Friday, October 09, 2009

Ralph Lauren Finally Admits They Retouched Photo

Last month when the photo above was first posted, Ralph Lauren didn't say there was anything wrong with it and also refused to say whether it was retouched. Further, they said even if it had been retouched they were not the ones responsible. Well, after a month of getting hammered by the site Boing Boing, Ralph Lauren finally came clean and admitted they had retouched the image and yes, it was their fault.

This is what the company had to say. "For over 42 years, we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman’s body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our brand appropriately."
So, basically what they are saying is that the world caught them in a lie and now what they will do is make sure they can find some models who actually look like that picture. I am beyond disgusted they altered a photo like that and how they have this vision that everyone in the world needs to look like a cracked out Lindsay Lohan or like they are walking on sticks like Tori Spelling. That is not how people look. People come in all shapes and sizes and they sell clothes in all shapes and sizes so it isn't like this is new to them. Why can't you have models of all shapes and sizes in your catalogs? The picture in the middle is how the model really looks.


  1. Who the Hell would think that looks natural ? Jesus

  2. This is disturbing on so many levels.

  3. Anonymous11:11 AM

    I am so glad a website called them out of this. It is just disgusting. There are very, very few - if any - women who look like that naturally.
    The model in real life is obviously stunning. Photoshop was not needed.

  4. Wow. You can actually see where the rest of her waist should be/was - that's just sick. Ralph Lauren - you're on my shit list.

  5. "After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman’s body".

    They needed to FURTHER INVESTIGATE to come to that conclusion?

    Is everyone at Ralph Lauren visually impaired or do they just not remember what a real life human female is like?

  6. Jesus. That first pic is truly AWFUL. One foot in the grave and another on a banana peel is what I'd call it.

  7. They made the poor model look horrible, distorted and very unhealthy! Are they trying to say, "Our clothes will make you look like a tweeker"? No thank you! She looks great in the untouched picture and they should have left her image alone.

  8. I'm thinking maybe it was done by the graphic designer as a joke/social comment, and no one noticed.

  9. *add ralph lauren to douche list along w/ peeps that support polanski*

  10. This is sickening. The model is beautiful and healthy looking.

    On a slightly different note, a pet hate is the argument that clothes look better on a super skinny model. But aren't these super world class designers? Surely they can use their skill to make the clothes look good on a normal human woman too? Or is that just too much like hard work? Or maybe they are only super designers for paper clothes on cut out paper dolls. Grr. It makes me so mad, that our young women are shown such a distorted, horrible ïdeal of beauty. Sorry, I'll stop ranting now.

  11. The model looks healthy and normal in the real picture, IMO.

    I know it's a business and Ralph Lauren is at the top of it, but really - her looks are her revenue, and if the company distorted them, can't she sue?? I mean, what another company looked at that and said "Not the image we want toproject, hire someone else."

  12. I think the arguement that clothes look better on super skinnies has something to do with them being human coat hangers. I think the lines and the cut are displayed better on women/men who have no weight to them.

  13. Sorry about the spelling. I am spelling challenged today. That or my fingers go to fast and I don't edit. I wish there was en edit option.

  14. Well, you really can't see what she looks like in the real picture. And when I googled her I kept coming up with bulimia. The whole situation is just sad.

  15. Anyone who might have believed that first picture was "real" would have to be on some serious drugs. That image is straight out of The Nightmare Before Christmas.

  16. it looks like she has (i don't know how to spell it) scholeosis??? sorry for the bad spelling...they cut it way it on the left and not on the right, they didn't even make it look even.

  17. and another thing....i hate bullshit like: further investigation. that's just pr bullshit speak for: we didn't want to admit any wrongdoing but we were forced to because we got caught redhanded and we won't be talking any more about it..unless we are forced to do so..or unless we get caught doing more shady shit...coz if we don't, then don't expect to hear from us.

  18. What is sad is everyone here has said the same thing. In the 2nd picture the girl is beautiful! The 1st picture is sick and yet tv and runways never change. Magazines never change either. Most people agree (personality not withstanding) that Beyonce is stunning and she's got curves. So why, if this is what we all want to see, do they keep shoving these super skinny models in front of us as if it is reality?

  19. Well I just had a cheeseburger and fries fries...and it's staying down. If it adds a pound to the existing many pounds, so be it.

    So EFF OFF, Ralphie. And you can shove your stupid, overpriced, label-whoring crap.

  20. ..ahem, that was supposed to be only ONE side of fries...

    hee hee, not a Freudian slip there!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I don't think curvy is what we all want to see.

    People differ in shape and size, and to say that curvy is beautiful and good and thin is ugly and bad is just as wrong as saying that thin is beautiful and good and curvy is ugly and bad.

    As long as the models are healthy, there should not be such judgements on how beautiful and desirable a certain type of figure is, and the implication that everyone else that does not fit the mould is less attractive.

  23. did they print the first pix? but every one see it's a photoshopped pix,no one can't believe it's true

  24. The top photo looks like the tall alien that came out of the saucer at the end of Close Encounters! That's not a normal human figure! Ralph Lauren es un Bastardo!

  25. The only way any woman could look like the first picture is to have ribs removed. I found it uneven and scary and obviously photoshopped.

  26. Maybe it's time one of these designers follow in the foot steps of Dove and use "real people" instead of coke whores and photo shop. People have responded well to it and we all applauded Nicole Eggert the other day.

    How are we supposed to buy clothes that we look at on skinny models when I have to look at the same thing on my saddle bags and beer belly??

    I shopped with a tall, thin friend last time we went to New York and every time we tried on clothes I was mortified seeing them on myself after they looked perfect on her.

    Short and chunky will never be in again! Dammit!

  27. Anonymous2:12 PM

    i look exactly like nicole eggert in a two piece and seeing that the other day made me feel a lot better than i ever did about my shape.

    ralph can suck balls, i hear he likes it anyway.

  28. LOL @ selenakyle... I'll take the second helping of those fries!

    Really, would anyone viewing that ad truly believe that's what the model looked like without digital enhancement? It's not only an obvious Photoshop, but a bad one at that.

    It's a sick distortion of what someone felt would best display and market the clothing to the appropriate group. Unfortunately, young (and most in general) women have had it ingrained in their minds that stick thin is sexy and beautiful; this is the LAST thing that needed to be published as an advertisement for a high-end retail clothing line.

    The 'real' model is gorgeous on her own, and would've done the clothing a great deal of justice.

    Sorry! Rant over!

  29. Never buying Ralph Lauren ever again. Ever1

  30. GTFOH!

    She looks FANTASTIC! She needs no enhancements

    And they retouched it to look like that?

    She looks like she's knocking on death's door in the RL ad

    When will they learn that REAL people have no aspirations to look that way?

    If that's how I'll look wearing RL, I'll pass...

  31. Wow! I missed that originally. That poor child looks like she is being seen through a circus fun house mirror!

    I can't believe .. no .. wait .. I was about to say I can't believe Ralph Lauren saw nothing wrong with that. But I bet that is their ideal woman.

    Sick .. Sick .. Sick ..

  32. I wonder how the model felt when she was that distorted photoshoped imaged of herself... I mean, I'd be thinking "Wow, didn't I look good enough to leave well enough alone???"
    R.L.'s a prissy shit! Methinks it's been so long since he's seen a naked woman, he's forgotten what one actually looks like...
