Friday, October 30, 2009

Miley Cyrus And Quickies

The people over at People who are the people in charge of making headlines really need to look at what the people at People who are typing the headlines are writing, or at least the way they space things. I was paging through People because I was waiting for some people and I saw this headline that some people at People had made.

Miley Cyrus Dishes on Her Quickie Sex and the City Shoot

There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with that headline as is right? Well this is how it appeared on their site.

Miley Cyrus Dishes on Her Quickie Sex
and the City

I was like whoa. She is talking about quickie sex? Really? I mean I know she is dating teenagers and perhaps they can't pull off the full three minutes like I can, but still, is this appropriate for a 16 year old to be talking about. All this came rushing through my head and then I saw the next line. Then I hit my hand to my head, and said, well maybe I can write something about it anyway and use the word people a lot and then use a bunch of innuendo at the end to make it even more dirty and inappropriate.


  1. Totally a purposeful headline and totally offside. Shame on kneepads.

  2. Maybe someone secretly hates her there.

  3. ita. shame on kneepads.

    now if only i can get my head to stop the 'people' spinning... ;)

  4. I saw that too and had the same thought. It provided a good chuckle for the afternoon.

  5. It doesn't look like that on my screen. Only "shoot" is on the second line.

    Still, I HATE's headlines -- or, actually, the stupid "stories" they cover.

    "Taylor & Taylor's Week of Togetherness" - Holy shit. Really? Who the eff cares?

    "Jon Gosselin's Girlfriend Says He Throws 'Mantrums'" - OMG, is that REALLY a story?

    There usually are some real doozies, but they change so quickly that they're gone now.

  6. I have this image in my mind of Miley channeling Isla Fisher's character from Wedding Crashers.
    I betcha there a lot we don't know about the lil' gal.

  7. hahahahahahah...LOVE this one Enty!!

  8. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Making love, making love for threeeeee. . . minutes. :) hahaha - Happy Halloweenie Enty!

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I have enjoyed watching SATC when it was on HBO even though I didn't like SJP but I think this time I will skip the movie since Hillbilly Cyrus will be coming out.

  10. Very purposeful on Kneepads' part. I doubt Miley objected, though. Probably not her parents either.

  11. Shit. Here's a new genius headline on there this afternoon:
    Kim Kardashian Settles on Three (or Four) Halloween Costumes

    The ultimate who-fucking-cares story.

    How do they look themselves in the mirror every morning?

  12. It doesn't mean a quickie as in sex...It not that hard to read it and understand that.

    Miley was on the SHOW for a QUICK appearance. They aren't talking about her having quickies...they're talking about her staring on the show for a cameo.

    You're making a deal of nothing.
