Thursday, October 01, 2009

Sesame Street Meets Mad Men

When Sesame Street decides they want to recreate your show with Muppets does this mean your show has jumped the shark or that Sesame Street is trying to attract new viewers by getting their parents to come over and watch. I haven't decided but I think it is pretty cool to see Sesame Street trying new things to attract viewers. No drinking, smoking or sex in the Sesame Street version of the show.


  1. I guess Miss Piggies gets a dye-job to red?

  2. Pretty hilarious, especially the opening. Although I'm not sure there's much educational value here.

  3. Aww, that's so cute.

    ben46 - It's educational. The men are repeating adjectives that most infants and toddlers learn at that age: men, mad, sad and happy. They're also showing the meaning of those words by their reactions to the pictures.

  4. Love the opening sequence!

    Sesame Street has done similar things in the past, it's just hidden jokes to make moms and dads laugh, and make Sesame Street a bit more relevant.

    Agree with Karmen about how it's educational.

  5. They did a Law and Order spoof that was very funny.

  6. Yeah, the L&O SVU skit was good too. It's amazing how many celebs show up on SS. I wonder if they get paid for it.

  7. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Ugh, can there be a moratorium on the phrase "Jump the shark?" It's so annoying.

  8. Silly me, I was expecting something dark, sexy & riddled with metaphors.

    I do love the overly pink muppet though.

  9. Ahhhhhhhhh. So cute. I haven't seen Sesame Street in years. My kids are all grown up, but I spent many mornings with the muppets.

  10. Anonymous6:48 PM

    They did 30 Rocks yesterday.

  11. "Syncophants?" "Emotional rollercoaster?"

    For kids who are just learning the meaning of "mad" "sad" and "happy"?
