and talked about her costume fitting. After someone yelled at her the post was removed.


  1. Maybe there is still time to dump her from the movie. Why would they want her in the first place. She is over.

  2. What's the name of the movie so I an avoid it?

  3. why hasn't THIS one crashed and burned yet? Maybe the lobsters will stage a revolt and get rid of her for us....

  4. Paris is yesterday's news, a has-been. By the time the movie comes out, the last person desperately clinging to her because of her fame will have moved on to the next faux-celeb.

  5. She can barely buy publicity these days. Whatever stunt she needs to pull to get attention, she will.

    To be quite frank, I am a little shocked at the quietness. I expected a "robbery", new sex tape, "marriage", or a pregnancy announcement by now to get herself magazine covers.

  6. She's such a dumbass.

    Are we sure she's the A-list socialite in Friday's blinds? I got nothing, but I just don't feel like she's A-list any longer. Thank Gawd.

  7. Why is she famous??? Why does she get work? Everyone says they hate her and that she can't do anything, but somewhere, there must be a demand for her because she keeps f***ing turning up everywhere!!!

  8. uuuughh... i usually look forward to will ferrell movies... not this one now.

  9. You know, there's an awful lot of people out there getting screwed out of their 15 minutes because of her.

  10. I thought she'd curled up and gone away--hadn't heard anything about her for awhile.

    I wish a pack of angry dogs would attack her face in revenge for the dogs she let DIE in the closet, leaving her a maimed recluse.

  11. I would leave her part in the film on the cutting room floor and 'forget' to tell her.

  12. Oh, Christ. So sick of her. How many times has she "played herself" now? It's no longer funny, if it ever was.

  13. Ugh. Disappointed in Ferrell and Wahlberg for giving this parasite any screen time.

  14. I blame the dumb ass person who keeps hiring her.

    I wish a pack of dogs would maul her too but I'm afraid of what they'd catch FROM her. Poor puppies.

  15. Anonymous1:08 PM

    She just won't shut up.I swear she must have co-invented Twitter.

  16. She's such a has-been. Even "UsWeekly" never writes about her anymore. I am quite sure she knows it, too-remember the story a few months ago about how she went to court for something and only three paparazzi showed up? There used to be throngs of paps following her everywhere. No way does she not realize how over she is. She's desperate and will take any publicity she can get, thus the "OMG look at Paris's outrageous demands!" story obviously sent from her own camp. Too bad for Paris that this story will blow over by tomorrow.

  17. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Maybe we might get lucky and the lobster had some mercury lol.

  18. Doubt Will and Mark had any say in casting.
    Just another film I won't see.

  19. Alice's in the first paragraph: "The Other Guys".

    Paris is such a dumb whore. Twittering a secret. HA!

  20. WAIT what? I thought she wasn't allowed here??!! Say it ain't so, Enty! I was sure this wonderful corner of the internet was completely Paris free! *sob* Make her go away, she's scaring the children!

  21. You stupid motherfucker, Ent. Why in the fuck did you have to mention Parasite Hilton? Just when I thought that she had been effectively buried by the media, you have to be a jackass and start talking about her again.

    Ent, I will make you a goddamn deal. Stop talking about Herpes Hilton and I will stop posting rude comments on your site. If we all ignore the Valtrex Vagina, it will slither away.

  22. Yeah scrote, Ent looks bad....right....
